Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1081: So you can't take care of yourself

Underworld, Hades Mountain, Hades Palace.

At this time, raging smoke rose in the center of the entire Hades Mountain, and then what you saw was the entire black peak of Hades disappeared, and there was thick black fog blowing in the wind...

At this time, he was in the palace of Hades within the explosion range.

Su Mu just wanted to explode.

The entire Hades Palace disappeared...


The scene was a mess, except for the black floor on the ground, everything else disappeared...

At this time, Su Mu, who was holding the two goddesses, was shocked and speechless. Even though they were the supreme gods, they were still deeply shocked by the destructive skills in front of them when their memory was missing.

All five people stood there and looked around in horror.

At this time, the Empress Ming looked at the two Su Mu in surprise, and smiled: "God's Domain is passive? It's a bit interesting."

Su Mu quickly turned around, and then controlled his clone and the two goddesses to face the queen.

At this time, the five people were completely shocked by the results of the battle in front of them, and the entire Hades Palace was gone. How the **** was this fight?

Not only is the two goddesses a little weak, even Su Mu now feels that the boss he encountered is not of the same level at all. Nima is a skill that destroys the world at all times, and there is no chance of winning!

Even if Su Mu had summoned both Shui Lan and Mu Ling, he had no chance of winning.

Now Su Mu finally understood why Emperor Underworld was so afraid of this Queen of Underworld, and before that, he said that he could not do without here.

Seeing what it looks like now, it is indeed inseparable. After all, this almost supreme **** boss is the true overlord of the underworld. Su Mu now feels that he is a little impulsive. I thought the underworld was so easy to kill. Where to go? But now?

Now I want to scold my mother!

"Can you withstand my attack once, can you withstand me twice? Empress, Tu Li, today is your end point, don't resist... Accept this fact..."

Hum! ! !

boom! ! !

In an instant, the black mist once again enveloped Su Mu and the other five people, and what shocked Su Mu most was that it was a black compressed ball of dense fog similar to the previous one, and then went straight to the female emperor and the goddess Tu Li in front.

But Su Mu couldn't help but let the clone push the Empress and Goddess Tu Li back.

boom! ! ! !

The huge shield was propped up, and Su Mu's main body stood there without any thoughts at all, all thoughts were on the clone, so at this time, the shield quickly disappeared!


The shield disappeared, but Su Mu was not dead, which surprised everyone. However, Qiangwei's scream was suddenly heard in the next second.

Su Mu turned around and saw that Qiangwei had appeared in the hands of the Empress, and pinched her neck and feet!

"Hehehe, the look is pretty good, no wonder the old ghost of Pluto will like you, it's a pity, now I don’t have a reason to be sulking with you, but I am unhappy when I see your face... ... Qiangwei, you should know that this is the result of trespassing in this palace..."


"Let her go!!" Su Mu shouted.

But the Empress Ming smiled contemptuously: "I can't even protect my own woman, knowing what's the use of standing there and yelling?"

"I **** told you to let her hear her!!!"

" hurry... go... don't... leave me... I... cough..."

Click! There was a click from the cervical vertebrae, and Qiangwei's face instantly turned red, as if the blood could not circulate...

After Ming, staring at Qiangwei's beautiful face with that kind of disdain and ironic smile...Jie Jie smiled...

"I **** let you! Let go! She! Ah!"

"God! Domain! Union! Together!!!"


"Ding! God's Domain is merged, the experience value of the God's Domain suit is increased by 1, and the upgrade difficulty is 6 times the experience value."

Su Mu had already ignored this prompt.

This is something that Su Mu always wanted to experiment but had no chance to experiment.

Since the clone technique and his own body existed at the same time, Su Mu was thinking, what would be the result if the clone technique were to use God's Domain Merger? Su Mu used God's Domain Merger twice, but every time he lost his reason and humanity!

The first time I had a relationship with Zhou Wenling, and the second time I had a relationship with the Emperor Underworld. Su Mu didn't want to use God's Domain Merger when meeting a male boss. So yesterday Su Mu thought that the clone technique is Isn't it possible to use God's Domain Merger? Because the clone is also Su Mu's consciousness and brain.

And now, it turns out that Su Mu’s idea is correct. The clone can be merged with God's Domain. Not only that, Su Mu also wants to know if he can withdraw his consciousness instantly, or take his clone back in an instant if the battle is over. , If this is the case, there is no need to worry about the side effects after the merger of God's Domain.

In addition, Qiangwei's neck was pinched, and Su Mu seemed to be out of control, so God's Domain was merged and opened!

His eyes were blood red, and his whole body exuded a cold killing intent.

At this moment, the Empress and Tu Li involuntarily stepped back a few steps, and then looked at each other. Is this a clone or a real body?

At this time, Qiangwei wanted to shake her head vigorously, but no matter how she was pinched by the queen, she could only watch the state of Su Mu's fusion of the Divine Region... Although she knew that this state was very strong... but the side effects...who... Can bear...


With his head down, Su Mu clenched his hands tightly, and then suddenly looked towards Minghou.

The latter was surprised!



I jumped instantly.

With a boom, he landed in front of Minghou and punched out.

Bang! ! !

Ming Empress pinched Qiangwei with one hand and stretched out his fist to blast Su Mu, but the next second...


After Ming, the whole person was knocked out, but Qiangwei fell down... However, she fell in Su Mu's arms...

Su Mu looked down at Qiangwei, who also looked at Su Mu's blood-red eyes in fear, but the next second Qiangwei screamed...



Su Mu suddenly threw Qiangwei behind him, and said: "Take care of Qiangwei."

The Empress and Tu Li directly caught Qiangwei, and the three of them stood there and watched Su Mu's figure... disappeared... reappearing is already in the ruins!

boom! ! !


Su Mu was suspended in the air, waving his fists constantly, and countless red gas fists blasted into the ruins.


"The woman who dares to move Lao Tzu! You are looking for death!"


"go to hell!"



Boom boom boom! ! !

The residue of the ruins sputtered everywhere, and at this time the figure of the queen was no longer visible, and even the black mist had disappeared completely.

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