Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1015: Follow the five great gods on missions

The east gate of the capital of the underworld.

A group of five people stood in place as if waiting for something.

The five people have different bodies. The leader is a burly man, who is nearly three meters tall, his muscles are exposed, and his body is blue-green, but his appearance is human.

The name on the top of this person's head is impressively: Underworld King Lv100!

Grade god!

The other four people are slightly normal, at least not more than two meters tall, but the color of their skin is biased towards green, and everyone's level is 100! Grade god!

A man called the Underworld Spirit Officer said: "I heard that the person I'm going to take this time is still a human? And it's still a scumbag? Hey, I really don't know what's going on in the upper part. Matter! What is the effect of the three-turn human going to Xianchi?"

The king of the underworld glanced at him and said: "We only carry out the order above, Lingguan, you will talk less for a while."

Another one hundred-level **** called Gui Chou said: "No matter what, the location we are going to this time is a forbidden place in our underworld. Try to be careful not to have any distractions. So after entering the map, the spiritual officer is responsible for looking after the human being. "

"Me? Are you kidding me?"

"The five of us, only you specialize in defense, isn't you who are you?"

The king of the underworld also nodded and said: "That's it, Ling Guan, the safety of this person is left to you."

The spiritual official of the underworld snorted: "King Kui, when did you learn to flatter? This mission is to go to Xianchi. Maybe we are all going to die there, with a drag oil bottle. I suspect that Ming Is the emperor showing up!"

"Bold!" King Que's copper bell-like eyes stared at the spirit official and exclaimed.

The latter turned his head and stopped talking, but saw a human coming over.

In fact, in the history of the underworld, many humans will come here for missions, and they will also hire some masters in the underworld, etc., so their team is not very strange. The strange thing is that this mission was clearly assigned by the Emperor of Underworld himself. Why would humans come to participate?

This group of five people frowned when they watched Su Mu walk over. A 74-level human went to the Underworld Xianchi. How was this different from sending him to death? And the order above is actually to take care of this human being? This Nima is simply an oil bottle.

The spiritual official of the underworld snorted: "Everyone is here, let's go."

Su Mu was also quite helpless. Qiangwei meant that he had to do a task by himself, and he needed a drop of the essence of the Lord of Xianchi before he could stabilize the memory of Burning. And Su Mu didn't know what the Lord of Xianchi was. What made Su Mu helpless was that this task was assigned by Emperor Underworld himself, so people from the underworld would also participate in the task and bring Su Mu with him.

When Su Mu saw the levels and attributes of these people, he knew that this must be Qiangwei deliberately trying to help herself.

These five people in the underworld are the **** bosses of the underworld, and any one of them can have the ability to turn rivers and seas, so this Underworld Emperor Rose seems to be indifferent to Su Mu, but everything seems to care about Su Mu.

Yes, Ren Jiawei asked herself to follow the five great gods on missions. What else can be said, it is better than being alone, the **** boss, and it is an independent existence, not a **** after being captured by the player Favor, it's ugly, any of these five great gods can destroy a guild, of course, provided that they are wild bosses.

The giant king of the underworld walked up to Su Mu and said in a loud voice: "Humans, there is an order above that we have to take you with you, but before the mission we speak first. The destination of this mission is Xianchi, the underworld. It’s one of the forbidden places, so you just need to follow behind the team and don’t add chaos to us. Let us take care of you. If your own mistake leads to death and it has nothing to do with us, you understand?"

Su Mu nodded and said, "Hmm, thanks for your care."

In fact, Su Mu had no idea what the mission this time was. The Xianchi in the Underworld was called one of the forbidden places in the Underworld, although Su Mu still had another idea.

That is, the steps of the underworld palace hall carved a tiger, and according to the Chinese heritage, the two words Xianchi represent...the habitat of the white tiger!

In other words, this mission is likely to be related to the four great ancient beasts of China, the White Tiger!

Therefore, it is reasonable for the Emperor Hades to let the five **** bosses help him in the task.

The five people took Su Mu and ran in one direction all the time. Because they were afraid that Su Mu would not be able to keep up, the king of the underworld directly placed Su Mu on his shoulder and ran quickly.

In just five hours, Su Mu was now thousands of miles away from the capital of the underworld, which made Su Mu had to slap his tongue with the ability of the **** boss.

At this time, Su Mu had already stepped off King Kui's shoulder, and then looked at a huge lake in front of him.

"This is the lake of Xianchi, everyone prepare to cross the lake." Underworld Kui Wang said.

At this time, the other three people in the team walked into the forest behind them one after another, and then heard the bombardment, Su Mu then saw that the three people threw dozens of large tree stumps over. .

Then the king of the underworld bound all the wooden stakes and instantly formed a wooden boat.

Su Mu was a little surprised: "You are all gods, do you still need this stuff to cross the river?"

At this time, the spiritual official of the underworld glanced at Su Mu without ignorance and said: "Don't talk if you are ignorant, or you will appear to be more idiot!"


King Kui said: "This lake of salty ponds has acid, restricted flying, and various levitation skills. Therefore, if you want to pass, you can only rely on wooden boats."

Su Mu let out a cry, but the fellow of the Underworld Spiritual Officer always feels like it's not right or wrong.

Su Mu didn't notice because he didn't speak on the way, but after he got here, he felt that, except for the king of Quebec who was taking care of him, the other four people looked cold and seemed to be deliberately rejecting Su Mu. same.

"set off!"

After the wooden boat was set up, the five gods of the underworld jumped onto the boat, and Su Mu followed closely, and then he saw King Que’s big palm as a paddle in the lake and quickly rowing forward.

What surprised Su Mu the most was that King Kui’s big hands kept emitting white smoke, as if it was about to be melted, but King Kui never took it back, and kept paddling the lake to make the wooden boat move forward.

There was a thick fog like miasma on the lake, which made the surrounding scenes unclear, but King Que seemed to be familiar with the road, so the direction of the wooden boat was constantly shifting.

After an hour has passed, Su Mu's eyes widened in surprise.

The miasma in front of me has disappeared, and replaced by a stunned sight...

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