Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1822: Xijian Chunxue

"I'll show it to you at night."

"Ah, what? Obba is really foul." She pouted and said.

The man gave a low laugh.

Leading the little girl in, because the position was booked in advance, and he was a familiar face, the welcoming waiter took the two directly from the door to the designated position.

He knew that Ruan Xihe was impatient to order, so he naturally reported a few meal names and also served several desserts that she liked.

Park Jae-hyung is still very particular about eating, the dishes ordered are delicious and exquisite.

Ruan Xihe is fine except that he doesn't eat too much spicy.

So she can eat it with anyone.

You have to sit face to face when you eat here.

Ruan Xihe inadvertently complained: "If you want to sit next to obba, you can lean on it when you are tired."

"Then we will eat in another restaurant."

"Eh, no need, it's too much trouble, let's do this today." Ruan Xihe just said casually.

"After that, I will take you to another restaurant to eat, not this kind of thing anymore."


The tables and chairs in the restaurant here are fixed, and he can't move even if he wants to operate it.

"Obba, I want to eat that!" Ruan Xihe saw the children at the table next door put on a children's set meal, which was very delicate and cute.

The white children’s ceramic dinner plate is small but very cute, and there are two pink vegetable piggy buns.

Park Jae-hyung called the waiter and ordered a baby set meal.

"Obba will treat me like a little baby, so I will like to grow up more." Ruan Xihe gave him a wink~

When Park Jae-hyung laughed, he was gentle and milky. It didn't feel like a little milky dog, or there was an indescribable sweetness, which was very prickly! Although it was scary when he was cold, it was basically sweet to Ruan Xihe.

"Jon Hee is really my little baby."

She blew a kiss in the air.

"Obba, your little baby doesn't want to cut steak and foie gras."

"I cut it." He cut it up for her and handed it to her.

"Obba, your little baby wants you to feed!"

Park Jae-hyung gave a low laugh. His girlfriend is so cute and pretty, which makes people feel happy.

If you feed them all in the future, it would be nice for the two of you to use a pair of utensils.


He fed her bite by bite.

"Obba is a bit hot, please give it to your little baby after you whistle!"

She directs Park Jae Hyung.

He took a bite and it wasn't hot, but his girlfriend said it was hot.

He blew every mouthful afterwards gently and then fed it to her.

"Obba, am I annoying?" Ruan Xihe laughed out loud when she said later, she felt quite annoying.

"The girlfriend of my own choice will be annoying to feed her too." Park Jae Hyung smiled and scratched her little nose.

"Mo? Obba really feels annoying, huh!"

Girls say that the skill of changing faces is really amazing!

"It's not annoying, Miss Jeon Heejin is not annoying at all, come on, ah."

Give a mouthful of baked snails to your mouth, well, it's delicious!

I can't worry about getting angry.

Sweet dinner, eat with sweet people, even the air is full of sweet taste.

The dessert is a chocolate mousse ice cream.

He took the first bite with a spoon and fed it to her.

"It's so sweet."

"Obba, do you like sweets too?"

"I like it." He admitted that he was magnanimous. He didn't like it before, but later because of low blood sugar and often eat sugar, he gradually liked it.

She also scooped a spoon and fed it to him.

"Is obba sweet?"


"Then I will try it too." She had a smile in her eyes.

He got up from the position, leaned over halfway, and quickly kissed him on the lips.

Her face was also a little red, and she pretended to be natural and took a sip of ice cream and put it in her mouth: "It's really sweet."

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