Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 997: Qijingtang Green Tea

"Where, forget it, I will go in person." Five years ago, Qiao's family was in turmoil. Qiao Tien's sister Qiao Shan and brother-in-law Taoranting were killed, and the whereabouts of a six-year-old nephew remained unknown.

This has been missing for so many years, and I had no hope at all, but I didn't expect to find it.

"In the Shenzhen market." Subordinates lowered their heads and reported.


She slept until 12 noon, went out for a meal, and went to the hospital.

The kid sleeps next to Feng Yu, this scene is very warm.

"When will you name it?" Ruan Xihe moved a chair and sat beside Feng Yu.


The child is not too heavy, but it is not too light.

"My name is Feng Junhao, and I hope that he will be frank and honest as a gentleman, with awe-inspiring awe-inspiring spirit and broad-mindedness."

As soon as Feng Yu said this, Ruan Xihe knew that she had been thinking about it for several days.

According to Feng's father and Feng's mother, if they really divorced Lin Xiao, the child would be recorded in their name, and he was said to be Feng Yu's brother. After all, the daughter is still young and can still be married, but bringing a child is not good. I'm looking for someone.

Feng Yu insisted on putting the child under his own name.

"Ruan Ruan, you can take a nickname."

"That's Rui Rui, I hope the baby is smart and smart, and grow up healthy and healthy."

"Okay, let's call Rui Rui." She touched her son's head with a gentle expression on her face: "Rui Rui, did you hear me? Does your godmother give you a nickname?"

The baby hasn't opened her eyes yet, she is soft and tender, and looks extremely fragile.

Ruan Xihe looked a little softhearted, and took out a red velvet box from his bag.

"What's this?"

"Send my godson's longevity lock." Ruan Xihe smiled. She has bought this longevity lock for almost a month.

It's pure gold. The kids bring something yellow and whisper, which can ward off evil spirits. It's pretty good.

Feng Yu laughed out loud when the gold flashed, "Little fairy, you are a vulgar thing with this shot."

Ruan Xihe also amused Ruan Xihe with the jokes.

"There is also a small red envelope. This is for my godson to buy milk powder." A very thick big red envelope, 10001, means one in a million.

Feng Yu took it and pressed it under the pillow.

Ruan Xihe did not come empty-handed, carrying two large pockets of diapers.

Little Wawa's things are quite expensive, these two dozen packs of diapers cost four to five hundred yuan.

No wonder the little doll is called a money shredder.

The kid was born and didn't see anything like it. The eyes haven't opened yet. It's ugly like a little monkey, but it should be fun.

The baby was too tender, Ruan Xihe didn't dare to move him, so he looked at it for a while.

"Rui Rui, you will have to treat your mother well in the future, how much your mother hurts you." She knew that the children did not understand, but somehow she wanted to say that giving birth to a baby is really not easy.

Feng Yu was moved and sad when she heard it. She was worth it in her life. It was great to meet a good girlfriend like Ruan Xihe.

Sister Wen also came over, bought a fruit basket and wrapped a red envelope.

Gifts for children should not be too big, or if the blessing is too big, it will be overwhelming. In the future, the gift can be bigger, but it is not necessary when you are young.

She stayed with the bed until more than six o'clock before she went back with Sister Wen.

I found a hot pot restaurant for dinner.

"Where is the one in your house?" she asked casually.

Ruan Xihe caught a chopsticks and said, "I left on a temporary mission last night."

"I said why I didn't come to pick you up. I'm usually nervous, so I can follow you wherever you go."

Ruan Xihe smiled.

At eight o'clock in the evening, this hot pot restaurant will be talked about cross talk in the stands. It is quite a distinctive restaurant.

One is fat, one is thin, one is tall and the other is short, and they work well together.

She lowered her eyes slightly, the time was up.

The two of them each poured a cup of chrysanthemum tea that lowered the fire and drank it in their palms.

The cyan-glazed porcelain teacup has a wide mouth on the top, and the bottom is not very useful, but it has a lot of artistic conception.


Ruan Xihe glanced at the caller ID as an unfamiliar number.

I didn't want to pick it up, but after thinking about it, I picked it up.


"Sister-in-law, I am Xiaoqiu under Fu Ju." The voice over there was trembling, and the nasal voice was heavy, with a strong crying cavity.

Ruan Xihe's heart trembled and licked her dry lips.

"What's wrong, you say."

"Fu Ju, Fu Ju, he, he is dead."

.................................................. ...............

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