Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1071: Go to the underworld

Xia Feng, Ye Qiu, drunken dreams of Hongchen, tears falling, Fanhua and Qi Yun were instantly stunned.

They all know that the assassin's clone technique can last for a while, so when Su Mu just came in, they didn't care too much, but what does Nima mean by the clone technique now? So now they don't even know which is the real Su Mu.

And Su Mu waved his hand and said: "Don't be surprised, I just learned a skill, you can control the clone technique, you continue."


Xia Feng swallowed, then looked at Su Mu and then turned to look at Su Mu's clone, crying in mourning, "Damn, who should I talk to?"

Su Mu laughed and said: "Where did you talk just now?"

"Qin State is likely to give up attacking us." Tears and flowers said.

Su Mu nodded. Qin's application for an attack on God's Domain five days ago was indeed very irrational. It would be fine if God's Domain was destroyed directly, but what if it could not be destroyed? That is to make Qin directly fall into the bottom. This is like a race between two people. The first place is always in fear, because you don’t know when the second place will catch up, and the second place just needs to grit your teeth. Can sprint forward and chase.

Once a guild like the Qin State fails, although there will be no major troubles, it will definitely bring huge benefits to God's Domain. Therefore, this time Qin State's application to attack God's Domain must either go all out or give up the attack.

So Su Mu nodded, and then wanted to speak, but he turned his consciousness to the clone body and said, "Whether they fight or not, they must be prepared for the battle. After all, this is the State of Qin, not more than the previous guild."

Xia Feng and others are about to cry, who is Nima going to talk to?

However, several of them also understood what Su Mu meant, so the discussion just now came from this line of thought, so this can only be done first.

Because there are D-level fortifications, even if it is defensive, it will not be the same as the crazy use of people in the past, so it is not so easy for Qin to attack God's Domain. At least now, even Qin does not have D. Grade fortification building.

Su Mu discussed with them about the battle two days later, and then ran out to play with his clone.

This clone made Su Mu attach great importance to it. Although he still can't completely control the thinking of the two people, Su Mu knows that once he can control the battle between the two people, it can play a very important role in the future and in reality.

One Su Mu can withstand the attack of tens of thousands of people. What about the two Su Mu?

It is hard to say that when the two Su Mu merged, there will be greater combat effectiveness.

Another point is about the merger of the gods. Su Mu didn't know if the splitting of the real body that he summoned in the merged state of the gods was also in the merged state. If that was the case, it would be invincible!

So now Su Mu couldn't wait to control this clone.

And the resident city was helpless with Su Mu's clone. For a while, the boring players in God's Domain all watched Su Mu's control clone like a monkey.

It lasted for a long time like this, Su Mu still couldn't find a better way to control the clone.

As long as you let the clone do something, there will always be a blank in the body, and sometimes Su Mu is afraid that his own body's brain waves will stay in the body and can't get out of the feeling. This makes Su Mu very helpless.

Go online the next day.

Su Mu went directly to the city lord's mansion to sign in for the competition, and then returned to the resident city to continue training and controlling the clone, but at this time the news of the corpse banshee came again, still being the summons of the female emperor.

This made Su Mu couldn't help but smile. The lady Emperor Qiangwei was so **** on purpose last time. It was only a few days before she was going to die again, so this guy naturally laughed cheaply.

After roughly arranging the guild activities, Su Mu went straight to the Jiuquan Profound Pagoda.



Underworld, Hades Mountain Palace.

In the huge palace, black metal pillars with a height of 100 meters were erected on both sides, and between the two rows of black pillars was a walkway, and the Emperor Ming in a black robe slowly walked on them.

It was pitch black behind her, but there was bright light in the hall.

Black robe, high collar, black hair, standing double. The snowy white skin above the peak is undoubtedly dark and the Emperor Ming walks slowly forward. At this time, the cold Emperor Qiangwei has a trace of fear in his eyes. No one would have thought of it.

At this time, his location was called the Palace of the Hades, which was where the Lord God of the Hades was.

The king of the underworld is not the underworld emperor, and Qiangwei also knows that he took over the position of the underworld emperor eight thousand years ago, so the real overlord of the underworld is in the underworld palace.

It stands to reason that the Hades is the overlord of the underworld NPC main city, a special kind of NPC that comes into contact with players, and Hades, the real underworld overlord is the person in charge of the entire underworld, and all souls in the underworld dungeon are in his hands!

This was already known when Su Mu entered the underworld for the first time, so Su Mu had been wondering who the overlord of the underworld was and why he didn't appear for the first two times.

At this time, Emperor Ming's eyes were full of worry and he walked forward slowly, but he was thinking of Su Mu's face. I wonder if he can come in time...

This is the thought of Emperor Ming as the last step out of this corridor.

Passing through this corridor, there was nothing in the huge palace. In front of the main hall, beside a bench, there were huge braziers on both sides. The flames throbbed, as if trying to swallow this dark space.

And on the bench, a man with black skin, horns on the top of his head, and a black robe lay horizontally on the bench.

Those two fangs were exposed and staring at the chest of Ming Emperor Qiangwei with a smile, a kind of exposing desire, looking lost in this huge palace.


This person turned into a black mist and disappeared on the bench, and once again appeared behind the Emperor Underworld, and transformed into a black robe man, his face was quite handsome...but he had a slightly demonic feeling.

He stretched out his hands and slowly put them on the shoulders of Emperor Ming, his long black nails made people shudder.

With a jealous laughter, he said: "Rose, it's been eight thousand years, should our promise be redeemed?"

Qiangwei quickly turned around and avoided the man's hand without leaving a trace, then bowed slightly and said, "Qianwei, I have seen Lord Hades."

Fame took back the pale fingers with a smile, and then slowly walked a few steps to one side behind him, saying: "Qianwei, it's been eight thousand years, you only come here once every year, so the widows can miss it. ."

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