Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1039: Continental League


Boom boom boom!

Cang Ming's resident city.

The corners of Dream Life's mouth were jumping wildly at this time. Originally thought that the people of God's Domain had no ammunition at all, but now countless bombs fell crazily in the resident city, which made Cangmeng want to curse his mother!

Who the **** said God's Domain has no ammunition? This **** feels that the ammunition is very sufficient, OK? ?

If you knew that the people of God’s Domain still had so many ammunition, then how could Cang Ming’s members stand on the wall and clamor from the people of God’s Domain. At least they wouldn’t die so miserably. Now there is no need to ask. Tens of thousands of Cang Ming must have been blown to ashes!


At this time, the rumbling blast above the Cangming Guild's resident city affected all the eight alliance guilds.

Chunchun Feng quickly came to the residence of the Red Moon Gate at this time, not only him, but also the people from Sky Blue Villa also came to the desperate Red Moon Gate.

Several people all gathered together.

After desperately seeing them, they couldn't help frowning and said: "You have also received the news?"

Li Feng nodded: "Yes, Cang Ming Guild has also been bombarded by God's Domain! I am afraid it hasn't stopped yet!"

The hatred in Destiny's heart, but there is no way. The people in God's Domain are unreasonable now. They bully people crazily through some high-level artillery, but you can't say anything, not even fart. Dare to let go.

If you put it in other guilds, you can also say that there is a kind of heads-up, a kind of leader!

However, the people of the Eight Alliances said that they would not dare to scream like this, singled out, let alone Su Mu, the elite leaders of God's Domain were enough for them to drink a pot.

Teamfight? It has been beaten more than once, and 100,000 people in God's Domain can kill millions of them. How to beat them?

So at this time the aggrieved eight alliances do not know what to do.

He desperately looked at the people and said, "I see, this incident also gave us a signal. At least, this God's Domain is not capable of moving right now, so let's just watch it change."

"Then ignore Cang Ming?"

"How to manage? Melfeng, you should deal with the Qiu family, and you want to control Cang Ming's people?"

For a while, everyone was quiet. Now, just as desperately said, they still have no strength to oppose God's Domain. Now it has become a grievance between God's Domain and Qin Kingdom. What are they involved in? This is no longer a level they can reach.

Thinking of this, they suddenly realized that although there are not many people in God's Domain, their position has changed. Now their eight alliances are no longer at the same level as God's Domain, and God's Domain is actually at the same level as Qin Kingdom?

This made all the eight league bosses a cold sweat.

The bombardment of Cang Ming lasted for more than two hours, and the entire Cang Ming’s resident city, like the Longmen Villa, had its walls destroyed in all directions, and the surrounding buildings were also destroyed. There was chaos all around, like ruins after a battle, and even a lot of wolves were seen in the distance.

The morale of the members of the entire Cangming Guild was low, and all members were listlessly cleaning the resident city.

At this time, the dream life can only be to watch his resident city be blown up.

As for Su Mu's words when he left, he still lingered over Cangming Resident City for a long time.

"No matter how **** it is, I will blow up the whole city of Cang Ming next time!"

This was a sentence from Su Mu before he left, and the whole Cang Ming didn't dare to refute it.

Can't fight, can't fight singles, now can't even fight fortification defense, how can you compete with God's Domain? Therefore, they could only watch dumbfoundedly at the thousands of people in God's Domain leaving Cang Ming's resident city.

However, two resident cities were bombed in this half day, and the entire Huangtianzhou area was boiling again.

But some smarter players suddenly discovered a pattern.

After the people from God's Domain came to the Huangtianzhou area, when can they quietly upgrade and fight monsters? Regardless of whether they took the lead in causing trouble, the recent Huangtianzhou area is always in their God's Domain, and almost all the discussions are related to their God's Domain. This feature makes players dumbfounded.

But it also proved that God's Domain is becoming stronger.

Therefore, the members who join God's Domain are players with relatively strong strength and more active brains. The joining of these people is what Su Mu really likes and sees, and it is better than some stupid clumsy.

Therefore, even if the income of God's Domain is relatively slow now, Su Mu has nothing to worry about.

And today’s bombing incident created by God’s Domain completely shocked Yanhuang and Qin State in Huangtianzhou District. At the same time, Su Mu also wanted to give Qin State a signal. If you attack God’s Territory with more deception and less shame, then you have to do well. Think about whether you can defend against these shells!

Midsummer’s three million people were all defeated, and even if your Qin Kingdom’s strength is stronger and stronger than the overall ability of others, the hundreds of artillery in this God's Domain can bomb at least hundreds of thousands of you!

"Ding! Huangtianzhou District Announcement: Following the opening of the City League, the top 1,000 players, and the start of the Continent Competition, the top 1,000 players in major cities should sign in to the continent within a week to participate in the competition. Please check the information column on your own. The game list will be announced in advance on the screen of the task hall. Players can also watch the game selectively."

In an instant, the Chau District became quiet.

Not only the Huangtianzhou District, but the four imperial cities in the Huaxia Region were quiet at this time.

The league has finally come to the continent. This time represents the emergence of China’s top 1000 masters. After the continent’s league is over, the China’s top 100 competitions, and then the world-class top 100, the battle for the title of God's Shadow!

Therefore, the entire continent exploded after a moment of silence, and countless players yelled. This kind of thing is what they like to see, after all, it is the league of the continent.

The most exciting thing for players is to go to the character hall to watch the list of contestants for the next game. Because this list of contestants will be announced in the next game, it will be announced at this time even if it is seven days later. Out of the first day of the game list.

It's just that when everyone saw this list, they got excited again.

Countless people laughed and started to publicize it wildly. This time the continental competition will become very, very interesting.

At this time, Xia Feng suddenly shouted on the Channel of All Gods Hall: "Fuck! Brother! They have something wrong again!"

Everyone's mood immediately followed by mentioning that there can be no more accidents in God's Domain now, and another accident will really end.

Only Xia Feng's next sentence made all the members of the Hall of Gods bewildered.

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