Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1848: Xijian Chunxue

Ruan Xihe curled her lips, tusk, this person is very unlucky, it's not good for anyone to be malicious to her or not to her.

"okay, I get it."

"Harmony, pay attention to proportion."

"rest assured."

044 is no longer worried about Ruan Xihe, after all, no matter from which point of view, the miserable ending should be the unlucky one.

There are a total of six rooms in the women's toilet, and now there is only one closed door in the middle on the left.

Jiang Zhenghuan walked over with a grinning grin. When he thought that he could treat Park Jae Hyung's woman as he pleased for a while, he was a little crazy, his hands and feet trembled with excitement.

He wanted Park Jae Hyung to feel pain, frustration, and powerlessness.

But before he was completely close, the door opened completely.

It is undeniable that this kind of beauty is indeed frustrating, but Jiang Zhenghuan is not soft-hearted, he has long been completely twisted in the hatred of Park Jae Hyung day after day.

He wanted to take advantage of a man's natural size to knock her down, but Ruan Xihe dodged her sensitively.

She probably read Jiang Zhenghuan's information just now. This person's parents originally worked in AI and served as high-level officials, and they were very trustworthy.

But 40 years ago, they suddenly took a group of core personnel out to establish the Jingzhi Group.

This wave of operations has dealt a big blow to AI.

AI was the most powerful at the time, and the biggest piece of the cake was in electronic digital.

Jingzhi Group also started with this. The chip claims to be an upgraded version of AI 2.0. In fact, it is equivalent to changing the soup without changing the medicine, and most of the operating data is the same.

Not to mention that the customer only recognizes the brand. There is no such thing. When the quality is the same twice, it will be cheaper.

The one who served at that time just wanted to crack down on AI, so he strongly supported Jingzhi.

If you don't have any contacts, you have to bite a hole in this already full market, it's just like a fairy tale.

Fortunately, with that strong support, Jing Zhi quickly gained a foothold.

They hope to support Jingzhi to break this monopoly by one family. It just happens that the internal AI is also chaotic now, which is a good opportunity.

Under this kind of internal and external troubles, those with a worse mentality may really be unable to get up.

Fortunately, AI has a solid foundation, but it has survived.

Even because of this sudden change, the company was transformed, and it began to invest in large areas to test the waters, which was even crazier than before.

The person who supported Jingzhi probably didn't expect AI to be successful in transformation or even to the next level.

On the contrary, after the Jingzhi Group reached the peak for a short time, it began to fall, and it calmed down after a long time.

Ten years ago, the young Park Jae Hyung began to participate in AI investment projects.

It's useless to talk about soldiers on paper, Park's father asked Park Jae-hyung to do it himself.

Park Jae Hyung does have a high talent in doing business, of course, the most important thing is that he is also confident and lucky enough.

Young and frivolous, it is inevitable that the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, and when he is about to take a shot, he focuses on a big piece of fat.

With the team around me, I have been busy for a month.

Successfully took the biggest piece of cake from Jingzhi.

Since then, Jingzhi has been hitting walls everywhere, and out of unwillingness, Kang Jung-hwan's parents have started to confront Park Jae-hyung everywhere.

But never won.

Even the one who supported them in the past was killed and replaced with a new one. This one doesn't want to be like this.

Suddenly, the operation of Jingzhi Group became more and more difficult. There was no strong financial support, no absolutely powerful policy support, no convenient opening and closing of one eye, the bubble economy that was originally imaginary, and now it is even more so. The cross will not work.

Fortunately, Jiang Zhenghuan's parents were very vicious, and the insidious tricks did not play less, but the group slowly supported it.

Until three years ago.

After Park Jae-hyung snatched a batch of very important financing, Jiang Zheng-hwan's father smashed a water glass on the spot and vomited blood in anger.

That is, the parents accidentally had a car accident that day, the driver and father were killed on the spot, and the mother became a vegetable and is still lying on the bed.

But Jiang Zhenghuan, who was studying abroad, was quickly recalled to the country, and his home was gone overnight.

Jiang Zhenghuan, who was in pain, felt that all this was Park Jae Hyung's fault.

"Little beauty, who is not good for you, you have to follow Park Jae Hyung, you said he will see us doing that kind of thing, will he angrily want to kill?" Jiang Zhenghuan smiled evilly, his eyes flashing malicious With the glow of light, he approached Ruan Xihe a little bit, trying to block all her escape routes.

"What kind of thing do you want to do with me?" Ruan Xihe chuckled lightly.

"That's it, ah!" Jiang Zhenghuan screamed.

Ruan Xihe has long arms, strong hands, and quick moves, not to mention her current physical fitness is far superior to ordinary people.

He pushed the man to the ground all at once.


His tailbone happened to hit the tile, and his eyes turned black because of pain, and he was breathing air-conditioning.

His back stiffly covered the injured area, his teeth trembled.

"Da da da."

The sound of high heels walking on the tiles is very clear.

She walked in front of Jiang Zhenghuan, with a clear and lazy smile in her eyes.

"Do you know what it feels like to tear?" Ruan Xihe suddenly spoke in a very gentle tone.

Not to mention Jiang Zhenghuan, even 044 was taken aback.

What tear?

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