Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1007: False Charm

"Fuck, it's going! Who do you guys say will win?"

"I see the president of God's Domain Xuan, the old president of Midsummer is the top ten..."

"Yes, just two tricks a few days ago made the president of God's Domain unable to parry..."

"Stop talking, let's start..."


Su Mu and Xia Hai separated instantly, and then stared at each other's eyes.

Xia Hai's shield has already been taken out, and the long knife in his hand is also glowing with purple light. It is obviously of the level of a divine weapon, or it is uncertain whether it is a sacred weapon.

Su Mu didn't dare to be careless, after all, this old thing had 400,000 energy and blood.



Xia Hai did not know what was painted on the ground with one foot, as if he was walking a Tai Chi step.

He stared at Su Mu and said, "Today, we will win or lose with one move!"

one move?

Hum! ! !

Xia Hai did not pay attention to Su Mu anymore, but folded his hands together, then closed his eyes, and then suddenly opened them and said, "Void! Charm! Shocking! God! Out!"


All the onlookers shouted out loud!

It was not an exclamation, but the sudden uncontrollable shout.

Xia Hai suddenly raised his shield, and then he saw a huge red figure appearing on top of his head, like the left beard in Hokage, then Xia Hai's figure floated directly up and entered the shadow of the shadow. in.

The huge phantom is at least 100 meters high, holding a long knife and shield, and staring at Su Mu with red eyes.

This skill is unheard of!

Boom! Boom!

This huge figure took a few steps forward, and Su Mu took a few steps back. It was obvious that this was almost no longer a skill, it should be a job similar to a summoner.

Reincarnation gave Su Mu another surprise!

This kind of profession, I am afraid it is the first time in reincarnation.

At this time, Xia Hai hovered in the abdomen of the red phantom that was a hundred meters high, looking at Su Mu and said, "This is the first time the old man has summoned this professional feature. So, Su Mu, you should be honored!"

Su Mu stepped back step by step, this Nima completely surprised Su Mu, this kind of thing, even if they come out, it will be a lot of trouble, right? And Su Mu will never let Shui Lan and the others be punished again, so this big guy still needs Su Mu to solve it himself.

Approaching Su Mu step by step, the huge figure suddenly waved the long knife in his hand...

Split instantly.

boom! ! ! ! !

Bang bang!

The moat behind him was instantly split in half, the river flooded out in an instant, the terrain was destroyed, and everyone screamed involuntarily. Is this a **** hidden profession in samsara? Nima is too abnormal, right?

Moreover, this kind of professional calling should be very limited, right? It would be invincible in the world if it could be summoned once a day!

Su Mu looked back at the moat being cut off, and then moved quickly. The terrain system of the moat will be repaired slowly, so don't worry about it. What Su Mu needs to consider now is how to defend and how to attack!


"Fuck! What the **** is this?"

"It's a dog!"

"Nima is really a monster!"

At this time, the dragon mark, Dong Mingkun and others frowned. The old president of Midsummer was so perverted. This is what they never expected. According to the current situation, God's Domain will die today, but if Midsummer wants to If you dominate the continent, how should this thing be solved? Such an enchanting professional calling, if midsummer wins today, then the scattered players in the Huangtianzhou area may flock into Midsummer crazily.

At the same time, they also saw Su Mu's embarrassed fleeing figure, but they couldn't get any pleasure in their hearts, as if they had solved a problem in their minds, as if they had incurred another serious problem... it felt like a vicious circle.

boom! ! !

I really don't know what to do, Su Mu turned his mind while running.

This huge red phantom had a shield in his hand. It would be very difficult to attack, but just a normal attack could break the moat. Su Mu didn't dare to imagine that his defensive skills could resist a few times.

call! boom! ! !

After Su Mu evaded, it was another huge terrain destruction knife mark!

Not only that, at this time, Su Mu was surrounded by these knife marks, and he couldn't move flexibly...

Boom! Boom!

The red one hundred meters phantom giant suddenly threw out the red shield in his hand at this time, which made Su Mu horrified inexplicably!

This shield has a diameter of at least ten meters. Throwing it over so quickly, Su Mu would definitely not be able to avoid it, so he could only activate his defense skills!

"Wan domain!"

"Ding! The Ice Tower of Ten Thousand Realms, the duration is 12 hours!"

Click... bang!

The ice tower shattered in an instant, but the shield flew out at this moment.

However, at this time Su Mu had seen and heard the voices of the surrounding players.

Above his head, the long sword of the red shadow giant had already fallen. Su Mu couldn't escape at this moment, even with the Ten Shadows Method, because the area was too long, and the big Su Mu simply couldn't do it. Before he could make any reaction, he already came to the top of his head, and he couldn't avoid the damage caused by this long knife when he moved ten meters left and right...

There was a smile on the corner of Xia Hai's mouth, this one would definitely die!

The players opened their eyes wide, and the president of God's Domain was over!

The members of God's Domain widened their eyes, and the president was about to be killed!

Xia Feng, Ye Qiu and the others can only stare wide-eyed. This time the boss is in a disaster. The damage of this thing must be a variety of immunity attributes...

So, don't you summon God's favor? ! This is the thought of all players familiar with Su Mu.

But, it seems too late!

At this moment, everyone suddenly saw Su Mu moving. The most frightening thing was that instead of moving left and right, he directly turned around, fell with his back facing the huge blade, and raised his own at the same time. The left wrist comes to the shoulder...

Xia Hai frowned at this moment, what did he want to do?

The onlookers widened their eyes and speculated wildly, what is the president of God's Domain doing? Is it possible to avoid being killed by a spike by facing your back?

However, the masters of Qin and Yanhuang, who had fought against Su Mu, reminded each other at this time.

boom! ! ! ! !

The huge shadow of the knife fell on Su Mu's shoulders, what scene was it like that long knife fell on the player?


The water in the moat in front of Su Mu was agitated instantly, this was only caused by the blade wind...

miss! !

"!!!"shock! There was no expression other than shock, and the huge four letters made everyone feel creepy!

At the same time, Su Mu's arm slowly lifted up at this moment, and then raised the top of his head, and was directly hit by the huge red knife shadow...

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