Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1032: Head-on conflict (90th!)

The channel permission of the Hall of Gods was suddenly closed, and all the people in the Hall of Gods were shocked, because this permission could only be opened by Su Mu himself.

Therefore, Xia Feng, Ye Qiu, tears and flowers, Qi Yun, Drunken Dreams, and even the members of the Hall of Gods near Zhongzhou are all paying attention to the movement in the Huangtianzhou area, so Su Mu is now closing the channel of the Hall of Gods. An order was issued.

Xia Feng naturally expected Su Mu to issue an order to attack the State of Qin, while Qi Yun and others tended to be more conservative in defense, avoiding the edge with Qin State, first of all, to develop the foundation of God's Domain and then to fight with these two guilds.

Now the war is really not calm.

"Why? Dissatisfied? I heard that your God's Domain has an absolute execution, as long as you don't obey your boss's words, you will be expelled from the guild?" Chang Fengpo led hundreds of people standing behind Xia Feng and others with ironic smiles. .

A little God's Domain still dreams of being an enemy of a guild like Qin State? Changfengpo really wants to say that it is self-defeating, a guild of hundreds of thousands of people, and a guild of tens of millions? Even though there are not tens of thousands of people in Qin State in Huangtianzhou District, in China, not every guild like Qin State can offend it.

So seeing Xia Feng they hesitated must be provoked by themselves.

The order Chang Fengpo received was to provoke God's Domain and expose its flaws, so that the people of Qin State had a reason to do it.

"Haha, this group of counselors, don't leave if there is something!" The people of Qin State wantonly hatred, while the people of God's Domain clenched their fists and gritted their teeth.

The people of Midsummer are smiling at this time, what is God's Realm awesome? Seeing the top three guilds in China, don’t they bow their heads? Hundreds of thousands want to dominate the Huangtianzhou area? It's simply irresponsible!

Xia Feng slowly turned around, and then stared at Chang Fengpo, while Ye Qiu was pulling his arm.

At this moment, Su Mu posted a word on the Channel of All Gods Hall: "Kill!"

Xia Feng didn't react at all the moment he saw this word, and Ye Qiu didn't react, so he was stunned for a while.

But after a second, Xia Feng glanced at Ye Qiu in horror and knew that the word was killing!

The smile blooms slowly...

"Hey, people from God's Domain, do you want to stay here and watch us kill monsters? Or..."

boom! ! !

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck the fuck!!!" Xia Feng, like a total lunatic, rushed into the crowd frantically, exploding the team with a bang.

The members of God's Domain are still in a daze, but they all rushed up in the next second!

Since Xia Feng has already charged, then it proves that the boss has ordered!

"Damn! Make you **** arrogant!"

"Fuck you! Let me die!"


Puff puff puff!

A hundred people from God's Domain rushed up in an instant, but the hundreds of people from Zhongxia and Qin Kingdom didn't even know what happened.

Players know that God's Domain must avoid guilds like Qin now, otherwise it is likely that Qin will find an excuse to attack them. At that time, it will be difficult for God's Domain to survive.

So Chang Fengpo satirized God's Domain Xia Feng as much as possible, but he never thought that God's Domain would be so bold? Don't they want to mix in the continent area? Is it true that their God Realm is not afraid of the tens of millions of guilds like Qin State?

You must know that the midsummer that God's Domain was able to win was completely due to the sudden defeat of Midsummer by the construction of the fortifications. It was also seen that the old president of Midsummer Xia Hai was killed, so morale was low and led to the defeat, and Qin and Zhongxia completely Different, what kind of guild is this? China’s top three guilds with absolute strength and equipment economy, if Qin and God’s Domain go to war, one million people can solve God’s Domain without three million people.

Because Zhongxia and Qin are not at the same level.

Regardless of whether it is a super guild such as Qin Kingdom or Yanhuang, the elite members are dozens of times as many as God's Domain and Midsummer. The level and equipment are enough to make God's Domain drink a pot.

Therefore, Changfeng broke the confusion.

Xia Feng and Ye Qiu's instant charge broke the shield of Chang Feng Po, and then the skills fell crazily. Chang Feng Po was killed by these two without any preparation!

Because they were not prepared nor expected that God's Domain would attack them at this time!



"Kill them all!!"



One hundred members of God's Domain, annihilated more than 600 people in Midsummer and Qin!



After Su Mu returned to the resident hall, he released the Channel of All Gods Hall.

Tears and flowers said, "Boss, is it a bit irrational to be in conflict with Qin at this time?"

"I also feel a bit too early." Qi Yun said.

At this time, Su Mu was sitting in the hall.

His breath came from Wenren Zhiyuan, Wenren Zihan's departure, although Su Mu didn't want to say anything, but it happened that Qin Guo hit Su Mu's gun.

Su Mu could only swallow this breath by himself, so Qin Guo directly picked it up for him.

God's Domain hunts down Zhongxia and the Alliance, what does it matter to you Qin State? Since you Qin State is willing to be this early bird, then my God Realm will smash your head.

Qin is awesome, but what can he do? Su Mu brought God's Domain to Huangtianzhou District and played the top three in China!

So there is nothing terrible. The most important thing is that Wenren Zhiyuan gave Su Mu's 100,000 army players. These 100,000 people can almost surpass the elite group of God's Domain, and even the power of the zero group. As long as the equipment and level are upgraded, add The command execution ability and physical quality of these people will definitely blow up ordinary players!

This is also one of the reasons Su Mu did this. If God's Domain wants to emerge in China, it can only quickly increase its popularity by fighting. According to the previous ideas, it will slowly develop. When will God's Domain reach the level of tens of millions of people? By that time the day lilies are cold.

So Su Mu didn't want to wait and couldn't wait!

"Qin, Yanhuang, and the two big bosses of Huangtianzhou District, do you think that Qin will be obstructed today? Will it happen tomorrow? If this Qin State is not resolved, do you think God's Domain can develop peacefully in Huangtianzhou District?" Su Mu asked .

The people in the Hall of Gods also stopped talking, and Su Mu was right. Since Qin Guo wanted to ask for trouble, even if you hide, you can’t avoid it, so it might as well be the same as it is now!

Su Mu said: "Moreover, there is another advantage in the frontal conflict with Qin. That is, the core of God's Domain will become as hard as iron. We don't need five million guild medals, nor eight million medals, let alone thousands. With these gimmicks, what we need is a team that can really fight!"

A resident city guild, more than one million will have a medal of honor, five million one, eight million one, ten million, twenty million, fifty million, one hundred million, etc. .

These are just gimmicks!

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