Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1832: Xijian Chunxue

Everyone was dumbfounded, this...

Is the amount of information a bit big? !

"No, it's impossible!" Mo Qianqian didn't believe it.

"Who doesn't know that Lu Wan has a heart attack? It's just that others don't know how serious it is. So, Mo Qianqian, what are you noble all day long, what are you after you leave Rongchang? Okay, it happens to everyone today. It's all here, and you are an adult. We will sever the father-daughter relationship in the future. Don't come to me. Anyway, you are not disgusting." This is probably the harshest and most vicious thing Mo Tingshen has ever said in his life.

Mo Tingshen apologized to Song Ci: "Sorry, Mr. Song was made to see a joke today, and we will make an appointment in two days to talk."

"Of course." Song Ci stood up and walked over without squinting. There was nothing to be involved in other people's housework: "Then I'll go back first, and don't be busy."


Song Ci left.

The onlookers who were eating melon wanted to watch and were reluctant to leave, until Mo Ting's icy eyes delivered it over, they scattered into a group.

Although every word Mo Ting said late at night had an element of irritation, it was accumulated over the years. Human feelings were never scattered, but disappeared and slipped away little by little.

Mo Ting gave her a cold look and was about to go outside, and Yu Wei hurried to catch up.

"The court is deep."

Mo Ting was deeply annoyed to death, and his patience reached the peak. He stopped impatiently and turned to look at her.

"Is it really possible that we are gone? I can do the same as before. I just ask about you, and I won't bother with her anymore. I just want to be by your side, OK?" Yu Wei The only person I have ever loved is Mo Tingshen, for him, I can do nothing.

Mo Tingshen looked at Yu Wei, and suddenly felt that such a stubborn woman is really pitiful: "Yu Wei, what do you love me? If you can share this feeling a little bit with Ruan Ruan, we will not be here. To the point, I don’t have to love her, and she doesn’t have to suffer so many years of suffering in vain. The Mo family is short of money. Why abandon her? When you brought her here, I wouldn’t refuse you. It depends on your brother. For the sake of face, I will take care of you and treat her like a biological daughter. I will not fall in love with my adopted daughter, I will not fall in love with his sister, Qianqian will not be so crazy, all this is to blame you. Her father died, and her mother abandoned her. She is a seven-year-old baby who has spent so many years in a cannibalistic place like an orphanage. Anyone can despise her. Yu Wei, you are not worthy of being a mother, nor are you worthy of being a mother. Wife, I didn’t divorce you because of her. I just thought that your love was too distorted and terrible. Don’t come to me in the future. I won’t love you or remarry you. It’s impossible in this life.”

He left without looking back.

The sound of the leather shoes landing is very clear, but Yu Wei's mind is blank. What he said is like a rolling movie, exploding word by word in his ear, every word is extremely clear, every word is very clear, she is holding her heart, and it hurts. When she convulsed, she squatted down and hugged herself coldly and tremblingly.

She did do a lot of wrong things in her life. She knew she was sorry for many people, but the only one who was not sorry was Mo Tingshen. Everyone could blame her, only Mo Tingshen could not. Everything she did was for this man. !

Tears slipped from the eyes one by one.

She still remembers the scene when she saw him for the first time when she was a girl.

But he said: I won't love you, and I won't remarry you, it's impossible in this life.

impossible? !


Staggering out of the clubhouse, how could the wind in the summer night be so cold.

Yu Wei staggered across the road, in a trance.

"Didididi!" A dazzling car light suddenly approached.

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