Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1095: Undefeated thirty people

Skill effects disappear.

Su Mu's blade wing was still in front of the resurrection point.

Dong Mingkun knew that he wanted to kill the members of God's Domain with these ordinary skills, but it was a bit too simple to kill Su Mu, so Su Mu did not die and he did not surprise him much.

It's just that when he saw the people around Su Mu, he was stunned. Why didn't these people die?

Because Dong Mingkun and Qin’s senior officials knew that Su Mu had some superpowers of a range nature, most of these skills lasted for a few minutes, so the long-range skill bombing lasted for ten minutes in order to avoid Su Mu’s This enchanting skill protects the members of God's Domain.

And now, there are thirty people standing beside Su Mu!

What shocked Dong Mingkun most was that he could almost recognize a dozen of these thirty people!

Xia Feng, Fatty Zhang, one thought becomes a devil, nine ghosts, tears and flowers, Haitian Longye, Ye Qiu, Drunken Dream Hongchen, Chen Xiaoruan, Luoli, Kuanglan, etc. More than 30 members of the temple are staring coldly at this time Member of the Qin State Guild!

All the onlookers also exclaimed, these thirty people actually have not died under the bombing of ten minutes of skills? Are you hanging up?

But no matter how they exclaimed, God's Domain was not completely destroyed!

Xia Feng took a few steps forward, and pointed at Qin's team with a long knife and shouted loudly, "Is this the **** bathing for Lao Tzu? Can I have some powerful skills?! Fuck!"

The whole resident city wall players in an uproar, all staring at Xia Feng and others at the center of the resurrection point, Nima is still thinking about clamoring at this time?

But the fact that these thirty-odd people did not die surprised everyone.

The people of Qin State were also very shocked. Dong Mingkun shouted: "Go up! Kill them for me!"

Paladins, berserkers, hidden assassins and other melee combat, all rushed up!


The sound of footsteps turned into a booming vibration and rushed to Su Mu's 30-odd people.

At this time, the members of the All Gods Hall looked at each other, and then stood behind Su Mu forming a row, shouting in unison: "All the Gods Hall! Follow Muying to the death! I would rather die than abandon God's domain!!"

Su Mu's long sword horizontally: "Come on!!!"


Boom! !

Boom boom boom! ! !



"Soul Eater!"

"Luoying Qingfeng Sword!"



Qin's assault group instantly surrounded the thirty people in God's Domain.

Everyone saw the thirty people of God’s Domain disappear directly into the crowd, and then only heard the sound of Ding Dang’s weapon impact, coupled with Qin’s cry of fighting, the whole scene became a mess, even at all. There are still a few people who can't see God's Domain clearly!

The sound of bang bang bang came continuously, and tens of thousands of people besieged 30 people, even if your ability is strong, it is impossible to survive...

boom! ! !

"Shenyu Wanjian!"


"Sunder Armor!"


In an instant, a space exploded again in front of him, and the people of Qin State couldn't help but frighten.

At this moment, the rumbling sound continued to sound, followed by the arrow in the sky exploding and falling instantly.

The cooperation between Luo Li and Chen Xiaoruan has reached the extreme. The group attack skills make up for the damage, and the melee professional is responsible for the spike!

Thirty people, the damage was distributed in an orderly manner, and Qin was killed or injured by a single charge!

Moreover, of these thirty people, none of them died!

The horror atmosphere once again spread around the spectators on the wall of the resident city. What kind of guild is this God's Domain? Can a siege kill them?

However, before they could get back to their senses, they saw that these thirty people dispersed in an instant, and then went straight to the crowd in the Qin State team to fight.

The bombardment of skills and the frenzied slashing and slashing formed a group of visual shocks. Only seeing the slaughter of God's Domain but not seeing the death of God's Domain, this kind of combat power made everyone's eyes wide-open!


"go to hell!"

boom! ! !

The crazy Xia Feng, the steel-like nine ghosts, and the old members of the Hall of Gods, at this moment, God's Domain is once again invincible!

The most shocking thing is the president of God's Domain. One skill kills hundreds of people in seconds, and the single skill penetrates four or five players in Qin. It is basically a one-sided massacre. There are so many people in Qin that there is no use for it!

The charge stopped, the battle stopped, and the people of Qin began to retreat slowly.

However, Xia Feng smiled wildly: "Afraid? Did I let you go? Ah?!"

Huh! boom! ! !

In an instant, dozens of people were knocked into the air, and Xia Feng rushed up, and was finally rushed back by the Paladin of Qin State.

Humbling back dozens of steps, Xia Feng laughed while retreating, "Qin, that's nothing more than that! Hahaha! Don't worry! Boss!!"

Invincible 30 people, the potion of immortality makes them invincible, long-range, melee, are all ineffective!

Su Mu stared at Qin before the crowd proudly: "Even if God's Domain loses, it is undefeated!!"



Thirty people, in the face of Qin's millions, still did not change their faces, as if they were about to swallow Qin!

Gao Liansong finally realized something at this time. The real reason Su Mu asked them to watch the battle was not to look down on them, but to fear that these soldiers would look down on these so-called ordinary players in God's Domain!

Because the soldiers’ physical fitness and the ability to follow commands are stronger than ordinary players, they are generally much better than ordinary players in the game. Therefore, it is reasonable for soldiers to look down on ordinary players. Now, after seeing the team battle in God's Domain, Gao Liansong knew that after the one hundred group leaders he had brought to join God's Domain, he would never look down on the members of God's Domain, let alone mock them!

Because this group of people, like them, are all iron-clad men!

This is Su Mu's real intention, right?

Gao Liansong and the hundred people behind him were all full of enthusiasm and clenched their fists, but he was not a guild, and now he couldn't rush up.


On the battlefield at this time, Su Mu sneered: "Dong Mingkun, don't you want to fight or are you counseling? If you have a seed, continue! If you don't have a seed, let me go!"

"Wang Zong Bao! Get out of God's Domain!"

"Get out if you don't plant it!!"

Thirty people in God's Domain clamored crazy, so crazy and arrogant, because they are facing a million people in Qin, they only have 30 people, how can I feel that they are millions of people, but Qin has few people? What about the party?

However, the people of the Qin Kingdom still did not dare to move forward. The order they received was to stand in place, because the members and high-level officials of the Qin Kingdom knew that at this time it was not a time to fight hard. There must be something wrong with the thirty people in this gods domain .

"Any 30 people in my God's Domain will scare away the millions of Qin Kingdom! Hahaha!"

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