Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1809: Xijian Chunxue

She shook her head vigorously, and quickly put away her flattery.

It's only a few days now, so I can't mess around.

Park Jae Hyung didn't really want to do anything, just seeing her delicate and sticky appearance teased her.

"I was wrong." Her voice was as thin as a mosquito and she was buried in his arms, not giving people a chance to make trouble.

Park Jae Hyung gave a chuckle and kissed her sideways: "Okay, I'm teasing you, sit down."

She sat down obediently.

"Obba~ It's dark outside."

"You little lazy cat can sleep too much." He squeezed the little girl's face lightly.

"Anyway, obba earns money to support me, people don't need to work hard." She hooked Park Jae Hyung's neck.

There was a smile in his eyes: "Okay, support you."

"Let's go to the movies tonight." How can we not go to the movies together?


"Then I'm going to buy movie tickets." Ruan Xihe took out his mobile phone to buy tickets, but Park Jae Hyung held him down.

"I come."

He called Cui Ensheng, and he was interrupted by Ruan Xihe as soon as he finished booking.

"Obba has to watch a movie with a lot of people. Only the two of us always feel empty."

Only then did Park Jae-hyung dispel the idea of ​​chartering the venue and changed it to a VIP room to book two tickets.

Today, Park Jae-hyung was going out and didn't let the driver drive. The two went hand in hand.

There is also a Bentley parked in the garage.

It is always inconvenient for him to go out and drive too long by himself.

Ruan Xihe's high-heeled sandals are thin straps to be hooked up. When she was approaching the car, the shoelaces were opened.

When she was about to squat down and hang the strap back, Park Jae-hyung grabbed her wrist and said, "I'm coming."

He picked up the people and put Ruan Xihe on the hood of the car.

She bent her legs, Park Jae Hyung half-bended to help her lace up her shoes.

Park Jae-hyung had a handsome face with a deep outline with a memory point. With his gentleman's behavior, she looked a little lost.

The little girl's calves and feet are very beautiful, white and delicate, and red nail polish is painted on the toenails.

The temperature of Park Jae-hyung's palm was very hot. She was just tying a shoelace, but she curled up her toes shyly.

To be honest, these actions are a bit sultry.

Park Jae Hyung was so pleased by her cute appearance that he laughed low.

After he helped her tie the belt, he kissed her lightly on her calf, which was very religious and precious.

Then he picked up his princess and went to the co-pilot.


The two went shopping and eating like ordinary young lovers. Unlike his high-profile father, Park Jae-hyung acted very low-key and rarely appeared in front of the media, so he was not worried about being recognized on the street.

During the meal, a young couple next door was asking about their souls three times and gave Ruan Xihe a smile.

The first question is "Will you always love me?"

There is no constant love. When the love reaches the end, it becomes a responsibility and a habit if it becomes better, and it is almost tired, tired, and no longer in love.

The second question is "Will you always treat me well?"

That very popular sentence is like this: If I want you to spend money with you, it’s me **** it, if I want you to look like you are with you, it’s also me **** it, but I want you to treat me well and be with you. I deserve to die.

Understand, why do you ask a man if you will always treat me well? Meaningless questions. When you want to ask this question, you should shake your head first and pour out the water in your mind. Only if you love yourself in this world, you will always be good to yourself.

The third question is "Will you marry me?"

How sad is the girl who asked this question?

The person who wants to marry you does not need you to ask, he himself will give you enough sense of security. Only when there is a sense of insecurity and the love is shaken, you will eagerly want to get this question from him. answer.

Ruan Xihe took a sip of the juice in his glass.

Hearing the man's answer, he curled his lips and smiled.

The man said: "Of course I will always love you, always be nice to you, and I will definitely marry you."

When she heard the little girl smiling happily, she sighed to herself as a silly girl.


If you marry someone, you will regret it if you marry. The most relaxed status in the world is your daughter, and the most bitter status is your wife.

Park Jae Hyung also heard the conversation at the next table.

Seeing Ruan Xihe looked thoughtful, thinking that his girlfriend was in love with the scene, he got up, walked over to her and sat down: "I will marry you."

Ruan Xihe: ...what! ? ! !

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