Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 827: Hua Buddha Tea

"I just like you very much and want to hold you all the time." Sometimes his frankness always reveals a lovely vibe.

Obviously, it is full of oppression, but it makes people feel sour.

Slowly, his arms tightened and his breathing became hotter and hotter.

"Ruan Ruan."

Something is spreading out of control.

The princess hugged, picked her up and went to the house.

The little rose clung to the flower branches feebly. Unfortunately, the storm was too intense, and the petals were all washed away, revealing the heart of the flower inside. It was repeatedly poured by the wind and rain until the delicate little rose could not bear it, and the storm slowly calmed down.


Sitting on Yan Fufeng’s private jet

He suddenly handed Ruan Xi and a document.

"what is this?"

"Look at it."

She opened the file and it turned out to be a real estate certificate, a real estate certificate for a manor!

But she is the last property owner? ? ?

"Uncle? This?"

"Yours." He said lightly. This is not an ordinary house, but a manor, a manor worth 2 billion dollars.

"This, too." She frowned, it was a bit too expensive.

"I can't wait to give you everything you like, I'm afraid it's not enough." He looked into her eyes and said.

"Yan Fufeng, you are too." That's great.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just want to hug you." She hooked Yan Fufeng's neck and hugged him.

Yan Fufeng let her hug.

The plane parked directly in the manor.

The annual repair cost of this manor is nearly 50 million, so many people can buy it and can't afford it. It's too expensive.

Every pillar of the castle seems to go through the sky, with a bit of Roman style carvings inside. The stone walls have been refurbished, and the retro with European sentiment does not look old and shabby.

Ruan Xi and his eyes saw creepers on the wall of the high fort above their heads. They were full of greenery, and they made people feel good when they looked at them. Standing in front of such an ancient building, what flashed in their minds was what they had seen when they were young. Many fairy tales.

I don't remember the name, a beautiful young lady with long braids put down her braids from the high castle and let the hero who guarded her climb up.

The beautiful princess trapped in the dungeon is imprisoned and guarded by monsters. The omnipotent knight beheads the monsters and rescues the princess.

Time was still, and the whole kingdom was enveloped by the curse of sleep. A prince passing by here kissed the princess by the spinning wheel, and she woke up.


Yan Fufeng gave her such a castle, and she really became Yan Fufeng's little princess.

The butler took the two in.

It's a pity that the most in the manor is green.

"Uncle, let's go planting roses together tomorrow, okay? Come together from now on, it will be red."


The room is huge.

How big is it, just a room, 180 square meters, not a 60-square-meter toilet, normal people, the whole house will only be 150-180 square meters.

Here I want to apologize to all the authors of the ancestor Mary Su, thinking that they are all nonsense, because it turns out that this thing really exists.

She stood on the balcony and looked out. If she was a domineering president, and this trapped a little white flower heroine, the female lead escaped from her bedroom. Oh my god, what about the 8,000-meter long run?

When I just came up, the corridor was circling around, so it is normal to get lost.

Hey, there is a saying, art comes from life, and it really comes from life.

This kind of life that seems to be hanging up is really happy.

The life of the rich is so ordinary.

"Why doesn't my hair dry?" Yan Fufeng came out of the bathroom, wearing the same nightgown as Ruan Xihe.

The weather today is pretty good, there is a big sun, it often rains in country y, it is quite rare to encounter this kind of weather.

"The top is blow-dried." Ruan Xi and Pai pulled his hair.

Yan Fufeng's eyes fell on her little skirt.

The back of this nightdress has only a few thin, lingering ropes.

Come over and embrace her.

"It will be cold." There was an emotional restraint in his voice.

She chuckled, "Holding is hot."

Yan Fufeng's throat is a little itchy.

A small hand stretched out to his waist belt and made a light hook.

"Ruan Ruan." He hugged the little girl tightly.

Suddenly he tensed, breathing hard for two minutes.

"Uncle, fucking."

.................................................. ...............................

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