Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1803: Xijian Chunxue

"Jedao Development Zone Project..."

Park Jae Hyung was already a little confused behind him.

He hugged the person and said to the other end of the phone: "Sorry, I have something to do now. Okay, I will contact you later."

After hanging up the phone, Ruan Xihe wanted to run, but it was too late.

The naughty bad boy got the punishment she deserved.

She finally got off the person and ran back to her office.

After coming back, she began to study this mission carefully.

1. Stay in love for 3 months

2. During the relationship, Park Jae Hyung must spend 10 billion dollars in shopping

3. The arrogant and domineering Xiao Jiaojiao has achieved the achievement of bullying and bullying 3 times

4. Quarreled three times and ran away from home three times successfully

5. Don't drop the vest during the relationship

Ruan Xihe felt that this mission was full of huge slots. It cost a man 10 billion in three months. Is this something normal people can do?

Thinking about it in another way, if my girlfriend spends 10 billion in three months, she must mutter in her heart, she is too prodigal, and it is not easy to make money on her own. What is the concept of 100 million? Ruan Xihe will not fail. I'll give you flowers, but if you feel bad, you will definitely feel bad.

The others are okay, she thinks they are all petty.

"Why, do you have to spend this second task?"

"Yes, isn't it written on it."

Ruan Xihe: ...Suddenly I feel more worried

She doesn't care if she has a small amount of money, and the big money will definitely be paid back to the other party.

It is said that Yan Fufeng gave herself a manor back then, and she made up several projects for him later, and many places also helped with management.

Now comes a 10 billion mission, she still has to make up for Park Jae Hyung in the end, so in fact, this mission costs her own money...

Mad, it hurts to think about it.

The prodigal daughter Ruan Xihe.

Alas, we need to consider how to do this task properly...

Jiang Zhenxian sent her a message.

Ruan Xihe clicked and took a look. Yo, their personnel department is a newcomer.

Before, Jiang Zhenxian often complained about the little brother that their department did not take out. Today, one happened to come here, with red lips and white teeth, and a fat baby. He looks soft and fun.

As a new sister, Jiang Zhenxian urged Ruan Xihe to look down.

The personnel department is on the sixth floor, so it's easy to get down.

She thought that she was watching a drama in the office anyway, and it didn't matter if she went down for a while...As for the purpose, in case she was caught, she said she would go to see Jiang Zhenxian.

Taking a pack of Langweixian in the drawer, and stuffing a few chocolates into her pocket by the way, she sneaked down the elevator downstairs.

Jiang Zhenxian was waiting for her on the sixth floor.

The personnel department is different from the translation room, it is very busy!

Everyone walked in a hurry, one by one, as if they were screwed up.

"Everyone is very busy!" Ruan Xihe looked at Jiang Zhenxian, nothing more than, why are you still thinking about seeing a handsome guy?

Jiang Zhenxian smiled wryly: "The main reason is to let Sister Hee Jin take a look and get to know if you like."

Unexpectedly, that little boy just came out, he was taken aback when he saw Ruan Xihe.

The fundus of the eye is unexpectedly stunning.

But when he recovered, he looked at Jiang Zhenxian's conditioned reflex and said, "Sister."

Ruan Xihe:......

Okay, let's just talk about how she is so active.

I treat you as a friend, but you want to be my sister-in-law!


After work, she was about to leave with her bag, and was cut off by Park Jae-hyung, a new boyfriend.

She was always held in her arms in the car.

"President Park, I can sit by myself."

"I want to hold you."

"Your legs are too hard."

"You have to get used to it."

Ruan Xihe pursed her lips, her face is a little red, is she splitting her mind?

Why does she think this is silly?

"What are you used to?" She bit her lip, her voice trembling slightly.

The man chuckled softly, and his Adam's apple rolled slightly, and he spoke softly in her ear: "Hard."

.................................................. ..........................................

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