Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 995: Qijingtang Green Tea

However, she still replied to Fu Xiu: OK, pay attention to safety, I will wait for you at home.

This time, Fu Xiu temporarily seized the whereabouts of a batch of drug lords, and they all settled in Qu City. According to the undercover information, this time, if everything goes well, they can be dealt with in one go.

He has been investigating these people for a long time. He had been chasing the case in West Market, but he didn't expect these people to appear in this area.

I have been busy with this matter today, and have not cared about other things. I will receive news about going out before I have time to send a message to her.

When the convoy passed the Overseas Chinese Town, Lao Liu also asked: "Fu Ju, do you want to stop the car? Go and talk to your girlfriend."

He was a little moved, but in the end he said forget it. Anyway, he came back two days later. This task is so urgent that everyone did not go home to say goodbye. Why is he so special and wasted everyone's time.

The more you sit in a high position, the more you have to lead by example.

Ruan Ruan will understand him.

"Ding Dong"

A message is uploaded from the phone.

`Ok, pay attention to safety, I will wait for you at home`

The corners of Fu Xiu's mouth were raised unconsciously.

The emotions that had been suppressed for a day were also relieved a lot.

"Boss, when do you and sister-in-law get married?" Xiaoqiu asked when he turned his head in the passenger seat.

"We'll get married when she graduates." Fu Xiu had a smile in his eyes.

"Your relationship is really good, I think my sister-in-law is gentle and gentle, can she follow you when you are together?" Xiaoqiu was also idle in the car now, so he asked more.

"I usually follow her." He doesn't feel ashamed of this. It is true that he follows her outside the house. Ruan Ruan looks gentle and gentle but actually has a big temper. He usually doesn't refute her.

"Unexpectedly, the boss is also strict in his wife." Xiao Qiu was quite shocked. He thought that the boss like a man was somewhat more powerful and domineering, and also a little machismo. He didn't expect that he should not look like a man.

"Hey, there is no wife who can say that if you love her, you will let her. Fu Ju is a good man." Lao Liu has been married for three years, and he was a person who came here. He said this fact in one sentence.

"That's true, eh, Brother Liu, have you come out this time to report to your sister-in-law?"

"Of course, I must say, I'm afraid she is worried about me at home." Old Liu smiled.

Fu Xiu was taken aback when she heard the words, would she worry about me too?

She touched the small rubber band on her wrist, she would miss me. I don’t know if she can have breakfast if she’s not there for a few days. If he’s not there, no one will give hot milk. She will definitely drink cold. Forget it, now he It is estimated that Xiao Nizi will not do it, so she can make up for her after he comes back.


After the team left the Shanghai stock market,

Shanghai Police Station

"Deputy Chief Li, they have already set off."

"okay, I get it."

When the subordinate went out, he immediately called Tong Zhongguo.

"He has passed."


Feng Yu started this evening.

Ruan Xihe was woken up by the phone at three in the morning and hurried to get dressed and drove to the hospital.

The best friend gave birth inside. She sat on the bench outside the operating room with Feng's father and Feng's mother.

Soon Lin Xiao and the others came over. After all, it was the child's father and grandmother, and Feng's mother still informed them.

Lin Xiao's mother's expression was a bit embarrassed, and the two children were in this way, but Feng Yu's belly was the grandson of the Lin family, and she also hoped that the children would be safe.

"Mother-in-law." Mama Lin yelled in embarrassment, but Mama Feng did not respond.

They were called because the children also belonged to Lin Xiao, but when Lin Xiao did such a thing, she would not agree to her daughter staying beside him.

Ruan Xihe didn't even look at the two mothers and sons, and Father Lin didn't come over when he was still busy.

Everyone was very quiet, sitting in a row on the benches outside.

She has also seen Feng Yu's pulse in normal times. It is quite healthy. The fetal position in the B-ultrasound is correct. The baby has not been thin or overweight, so there should be nothing wrong with this birth.

Lin Xiao was afraid of dying this powerful and violent woman, so naturally he wouldn't be boring to move forward. Seeing her, he felt pain again. If he weren't worried about the child, he might not even want to come to the hospital.

Both parties can be in peace without looking for trouble!


The door opened, but the operating light did not go out, everyone's heart tightened at the same time, and they surrounded one after another.

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