Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1023: Gao Liansong

Seeing Su Mu leaving behind, Wen Ren Zhiyuan suddenly said: "Just want to leave like this?"


"Cheng Ruo will never see Zihan."

"Can't do it."

"There is a way for you to do it."


At this time, the team of one hundred people who were resting directly stood up and stared at Su Mu, their eyes full of hostility.

Su Mu turned around to look at them, then took another look at Wen Ren Zhiyuan.

This is probably the real purpose of Wenren Zhiyuan.

"You can't keep me." Su Mu stared at Wenren Zhiyuan.

The latter's white hair was slightly blown by the night wind, and then turned around and stopped talking.

At this moment, the one-meter-eight guy in the team walked out, and then looked at Su Mu with a smile: "In Xia Gao Liansong, the commander of the eighth regiment of the XX army! I heard that an ordinary person walked out of the old man’s courtyard a few days ago. People, why would Gao Liansong refuse to accept it? I can't get out of the courtyard!"

Everyone was excited.

Gao Liansong, they are not one of the most powerful soldiers in this military area.

Undefeated against ten people singled out, once created a myth of thirty people and retreat.

This person is almost like the myth of their mysterious military area. Therefore, Gao Liansong shot, they really can't imagine whether this thin-skinned guy can hold on to punch.

Su Mu sneered: "There are many things in this world that you don't agree with, such as rain and thunder. What can you do if you refuse? What can you do if the sun goes down?"

This Gao Lian Song is 1.8 meters high, and the muscles all over his body are very powerful. It looks like a bodybuilder, very terrifying.

But Su Mu knew that the muscles of this kind of people didn't rely on that kind of exercise and eating, but their muscles were all made out of actual combat and high-intensity training!

"Glib tongue!"


A side kick went straight to Su Mu's chest, and Su Mu also understood what Wen Renzhiyuan meant.

These more than one hundred people are probably not just as simple as ordinary soldiers. He must have asked Wen Ren Zihan about himself before, and he will naturally know that he was in a coma for a month when he went back last time.

So I called this one hundred special team to deal with myself. In addition to not wanting myself to be with Wenren Zihan, I am afraid I have the meaning of teaching myself a lesson. After all, Su Mu in Kyoto a few months ago was far from Wenren. Siheyuan left easily.

Therefore, these hundred people are either special scouts or soldiers from major military regions!

This Gao Liansong's foot is a flash of lightning, and Su Mu believes that if the person standing here is an ordinary person, then this foot would be enough to fracture the breastbone.

And Su Mu didn't intend to use Gu Wu, after all, he still doesn't know the strength of these people, and he doesn't even know what Wen Ren Zhiyuan means.

So he turned sideways, Su Mu was about to grab Gao Liansong's left leg, but suddenly saw the man's left leg retracted suddenly, and then turned into a whip leg and came straight to Su Mu's front door.


With his hands in front of his face, Su Mu was repelled a few steps, and then he saw Gao Liansong's cheating instantly fall.


Su Mu put his hands on his head, and the gravity that came from made Su Mu smile. The strength of this man was comparable to the combat strength of an ordinary mercenary in Remnant Soul.

China’s special forces are well-known all over the world. Su Mu had never been in contact before, and now I understand that the rumors are not groundless. This Gao Liansong's ability can at least be one enemy ten!

If it is a regular mercenary who encounters the remnant soul, it may be possible to defeat the mercenary!

Among these mercenaries, such as Remnant Soul and War Soul, everyone except Su Mu and the others who are nostalgic for ancient warfare is a retired special soldier, so their personal abilities are almost the same, and there is no regularity in their training. Ability is embodied in killing.

With a whistle, Su Mu pushed Gao Liansong out, and then quickly approached.

He punched straight and went straight to Gao Liansong's door.

Gao Liansong seemed to be very unconvinced, and at this moment he also swung a straight fist, seemingly about to fight Su Mu.

Bang! ! !

The two are divided at the touch of a button.

Su Mu took two steps back, and Gao Liansong took two steps back.

However, Su Mu was smiling, then raised his fist and blew a little bit and asked: "Well, the combat power is good, you should all be soldiers king, right?"

"Haha, King of Soldiers? That's just your popular name, we're just special soldiers!"


Gao Liansong continued to sprint forward, turned around, and flew directly into the air, turning his legs back to Su Mu's head.

At this moment, Su Mu did not hesitate, did not retreat, and went straight to Gao Liansong's knee position, then grabbed Gao Liansong's knee and threw it out instantly!

The one-meter tall man, weighing at least 90 kilograms, was instantly thrown out by Su Mu.

At this moment, all the soldiers squatting on the ground stood up. This seemingly thin man was far beyond their expectations.

Not only that, at the moment Gao Liansong was thrown away, Su Mu rushed forward quickly, almost the same speed as Gao Liansong was moving in the air!

Huh! Snapped!

Before Gao Liansong's whirlwind leg hits the ground, he was already grabbed by Su Mu's shoulders. He was stunned, but it was too late to break free from Su Mu.



The whole person was thrown out by Su Mu, and a side leg fell quickly.


Lying on the ground, Gao Liansong put his hands on Su Mu's side legs, but he heard Su Mu say: "It's really good, but it's a pity."


Su Mu's left leg was grasped by Gao Liansong, but Su Mu held on to the ground with both hands, and then his right leg instantly lifted, and it suddenly landed on Gao Liansong's abdomen.


A mouthful of gastric juice spewed out, and Gao Liansong's entire face became flushed.



Grabbing the lock, Su Mu locked Gao Liansong's hands with one hand, his legs pressed against his legs, and the remaining hand turned into a jab and landed one centimeter between Gao Liansong's eyebrows.

The audience was in an uproar, and everyone was shocked.

Gao Liansong is the most powerful among them, and he is the first in special capture every year, but now he is caught by this person? This is simply shocking.

Moreover, this person's body is too weird, even the spectators didn't seem to see how the capture was done just now.

Su Mu slowly released Gao Liansong, then slowly stood up.

There was nothing strange about Wenren Zhiyuan at this time, he looked at Su Mu lightly, and Su Mu looked at him.

Then Su Mu looked at the other soldiers, and said, "You guys, let's go together!"



In an instant, the anger seemed to burn.

As a soldier, if you lose heads-up, you lose, and now your opponents let them go together, which is simply a humiliation!

The most annoying thing is that he defeated the king of soldiers, Gao Liansong!

Gao Liansong is simply a **** of war in this special team, and now he has been defeated so thoroughly!

"I didn't mean to look down on you. According to your leader's character, he won't let me leave so easily, so let's go together!"

"Arrogant! Do you really think that you can single out our team of 100 by defeating me? The chief is right, you are a bit arrogant!" Gao Liansong stood up and wiped the stain on the corner of his mouth.

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