Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1786: Xijian Chunxue

"The person you rescued just now received 100,000 from the bank three days ago."

A layer of coolness suddenly appeared in Ruan Xi and his eyes.

The most disgusting thing is that there is a ghost.

"I found that their transaction information was that he fell down on the second floor and injured a leg, and then found a relationship there and stopped our project. But this person was too careless and he accidentally fell down on the third floor." 044 After the investigation, I was also sighed. The first floor here is more than four meters. The person who fell from the second floor has a high probability of not being able to die, and the probability of falling from the third floor is likely to not live. This is far from it.

Fortunately, Ruan Xihe pulled him, otherwise, there is a real dead person on the construction site, and the project here has to stop 100%.

"Which one did it?"

"dream home."

This is the largest furniture city in the Shanghai stock market now, tusk.

Zhou Cong and Ah Da brought people down and found nothing.

"Zhou Cong, please call the police directly, and take these cards to the nearby bank to get me 1 million." What you found out in the wild cannot be handed in as evidence. The best way is to let the Patrol Bureau itself To check.


"In addition, work is stopped today, foreman, you call me all the workers on the site, and the supervisor will show me the labor contracts of all the workers."



Several of Ah Da’s subordinates had the foresight, so they moved chairs and tables over there to let Ruan Xi sit together.

She said thank you, and then sat down.

Looking up, the building is still hollow, but the progress is indeed fast.

A group of people rushed over mightily.

When the real boss looks so beautiful, many people are at a loss, after all, they are dirty.

Ruan Xihe looked at them with the warmest smile.

"Everyone has worked hard."

This is a very simple sentence, but from Ruan Xihe's words, many workers have inexplicably hot eyes.

044 has started scanning, check if there are any ghosts in it.

Ruan Xihe took the trumpet handed by the foreman and stood on the chair to speak.

"To call everyone here today is just to say a few words. I am always straight and protect my calf. Since everyone is on this construction site, they are all my people. During this period, I will feel the same pain as you do. Of course, if you have difficulties and are desperate, I will personally help you with donations that should be donated on the construction site. However, while giving everyone convenience, I also hope that some people will not be confused by temporary benefits. Now The Internet is so developed that you have collected money from others to do bad things to frame the base and shut down the project. Don’t you think it’s impossible to patrol it?"

"Yes, you are a person who has benefited. What do you let everyone who work with you do? The project is suspended and no wages are paid. Do you let everyone starve to death by drinking Northwest Wind?"

"Of course, you won’t spend much money with your money. I will put it here today. If anyone dares to use their brains, I still have some connections with Ruan Xihe. I definitely need to find evidence to send you in. Eat prison food."

As soon as the words fell, those with ghosts in their hearts softened their legs.

Zhou Cong came back with a few password boxes.

Put things on the table.

There are a total of 2,000 workers in front of them, one by one silent.

"Now, I give you five minutes to think about it. If you admit it yourself and don't commit any more in the future, I can leave it alone."

After saying this, the scene became a little restless.

Ah Da began to pinch the watch to count down.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

No one stood up.

But 044 has found all the inner ghosts, except for the one rescued by Ruan Xihe, there are three others who have collected money.

"Time is up, well, since no one admits it, then we are like this." Ruan Xihe chuckled and asked Zhou Cong to open the box.

The two full boxes of money made the workers look stupid.

Ruan Xihe took out 50,000 yuan from the inside and patted it on the table: "Report what you know, I will give 50,000 yuan for a clue."

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