Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1783: Xijian Chunxue

She cried so loudly: "Mom, don't you want to be my mother anymore?"

"Mingyue, don't cry. I'm still your mother. If Mingyue is bullied, my mother will avenge you, okay?"

"Then mom, you won't come back." Qi Mingyue said while crying.

Ruan Xihe was a little helpless.

"Yueyue, I have broken up with your father. Mingyue must be so smart that she knows what it means to break up, right?"

"I know, oooooo, but, but I'm so sad, mother, I miss you."

"Mingyue is obedient and doesn't cry, so be it. If you don't have tutoring during Mingyue's winter and summer vacations, mom will pick you up to play in the Shanghai stock market, okay?"


The children nowadays are all ghosts and ghosts.

It's really uncomfortable.

The call took more than 20 minutes to hang up.

Although Ruan Xihe didn't want to give birth, he was still very gentle with cute cubs. Mingyue was obedient and smart, and he looked cute. It was not surprising that she could be favored by her.

044 After doing business, he began to search for places to study where to play with Ruan Xihe. This will have determined the position.

As soon as Ruan Xihe put down the phone, it immediately spoke.

"Go to country h with us. It's close, and it's easy to come back. Go eat kimchi."

"Yes." It is rare for 044 to take the initiative to go out to play, she must agree to it.

"Then we will leave tomorrow?" The data in the sea of ​​consciousness is running fast.

"It won't work tomorrow, I just came back, I have to deal with things, Feng Yu and Rui Rui, I also have to go and see."

"Then the day after tomorrow?"

Ruan Xihe laughed softly: "Are you so worried?"

"I'm looking forward to it!"

Ruan Xihe responded, then called Feng Yu and asked her to come out for a gathering tomorrow.

They happily agreed, but she still had some work to do, so she had to come out in the afternoon. Ruan Xihe made an appointment with her to pick her up from get off work at noon.

After Sister Wen came up busy, she said that she was going to play in country h the day after tomorrow.

"Just let you rest here, are you going out now?"

"Hey, go for a walk while you're young, otherwise you won't want to go out when you're older."

Ruan Xihe is relatively optimistic about life.

For women, once they are rich, as long as they don’t get hurt by men, there is probably nothing to worry about, right?

What's more, to the level of Ruan Xihe's wealth.

"Go for a drink tonight?"

"No, keep in good health, Sister Wen, you can stay up late lately, and you are still active at three or four o'clock." Ruan Xihe teased her.

"Recently I talked to a kid who knows how to play. I found a nice bar. I wanted to take you there tonight."

It is a pity to hear the bird Yi.

"Go to Zhenger Bajing for a meal, and then let's press a motorcycle. Today, the plane is tiring."



Ruan Xihe didn't stay in the deep sea mermaid for long, so he always had to visit the clubhouse and the construction site.

Wenqueyi is busy first, and eats together again at night.

Zhou Cong drove the car and was already waiting at the gate of Deep Sea Mermaid.

This is a special VIP car that is placed in the clubhouse.

Rolls-Royce's golden figure is very beautiful.

It was sultry and hot in June, and she felt a heat wave as soon as she went out.

Zhou Cong hurriedly put the umbrella on top of her head, acting very skillfully, just like the original.

Get in the car before talking, it's too hot outside.

I felt sweaty from just such a short distance.

"And Miss, go to the clubhouse or the construction site first?"

It's going to be too hot, so go to the club first, and wait for the sun to turn down at four or five o'clock before going to the construction site.

"Go to the club first."


After getting off the car, he followed Ruan Xihe's footsteps and held an umbrella for her.

It happened that a group of bosses came to play at this time, and saw that the upstart Zhou Congzhou in Shanghai actually opened an umbrella to a young girl. I was surprised that they were rich bosses in surrounding cities and they were spending money on Hexi One recently. Very fierce.

"Yeah, Mr. Zhou, girlfriend!"

A boss came over and laughed and joked, but he didn't dare to glance at him. The director Zhou of Shanghai Stock Exchange and Xiyi No.1 is also a ruthless character. If he is not ruthless, they don't dare to mess around.

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