Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1801: Xijian Chunxue

He supported the wall with one hand and replied very seriously: "Smell, body shape, appearance, and conversation, I think it is not an incomprehensible thing to like you."

She is like a collection, not a gray pearl, but the kind of beauty that is amazing at a glance.

Although this is a bit superficial, who doesn't see it at the first glance? Why do you always say that the first impression is important? If you don't like it at first glance, then 70% of people probably don't want to understand the inside of the other person.

Ruan Xihe's beauty and temperament belong to the ceiling level.

Therefore, Park Jae Hyung’s compliment is actually very advanced.

After all, which woman does not like to be praised?

She couldn't help but laughed, her lips rose a little, and her beautiful eyes were full of fascinating things.

His eyes fell on her red lips with lip gloss. The corners of the lips naturally rose, and the lip lines were so light that they could not be seen. In the side of the slightly opened lips, it seemed that her small white teeth could be seen faintly. The lip gloss wraps the lip flesh, and the lips are extremely delicate.

Everything seemed to be sending a signal to Park Jae Hyung.

His uncontrollable Adam's apple rolled slightly.

"So, can Miss Jeon Hee Jin be with me?"

"I." She looked a little hesitant, her shell teeth pressed her lips, and there was always a shocking and trustworthy feeling in the arc that she pressed down.

Park Jae-hyung even felt jealous. It was herself who bit her lower lip with jealousy.

"Try it, okay?" He bent down slightly, his eyes parallel to her.

Her hand was better against Park Jae Hyung, and she looked a bit like she wanted to refuse.

"Okay?" His lips were getting closer and closer to him, and the tips of their noses were already pressed together.

Ruan Xihe became more and more unnatural, his cheeks flushed, and his face slightly turned sideways.

Park Jae-hyung was not upset either, his nose pressed against her side face, and his breath fell on her face.

It's so fragrant.

Ruan Xihe's eyelashes trembled fiercely, and his breathing was a little unstable.

The more shy and fearful you are, the more you can evoke the secret thoughts in people's hearts.

He really wanted to seduce her with beautiful male tricks, but even he himself did not expect that at this juncture, he was the first to be seduced.

Park Jae Hyung squeezed her chin and forced her to look at him.

Immediately, she pressed her lips gently, her arms began to tighten, and the man's teacherless self-tightening displayed vividly at this moment.


Her hand was still pushing back at first, and slowly, losing her strength, she could only push it vainly.

Who would have thought that the first kiss between two people would have kissed for five or six minutes.

He is like a domineering aggressor, trying to **** all the air in her mouth.

Park Jae Hyung held her back and asked in a hoarse voice in her ear: "We are dating, Hee Hee."

She kissed, she could only agree with a blushing face.

Park Jae Hyung seemed relaxed, but after she really agreed, the heart that had been holding it was let go.

Then came the sweetness and joy inch by inch.

I liked her a bit poisonously, but now I don't know how to describe it. I just feel that her eyes, eyebrows, and nose are what I like.

He touched the corner of her mouth: "You will be mine from now on. Don't be so close to other men. I'm jealous."

She pursed her small mouth: "President Park just set the rules for me as soon as he was dating!"

"Yes, I don't allow you to smile at other men, you are not allowed to talk to them, and you are not allowed to be close to them."

"Then what do I do?" she asked curiously.

"Then I will punish you."

"How to punish?"

"You'll know later." He didn't say, fearing to scare her, punishing her for always...

"President, me."

"Also called the chairman?"

"Then what is my name?"

He bowed his head and said something in her ear.

Ruan Xihe blushed instantly.

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