Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1098: Poppy horoscope (6 more)

Kuang Lan held Su Mu's arm, his short white hair was unusually dazzling, and his **** figure matched Su Mu's walk together.

She smiled and said, "Finally figured it out?"

Su Mu knew that these two words could not hide the members of the original gods, so he smiled slightly and said: "It is not that I figured it out, but I have to do it. If I fight a guild like Qin, why don't I go all out? Can it work? Just you know as much."

"Cut, you don't come here. Anyone from the Pavilion of the Gods can understand this sentence, right?"

"Why doesn't Xia Feng understand?"

"That idiot can be compared to us?"


"I'm going offline, how about you?" Su Mu wanted to go to Feihuo Meteor. He didn't want Luo Tian to help attack the Kingdom of Qin. That would be too horrible, and if Luo Tian's people were to come, it would definitely be different Twenty thousand, letting millions of them return for three days as a whole, Su Mu would not believe that Feihuo Meteor would agree.

Moreover, the fewer people know about the four-dimensional space, the better. Su Mu went to find Feihuo Meteor for something else.

Kuang Lan knew that Su Mu had something to do, so he didn't continue to follow him, but went to chat with Chen Xiaoruan and the others, as if she was not sad at all when God's Domain was destroyed.



"Ding! Paid notice from the Forbidden Continent: Xia Feng: The Emperor is outside the palace wall, and the Jade Emperor talks with him cross-legged!"

"Ding! Panguzhou District Paid Announcement: Tears and flowers: The emperor is outside the palace wall, and the Jade Emperor talks with him cross-legged."

"Ding! Paying announcement from Shenzhou District: Qi Yun: The Emperor is outside the palace wall, and the Jade Emperor talks with him cross-legged."

"Ding! Huangtianzhou District Pay Announcement: Drunken Dreams: The Emperor is outside the palace wall, and the Jade Emperor talks with him cross-legged!"

In an instant, in the four imperial cities in China, the IDs of these four people appeared every hour, and they repeatedly shouted a sentence. All the players were confused. What happened to this person? Are you crazy or burn more money?

At this time, inside Qin State also frowned slightly.

An old man with ID Gu said: "Not only the Huangtianzhou area, but also the other three continents, all of which are the elite leaders of the God's Domain Guild."

Dong Mingkun frowned and said, "They are the same two sentences?"

"Yes, the same two sentences."

At this time, another middle-aged man frowned slightly and said, "What does it mean that the Emperor is outside the palace wall and the Jade Emperor talks with him cross-legged? What does God's Domain want to express? Why are they in the four emperors of China The city announces together? Is it heralding something?"

Old Gu shook his head. They couldn't figure out this, but Old Gu still said, "No matter what this sentence means, God's Domain must have some conspiracy. These two sentences are probably looking for someone? Or something. ?"

Dong Mingkun also waved his hand and said: "Don't think about it so much, what if God's Domain can find the person they want to find? A mere million-level guild still wants to fight against my Daqin? Even if it’s a person from Zhongzhou. All of them are only three or four million, and most of them are peripheral members. Only the migration fee is enough for them to drink a pot. Let's fight it as a regular battle."

Old Gu also nodded, this is the only way for now.

At this time, a player came to report, and the invited guest came.

Dong Mingkun quickly stood up, then looked at the person outside the hall and said respectfully: "Uncle Thirteen."

The person here is Yanhuang's Long Shisan.

He nodded and walked in, and then slightly nodded to Old Gu and the others as a greeting. Then he sat down and said: "I promised your father that you are allowed to ask me three times during the reincarnation, so I hope you don't waste these three opportunities. ."

"Yeah, don't worry, Uncle Thirteen, Xiao Kun will definitely not ask you questions about idiots..."

Long Shisan glanced at Gu Laodao: "It must be those two sentences from God's Domain, right?"

Gu Lao said, "We old folks have thought about it for a long time and haven't figured out what God's Domain is going to do, so we asked Xiao Kun to invite you."

Long Shisan has not been in contact with God's Domain, and all the sources of information are learned from Longhen and Naozhen, so he dare not draw conclusions now, but he still said: "These two sentences are definitely looking for someone. It’s their secret spoken language. In fact, these two sentences seem to make no sense, but as long as you figure out the links, it becomes very simple. The question now is how can we think of the keywords in these two sentences."

This is not a code word, it can only be said to be a hidden poem, but no matter how you turn it upside down, you won't understand the meaning of this sentence.

And what makes Long Shisan most strange is how did this Emperor of China get involved with the Jade Emperor?

Everyone discussed it for a long time, and finally Long Shisan's suggestion to Dong Mingkun made him dumbfounded, that is, to find Poppy.

None of them can understand this sentence.

Therefore, Dong Mingkun could only find Poppy here.

To Dong Mingkun’s surprise, the president of Poppy was not there. It was the tall one who received him, and the tall one directly told Dong Mingkun that five million gold coins were given to him. It was the beautiful president of Poppy. I downloaded it and told Dong Mingkun that this kit might not have the answer he wanted.

Dong Mingkun was helpless, he could only grit his teeth and spend 5 million gold coins to buy this kit.

And there are only eight words in this kit: Seven days later, fully defend!

"Fuck! Five million gold coins give Lao Tzu these eight words? Poppy is really **** poison!"

Dong Mingkun threw the kit on the table in the hall and shouted.

Old Gu picked it up and took a look, then frowned.

God's Domain is just a small guild with hundreds of thousands of people. Even if you recall the branch, there are only four million people, and many of them are peripheral members. Why should you fight Qin?

The most important thing is, how many fortifications does Qin currently have? How much is God's Domain? Although those fortifications in God's Domain are one level higher, what's the use? Under the suppression of the absolute number, there is not much use at all.

"This poppy will simply get more and more arrogant. Give five million words to make me angry?" Dong Mingkun was still furious.

However, Mr. Gu on the side looked at Dong Mingkun and said: "Master, you should calm down first, Poppy, you will never be aimless, and will not talk about it. Therefore, her eight words may not be true."

"What's the matter? How many birdmen in God's Domain? How many fortifications? How many elite members? Now that there is no **** resident city, Poppy actually told me to let me prepare for the war? Prepare for her paralysis! If Qin is fully prepared for the war, I will be in the continent. How is the district still mixed?"


Dong Mingkun shouted: "Proud son, give me an order to block God's Domain across the continent, and kill all the people in God's Domain within seven days! Kill me if you see God's Domain!"


"Gu Lao, I will consider Poppy's words, but even if his father sees these eight characters, he will be very angry? Isn't it a small god's domain? Isn't it a pastoral shadow with a favorite of gods? Is it my grand Qin country? Are you afraid that he will not succeed? Come if you have the ability! My Dong Mingkun will continue!"

Old Gu sighed in his heart. No wonder Dong Mingkun was so angry. Originally, it was irritating for God's Domain to apply to attack the State of Qin after its failure. It was too arrogant, but now Poppy actually told Qin State to prepare for the war. Does it mean that the power of God's Domain and Qin Kingdom are equal?

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