Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1114: 9527's daughter (5 more)

Su Mu was very surprised when the dragon appeared at this time.

At that time, Su Mu was especially looking forward to the one-on-one match, but in the end he didn't know what caused the dragon to disappear suddenly, and he didn't even complete the PK that he wanted to get drunk tonight.


"I'm Dragon, I'm sorry, but I couldn't rush there temporarily at the agreed time." Long said immediately after seeing Su Mu's friend accept it.

Su Mu didn't feel anything, who didn't have anything in reality yet.

"It's okay, now I have time?" To be honest, Su Mu is still looking forward to a fight with this dragon. After all, there are too many legends about this dragon in China, and what Su Mu doesn't understand is why he is so powerful not to participate. Individual MVP contest? Don't create a guild to win glory for the country? Every countryman has his own sense of honor, which is inevitable, so players in the game are almost in the same mood, wanting to compete for honor for the country in the national war.

Su Mu doesn't believe that this dragon has no sense of honor for the nation. This is impossible. If he is indifferent to this level, he will not choose to challenge the various masters of China. As long as he appears in the game, he will be competitive and hegemony. Heart, otherwise, why do you have to enter the cycle?

Therefore, this is also one of the main reasons that Su Mu wants to get closer to the dragon. If he can be drawn into the realm of God, or he can be persuaded to participate in the national war, then the Huaxia Empire will have another chance of winning.

"Haha, there is it, when shall we make an appointment? I heard that tomorrow your God's Domain is going to attack the Kingdom of Qin? Old brother! Great!" Long's personality has changed slightly this time, which also makes Su Mu's eyes lit up.

"Yes, we will attack Qin tomorrow. If you are interested, you can come and watch the battle. After the resident battle, you can pick it up when we discuss it." Su Mu said as he walked to the city lord's mansion.

But what surprised Su Mu was that Long suddenly said, "Or, let's have a heads-up in the afternoon? By the way, let's have a bet or something."

Su Mu was startled, this afternoon? Although this is a game, today's PK will not affect tomorrow's battle, but is this dragon's choice this afternoon a bit too impatient?

Before Su Mu finished speaking, Long said: "Whether you win or lose today, as long as you come to the main peak of Qiongming Qinan Mountain in the afternoon for the appointment, tomorrow my dragon will participate in the resident battle against Qin as God's Domain, how about?"

Su Mu suddenly stood in place.

Long's words surprised Su Mu too much, and even made Su Mu feel a little horrified.

Somnus once said that this dragon, whether it is the mythical empire or Yanhuang and Qin, has hired him as the chairman countless times, but none of them were able to move, and even set the conditions to make all players jealous, but this dragon Still unmoved.

According to Somnus's original words, this person is not short of money, power, or power. He is a second-generation official and a second-generation rich. Therefore, there is nothing that can impress this person.

Su Mu’s idea is very simple. It is to use the strength in the game to'conquer' the dragon. No matter who it is, anyone who plays the game will have his own desires. Hope, although Su Mu does not know why the dragon does not participate in competitions and national wars, But from the point of view of his single-handedly challenged the various experts in China, the whole person still has his own desires.

And now the dragon suddenly said that as long as Su Mu attends the appointment, he will join the realm of God. This is a bit suspicious. Although Su Mu doesn’t know what he is thinking, one thing is very certain. The dragon’s joining the realm of God is definitely purposeful, or Said that singled out PK is just an excuse to join God's Domain.

But Su Mu really wanted to see what the dragon meant, or what he wanted to do, so Su Mu nodded and replied: "Okay, I'll go to Qiongming Qinan Mountain in the afternoon to look for you."

After closing the dialog box, Su Mu went to the hall hired by the resident city lord in the city lord mansion.

What surprised Su Mu was that here he actually saw 9527 of the original resident city of God's Domain C, which was the city lord that Su Mu had hired at the time.

Su Mu directly opened Chen Xiaoruan's dialog box and asked: "Xiaoruan, after the resident city is destroyed, will the city lord be cancelled directly?"

"Yes, Brother Su, but the premise is that the city owner will be canceled after he is killed. Therefore, after the resident is beaten down by a guild, he basically needs to hire the city owner himself. What's wrong?"

"It's okay, I'll just ask."

It turned out to be so.

Su Mu took the Rank 6 resident order and glanced at 9527 and said, "Hey, follow me."

The goatee 9527 glanced at Su Mu and said, "Boss, the old man is no longer hired by the city owner. Now the old man is the receptionist here. Do you want to hire a new city owner?"


"Yes, the old man was almost killed in the No. 8 resident city in area C. After returning, he no longer has the ability to manage a city, so the boss arranged for the old man to be here. Alas, it is difficult enough. I am afraid if it is someone else. I just fired the old man."

Su Mu suddenly felt that things were a little uneasy and the process had gone. According to the original recruitment process, Su Mu could directly hire the lord as long as he took the resident order, but now he is talking about routines with himself? Then there is only one possibility, the task is triggered!

So Su Mu asked patiently: "What's the matter?"

9527 sighed again: "Our profession, once it is unable to manage the city, it can only be laid-off. According to the above regulations, anyone with children and daughters is not allowed to continue to do any job, but it is due to the old man doing it all the year round. In addition, the old man’s daughter is not in Huangtian, so he arranged for the old man to do reception work here."

"Your daughter?"

"Yes, the old man's daughter left the imperial city a long time ago. There is no news, leaving the old man alone. Alas, I really don't know how she is now..."

"Ding! Do you accept 9527's commission to find his daughter Jin Ning and return to the imperial city."

Jin Ning? Su Mu was stunned in an instant. Is this name the title of the Supreme God of the Gold Element? Is this too nonsense? If the daughter of 9527 is Jin Ning, then things are a bit messy. Although 9527 is also an NPC, shouldn't the Supreme God belong to any NPC's children?

Maybe, just the same name?

Su Mu did not hesitate to accept it.

It's just that the resident order in Su Mu's hand suddenly disappeared in the next moment, which made Su Mu couldn't help but startled. The trigger condition for this task was a Rank 6 resident order? If so, Nima would be dead!

If the final reward of this task included the hiring of the city lord, then it is better to say that if it does not include, then Su Mu really wants to cry without tears.

"Ding! Accept the entrustment of 9527, look for Ling Lei, the main mission location, Zhongzhou City, Xifeng Mountain."

Zhongzhou City? Su Mu couldn't help grinning, that was the hometown of God's Domain, and there was no one else for the task to appear here.

But at this time 9527 returned to its original appearance again, just like an official receptionist, Su Mu no matter how much he talks to him, no matter how much he talks.

This is the advantage of NPCs in the era of holographic games. If you don't have quests, NPCs will not talk to you.

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