Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1025: Refreshing

Dozens of people squeezed one person, but now they were actually backing away, and everyone was shocked!

How powerful is Nima?

It looks like a thin guy, obviously the type of sitting in an office, but now he can't even squeeze him with thirty or forty people?

When I saw this, the people who rushed behind me quickly joined in.


"Brothers hard!"


There was a squeaking sound, and I didn’t know if it was the friction between the arm and the arm or something. In short, after dozens of people joined behind, the crowd began to move inside again. Su Mu’s current posture is horizontal, his arms pushing Gao Liansong They had their feet on the wall and their belly down in the air.

But after the people who came to join the fight, Su Mu's arms began to bend.

Not only that, at this time Su Mu's forehead blue veins burst out, and he frowned.

Oh shit!

It is really difficult to deal with these people without using Guwu. When did China have such a perverted army?

Su Mu knew that if such a hundred people had weapons in their hands, it would be difficult for Su Mu to kill them even with ancient martial arts. It was an invincible team!

"Ah...ahhhh!!!" Su Mu suddenly shouted.

At this time, his arms began to straighten again, and all the remaining seventy people all began to back up again.

Gao Liansong's eyes were already staring no longer.

The guy in front of you! Is he still human? There are more than 70 people on my side, but all of them are from the king of soldiers, so they can't match his arm strength alone? This is absolutely impossible!

boom! !

boom! ! !

More than seventy people fell to the ground at this moment, and Su Mu directly escaped their siege.

Only at the moment Su Mu landed, countless soldiers began to attack Su Mu's bottom plate!

Bang bang bang!

"Damn! Get out of me!"



Su Mu moved left and right in the crowd like walking on stilts. However, these people's reaction ability and strength were much stronger than ordinary people, causing Su Mu to be attacked frequently.

And under Gao Liansong's attack, Su Mu fell directly to the ground.

The hula la crowd pressed on again, this time it was surrounded in all directions!

Puff puff puff!

Numerous fists fell, and Su Mu fought back frantically.

Bang bang!



Suddenly, the light rain fell, and they wet their bodies, and now.

More than an hour had passed, but Su Mu was still standing in the crowd.

Almost everyone's stamina was almost consumed, so now, whether it was Su Mu or Gao Liansong, everyone's movements became slow.

This kind of fighting, generally people with better physical strength, can hold on for five minutes, but now, they have been fighting for more than an hour, and you can imagine how abnormal Su Mu and these people's physical strengths.



With his fists still waving, Su Mu attacked Gao Liansong while avoiding.

At this time, in addition to Gao Liansong, there are more than a dozen people who can stand up, and the others are lying on the ground with a swollen nose and gasping for breath.

At this time, Gao Liansong and Su Mu's faces were also blue and swollen, and neither of them was much better.



A sweeping leg knocked the remaining people to the ground again. At the scene, Gao Liansong and Su Mu were left alone.

The light rain did not slow down, although it did not affect their fights, but the slippery ground and rain on the eyes would also affect their judgment.

"You're so **** good!" Su Mu stared at Gao Liansong, panting.

The latter also slowly walked towards Su Mu and said, "You the **** are the most awesome person I have ever seen! No one!"

"Haha! You are also the most powerful army I have ever seen, none of them!"


"Haha! Refreshing!"



One punch hit the opponent's face directly, and instantly fell to the ground.

No one can stand up anymore, now as long as you fall down, you don't even want to stand up. The physical exertion is too great.

At this moment, under the searchlights on the playground, more than a hundred people fell on the ground and panted, and no one wanted to stand up anymore.

"Your name is Su Mu?"

"Your name is Gao Liansong."

Gao Liansong looked at the raindrops falling in the dark with a smile, and grinned: "Damn, I have been in the army for more than ten years, and I have never seen such a perverted person. No wonder the old man said that you are a wicked fellow!"

"Haha! To be honest, I didn't expect China to have such a team, so I am very pleased."

"Cut, there are so many things that you don't know, how can I not have something vivid in China?"

"That's right, haha!"

At this moment, Wen Ren Zhiyuan's voice came and said: "Xiao Gao, have you taken it?"

Gao Liansong tried to get up with difficulty at this time, but his body was completely relieved, Wen Ren Zhiyuan waved his hand to indicate that he did not need to get up.

Gao Liansong laughed and said, "Master! I take it! Haha, let me fart before!"

Wen Ren Zhiyuan chuckled, then looked at the people around and asked, "You guys, do you take it?"


"What a **** pervert!"

"I serve!"


Everyone shouted for approval, but Su Mu was stunned. What happened?

At this time Wen Ren Zhiyuan slowly turned around: "Gao Liansong, Su Mu, come to my office when they can stand up."

Su Mu asked dumbfounded: "What the **** is going on?"

Gao Liansong chuckled, "You'll know in a moment, my quasi-hospice."



"Laugh at your mother. Force!"

"Fuck! I just laugh!"

"Don't accept it and continue to do it?!"

"Come on, who counsels and who has no birds!"

"My day, you didn't hurt enough to beat you, right?"

"Damn, I do it. You die! Come on!"



Talking about Su Mu and Gao Liansong, the two lunatics got up, but because of the rain, the ground was very slippery, and the two fell directly on the ground before they even touched each other.




Everyone: "..."

The light rain never stopped.

Su Mu and Gao Liansong came to a house covered in mud and water.

At this time, Wen Ren Zhiyuan was sitting at the office desk. He took a pair of reading glasses, then took out a folder and put it on the table and said, "Look at this first."

Su Mu and Gao Liansong looked at each other, then picked up the file bag.

When Su Mu opened the file and saw the information inside, he couldn't help but open his mouth. The information was actually about things in reincarnation, which surprised Su Mu very much!

Not only that, but what is recorded here is... or some confidential matters of other countries, and even mentioned the content of the previous, previous holographic game.


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