Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1855: Xijian Chunxue

Park Jae Hyung inexplicably heard a little choking in her tone.

He wanted to see her, but Ruan Xi hugged him very tightly, just not letting him see his face.

"What's the matter, Hee Hee." There was some dampness on his chest, it might be her tears, but the little girl didn't let him see it, and Park Jae Hyung could only be anxious.


I cried and said it was okay.

However, she obviously didn't want to say it, and Park Jae Hyung couldn't keep asking, so she could only pat her on the back lightly.

Ruan Xihe didn't know why he was crying, his emotions were too complicated.

Park Jae-hyung was supposed to deal with work today, but she is in a bad mood now, so he pushed the morning's affairs and stayed with her wholeheartedly.

"You can tell me a joke," she said in a dull voice.

"Okay, I'll tell you a joke."


After Park Jae-hyung finished speaking, Ruan Xihe didn’t actually feel it. Maybe it’s because she is not a native of H, so she didn’t have a sense of substitution, but she still laughed out very cooperatively. People worked so hard to make you happy and didn’t respond. Too low EQ.


Mo Huiyu looked at the black screen of the mobile phone and leaned against the wall irritably, not allowing smoking in the hospital.

His throat was itchy, twisted a cigarette out, and sniffed it on the tip of his nose.

Last night, as soon as he hung up the phone, he immediately called someone to check Yuwei's foothold, but when he broke in, it was too late.

The pool full of blood was shocking to him even now when he thought of it.

This home may really be scattered.

Qianqian was arrested and Aunt Yu became a vegetative. He and Mo Tingshen were father and son and it seemed that they were not father and son.

He covered his eyes with his hands, and his palm was wet.

Alas, how come you have come to this point today. In this intricate relationship, it seems that everyone is at fault, as if everyone is right.

What's wrong then?


In the afternoon, when he went to work, Ruan Xihe entered the bathroom, closed the door, and leaned on the sink to send a message to Zhou Cong.

Ruan Xihe: Go to the Beijing City Hospital to see a female patient. Her name is Yu Wei. Remember to buy a bunch of champagne roses. Don't say I asked you to come.

Zhou Cong quickly returned a message to her: OK

After sending the message, she lowered her head, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Hehe, if you really can't let go, why not go there in person?"

"There is nothing to go, and she doesn't want to see me, Mo Tingshen is more useful than me." She said calmly and flatly.

Sora pressed the toilet to flush, and she went out.

In fact, the weather is very good, the clouds are like marshmallows, the trees are lush, the green flowers in the house are lively, and even the red roses on the coffee table are studded with water droplets. There is nothing to get past.

Not disturbing each other may also be the best outcome for each other.

"Obba waits for you to finish work, we will go shopping at night." When you are unhappy, spend money, and spend more to be happy.

"Okay." Park Jae Hyung usually followed her words.

She rolled on the sofa, got up again, and went to sleep in his arms.

"I'm here to interfere with obba's work."

Park Jae-hyung wanted her to stick to herself every day, and kissed her lips: "It's okay, I hold you, it won't affect you."

Ruan Xihe honestly went through the documents with him at first, and he would occasionally explain it.

Some she knows, some she really doesn't know, three people, there must be my teacher, listening more is still good, taking the essence and removing the dross, talents will gradually improve.

Then he fell asleep holding his neck.

After sleeping for half an hour, she got up from the man's arms, moved her muscles and bones, and her neck was sore.

She went to burrow in the bed and likes to lie down and play games.

Seeing her childish appearance, Park Jae-hyung had a gentle smile in his eyes.

You see, no matter what kind of personality a man is, he will unconsciously become gentle after meeting a girl he wants to take care of.

When he just opened the last file, the phone rang.


"Mo?!" Park Jae-hyung became excited when he didn't know what was said over there.

"It's impossible. Hee Jin wasn't in the women's toilet at all, so let Jiang Zhenghuan answer the phone." Park Jae Hyung was cold and scary.

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