Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1863: Xijian Chunxue

Ruan Xihe: ...what's the situation?

"Tonight this game is broadcast live on the whole network. Didn't Jiang Yachun give you the roses at the beginning? That section can't be removed." 044 said solemnly.

Ruan Xihe was nervous at first, but after 044 she was no longer nervous.

She covered it so tightly tonight, not because she was confident, but she just felt that this year's netizens couldn't pick her out.

"Don't worry, I thought what was wrong." Ruan Xihe slowly washed his face and brushed his teeth.

"But this is the equivalent of keeping the bottom. The Internet has memories." 044 faintly worried.

"In fact, even if I brush my face in front of the people of the whole country, the fish ponds are exploded at most, eh, no, what am I talking about, I never raise fish, at most netizens find out." She did not say what was behind. Just a low laugh, after all, it's ridiculous!

044: ...

"I will reinforce your information. Now many people are checking you."

"Okay, I'm so sweet at home."

Ruan Xihe patted his homemade skin care lotion on his face.

Fried pot online

In the beginning, everyone's focus was on Jiang Yachun first.

Among the crowd of Jiang Yachun yyds, the entry of Jiang Yachun Red Rose Girl began to rise step by step.

This is a video that captured the footage of Jiang Yachun kneeling on one knee and handing the roses to the girl in the white T-shirt in the live broadcast.

At first everyone was just sighing that this girl was lucky and got Jiang Yachun's roses, but soon everyone's attention went off track.

The culprit is this comment:

Taozi: I'm the only one looking at the legs.

Then this comment keeps being liked, all the comments below are me too, I also +1, I also +2... I also +10086

Then the comments at the bottom of the screen couldn't be controlled and all crooked. After that, netizens kept reposting them, and they soared wildly for some reason. Now they are firmly ranked fourth in the hot search!

The bottom is all discussing this young lady in a white T-shirt.

Diligently: I think this leg is 170+ visually tall

It seems to be eh: This dress looks good, although it is very simple, but it looks very advanced

The disobedient second princess: I don’t know why I think this young lady is not an ordinary person. Look at her sitting in the center of the VIP seat. I am also a fan, but this position was reserved at the beginning and was not sold to the outside world. I think she may be an insider. But today, all the staff have no auditorium to sit on, and even the producer is in the background, so I guess she may belong to the investor. In terms of dress

Due to the word limit, this netizen @自己 continues to analyze below

The second princess who is not obedient @不受话的二公主: She can’t see the obvious logo all over her body except for the bag. The hat is from Balenciaga, the T-shirt is from LV, the shorts are from Chanel, the sunglasses are from Chanel, and the sneakers are from Balenciaga. Needless to say, the bag is 19 by Chanel. I took a screenshot and zoomed in. The ring on my right hand is the couple ring of Cartier full of more than 70,000 diamonds. The most impressive is the red jade bracelet on her hand! ! ! The last time I saw it was in the hands of the fiancee of Prince Allay of Dubai!

Due to the word limit here, this netizen @ once again I continue to analyze it below

The disobedient second princess@不obedicated second princess: Of course, it is certainly not an ordinary person who can sit here, and it is definitely not bad for money. Although I always feel that this red jade bracelet is the same as the princess, but I may have read it wrong, after all, the light is not very good. But what I want to say is her attitude towards mellowness. It’s true that she is holding a support stick in her hand, but she actually slackens in her position to watch the show. This is not like a fanatical performance, but if it’s not a true fan, why should she grab the support stick in the front row? Woolen cloth? And when she received the roses, her attitude was too calm and natural. If it were me, I would have passed out excitedly, but she was so calm and unreasonable.

The second princess of disobedience@The second princess of disobedience: Finally, the most suspicious point, it is July! Normal people watch the concert, shout and scream, the scene is still so hot, sitting in front can interact with the brothers up close, is the brain damaged? No, it’s definitely not. That means this young lady can’t meet people. Why can’t you meet people? Maybe it’s because her identity is not suitable for exposure. There was a gossip that Hexi Entertainment’s President Ruan might come to the scene, but it was on the cheering table. Hexi's vice president. Combining all the above doubts, I suspect that this young lady in white T-shirt is Mr. Ruan from Hexi Entertainment, who has never been seen before, that is, the sister Ruan we mellowly speak of.

This analysis burst.

This hot search quickly reached the top of the hot search list because of these few comments.

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