Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1799: Xijian Chunxue

She took a step back in a panic.

His chest was ups and downs, and his words flustered: "Thank the president for sending me, I, come back, I'm back, the president pay attention to safety!"

Ruan Xihe covered his heart and hurried to the elevator.

Such a flustered and shy look is even more exciting to watch.


It rained all night

When I got up in the morning, I felt that the air was much fresher.

Ruan Xihe was very sleepy when he came to work. After playing games at 6 o'clock last night, he slept for an hour and a half, and then he had to get up to wash and brush his teeth to go to work.

In the office

"How is she?"

"Miss Xizhen is not in good condition, she is very sleepy." When Cui Ensheng came just now, he saw Ruan Xihe lying in the office asleep.

Park Jae Hyung pursed his lips.

He didn't sleep well last night, always thinking about this hug in the office and... looking at each other in the corridor.

"Okay, I see, you can go out and take this to Miss Quan Hee Jin."

Park Jae Hyung pushed past a box.

Cui Eunsheng smiled: "Okay, Chairman."

It was noon when I woke up.

What's going on recently, I always feel tired and tired, and when I was carrying things a few days ago, I always felt that I didn't have much energy.

"He and I know what your sequelae are at this stage."


"Jiaoer is weak."

Ruan Xihe:......

Why does this sequelae sound particularly unsound?

Forget it, maybe I'm too dirty.

She stretched her waist and was about to go to the cafeteria to eat.

Cui Ensheng came over and told her that the chairman said that she should eat on the top floor in the future and not to go down.


"Ms. Hee Jin, you are too ostentatious to go down."

"I feel unassuming."

"Miss Hee Jin, the chairman is waiting for you in the office, lunch is ready."

Ruan Xihe:......

Sure enough, it was the first secretary, and the arrangement for her was plain and clear.

"And this, the president asked me to bring it to you."


"You can open it and take a look."

She opened the box with a pair of white soft calfskin high heels.

He pursed his lips: "I can't take this."

"The things that the president gives away are never taken back. If you don't like it, you can throw it away."

Ruan Xihe had no choice but to accept it.

"Then you help me and the president and say thank you."

"You are going in for dinner soon, you can express your gratitude to the chairman directly."

Ruan Xihe:......

She went to Park Jae Hyung.

The man raised his head and motioned for her to come and eat together.

The two were silent.

"Are you afraid of me?"

"Don't dare."

"Why don't you talk to me."

"No, am I talking with the president?"

"Have a meal."

She doesn't eat slowly, but she looks good.

Ruan Xihe is not a particularly hardworking person, but she understands the rules. After eating other people's meals here, you have to clean up. Alas, it's really not convenient to eat in the cafeteria.

"Someone will pick it up there, so you don't have to move."

Park Jae Hyung stopped her.

"By the way, thank you for the high heels of the president. They are very beautiful."


"Then, I'll go out first."

She smiled at Park Jae Hyung.

"Take this one."

He handed Ruan Xi and a box.

Ruan Xihe looked like a necklace, and President Park's shots were probably not ordinary things.

The two have nothing to do now, this thing can't be accepted.

"President, is this?"

"Necklace, for you."

"I can't take it, the shoes are already very expensive, this."

"Miss Quan Xizhen, I am pursuing you." He interrupted Ruan Xihe's refusal, looked at her eyes, and said every word seriously.

She opened her eyes instantly and looked very surprised.

044: ...It must be like this

"If you don't accept it, do you want to wait for me to bring it to you?"

She quickly took what was in Park Jae Hyung's hand and hurried out.

The expression on his face slowly softened.

Nothing to do again this afternoon.

She went to the pantry to make coffee. The top floor was full of male secretaries and male assistants. The funny thing was that she was the only woman.

So now the pantry is also very lively.

Although Ruan Xihe has come to work for almost half a month, she basically does not leave the office. She is stuck at get off work, and leaves work earlier than any of them. Everyone has no chance to meet such a beautiful beauty.

Before in the cafeteria, I could take the opportunity to look a few more and talk.

But today I don't know what's going on, and the beauty didn't go to the cafeteria.

However, it's not bad to be able to encounter it in the pantry now.

"Miss Hee Jin, I like you very much. Can you give me a chance and let me take care of you." A handsome young man in the secretary department seized the opportunity and confessed quickly.

"She can't." A majestic and indifferent voice sounded from the door.

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