Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 809: Hua Buddha Tea

Many people in the editorial department have seen Yan Fufeng. After all, the man was waiting for Ruan Xihe outside the company and gave her a gift during the last meeting. Many people were envious and discussed for several days.

Unexpectedly, it was actually the rich boss who bought Moro in the rumors some time ago!

All of you here are old bookworms, and every one of them is filled with sweet pet essays of more than 100,000 words in an instant.

Ah, wipe! The stage of such a novel, his mother, actually happened in real life, awsl!

"Well, I've been wronged, they're going home, help me get it." Ruan Xihe nuzzled in his arms, and then said, pointing to something on the table.


Lin Dong immediately went up and picked up the things.

Yan Fufeng led his little friend out, looking like a natural match.

When passing by Qin Qingye.

"Yan...Yan Dong, me."

Yan Fufeng didn't pay any attention to him at all, and his steps didn't stop at all.

This day is heaven for some people and **** for some people.

She was still a little bit glum sitting in the car, seven-pointed, three-pointed real.

Yan Fufeng hugged her with a gentle voice: "How can children be happy?"

"It will be better if the entire Australian city is full of red roses." She hugged Yan Fufeng's neck and sniffed.

Yan Fufeng chuckled and scratched her nose with his fingers: "I like roses so much."

"Yes, I like roses the most. How beautiful the roses are." The little girl's voice was soft, sweet and nice.

"Then let the Australian city be full of red roses." He said to the top of Ruan Xihe's head.

She only thought that Yan Fufeng made her happy.

He took out a cup of slightly cool milk tea from the small freezer and asked Uncle Cheng to make a cup before coming.

Knowing that she likes to drink, she simmered it every day at home, but Yan Fufeng was afraid that drinking too much would be bad, so she still controlled the amount.

"Drink something sweet and smile, OK?" He squeezed the little girl's hand.

"Okay, I want uncle to feed."

He opened the lid and handed it to her mouth.

"Don't feed like this." Ruan Xihe looked at him with a smile.

How could I feed that? A few dark spots flashed in Yan Fufeng's eyes, and the baffle was raised in the next second.

I took a sip by myself and went to feed her.

The shirt on her chest was wrinkled by the girl's hands, and this bite was not over yet.

There is a sweet smell in his mouth.

She leaned in her arms panting, whispering complaints that he had been drinking too long.

Yan Fufeng smiled, he was also enjoying it.

"Uncle, I am a vagrant now." She pouted.

Before Yan Fufeng had time to speak, Ruan Xihe suddenly took out his mobile phone and said to himself: "Oh, what can my little authors do when I am leaving."

Boss Ruan is very magnificent. He rewarded each of his little authors with 10 sets of 999 gold coins.

Click on Little Penguin to open the dialog with Little Thorn Flower

He Suo Xia Liang

: Huahua, right?

Xiaoya, Tinghua: Yes, hehe~

He Suo Xia Liang

: I fired my boss and quit, I can't take you with me in the future

Xiaoya, Xiaotonghua: Ah, which website do you go to, I will come to you after I finish writing this book, and I won’t sign Moro anymore.

He Suo Xia Liang

: People will stop doing this business in the future~ Huahua, you can go to WeChat and give you a small gift

Xiaoya, thorny flower: Okay.

Ruan Xihe transferred 52 thousand to Xiao Tinghua, and also said that Zhu Huahua's "Slag Girl Illustrated Book" was on fire.

Yan Fufeng watched from the side, "I like this author so much?"

"Like it."

Yan Fufeng smiled and touched her head.


Yan Fufeng did not take her home, but took her out to go fishing.

This small yacht is not big or small, but the interior is extremely luxurious.

Ruan Xihe leaned on the big sofa wearing swimsuits: "Why do you bring me here?"

"You just quit your job, take you to relax, and catch a fish will make you feel better."

"Yan Liuliu, you know how to do everything, and you can still sail." She originally thought he would have to bring Changming in Winter, and a captain. Unexpectedly, for the two of them, Yan Fufeng would drive the boat by himself. of.

"You wear a swimsuit and don't want to show it to them." Yan Fufeng was very straightforward, and the reason was frank and frank.

Ruan Xihe laughed, went to the dressing table on the ship and searched for it, and finally found the brand of sunscreen she often used.

The uncle has always been very careful, she believed that he was prepared, and sure enough, he was prepared.

Take the sunscreen and sit next to Yan Fufeng.

"Here, help someone paint it." This sofa is a semi-circular, crescent-white leather sofa. She leaned back slightly and supported it with only one hand. The lower abdomen was smooth and tight, without any fat, and her long and slender legs. With degrees, the most dazzling thing is the undulating waves.

Such a gesture is harmless and charming.

Yan Fufeng's eyes stared at her a little darker and darker.

He was a little hot when she came out in her swimsuit just now, and she is still like this now.

"Uncle~" Ruan Xihe stretched out one foot and hooked his chin with his toe.

Yan Fufeng's Adam's apple moved, twisting the hand of the Buddha beads to stop, picking up the sunscreen she had thrown in her arms just now, her eyes were locked tightly, a small flame rose slowly, and the bottle cap was twisted and unscrewed.

Yunen's little feet were held by her big hands.

The sunscreen was squeezed on the calf, and the thin calluses of the palm touched on the skin to arouse fine tremors.

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