Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1132: Prelude

"Have you heard? Long and Muying's PK is over."

"My day? It's over? Didn't it mean that the dragon didn't show up? When was the fight? Where? Who won? Did the dragon win?"

"Yes, yes, say it!"

In the teahouse, in various copies, and in the area where monsters are spawned in the wild, there are discussions about this matter everywhere.

But no matter how you talk about it, no one knows who won, let alone the outcome of the last battle.

The hundred or ten onlookers were directly killed in the last match, so they didn't see who Su Mu and Long played in the last match, and no one knew what the result was.

They were bought by the major guilds and asked about the results at that time, but no one came out because they didn't see it.

However, Dong Mingkun came to a teahouse of the Poppy Guild in the Zhou District at this time.

He stood absently in the hall waiting, waiting for the tall one to come over and let him in before reacting.

In the private room, the charming back of Somnus didn't have any thoughts to appreciate him. He just asked faintly: "I want to know who wins the dragon and Muying."

Somnus turned around, then poured herself a cup of tea, first took a sip, waited for her to put down the teacup and said, "I don't know."

"I don't know?" Dong Mingkun's eyes widened involuntarily. Originally, he thought, Poppy might tell him that Muying won. That result is the last thing Dong Mingkun wants to know, but now he actually said he didn't know?

But, these five million gold coins are exchanged for these three words?

Somnus seems to have thought of Dong Mingkun's thoughts, she said with a charming smile: "I can only tell you, Dragon, has joined the realm of God."


Dong Mingkun was even more stunned.

Dragon joined the realm of God? How can this be?

At first I didn’t know how much effort Qin spent trying to win over the dragon, but in the end it was not successful, and Dong Mingkun’s father personally went there. For this reason, Qin was also afraid that the dragon would be drawn by Yanhuang or the mythical empire. But later, Long did not join any guild, which made Hahuaxia's big guilds feel relieved.

And now, the dragon has joined the realm of God? !

Dong Mingkun, who left the teahouse, didn't know how to describe his feelings. Now Su Mu's identity is becoming more and more mysterious.

How can a person with no past reach this point in a few months? And Dong Mingkun asked Poppy about the ID of Su Mu's last game more than once, but Poppy never told him, don't ask, Yanhuang and the others won't get any news from Poppy.

But in reality, the investigation has no results, and even the deep investigation will be warned by some people, which makes Dong Mingkun more curious and... scared...

This god’s realm is too mysterious, mysterious and frightening. The more such a guild, the more it makes Dong Mingkun unable to clearly predict how the war should go. Qin will not be afraid of any guild. After all, it is the top three in China, even if it is. He also had some clues and confidence in fighting with Yanhuang, but these days, this god's realm made him feel more and more uneasy.

In addition to the tips that Poppy gave him before, Qin Guo will go all out to defend God's Domain!

But so far, the members of God's Domain are still less than one million people, fully defending? If Qin Guo fully defends, he can gather thousands of people!

However, the defense is God's Domain, so making a fuss is not for ordinary players to watch jokes?

So, is this necessary?

Therefore, in tomorrow’s resident battle, Qin will not fully defend. If that is the case, it will be ashamed of the entire continent. Defending a God's domain will make Qin act like defending the Yanhuang Guild. This kind of public opinion Dong Mingkun does not want to hear. Especially I don't want my father and the people on the board to know that Qin is so embarrassing!

But the anxiety in my heart became stronger and stronger.

At this time, in the continent area, apart from the PK about the dragon and the shadow of the gods, it is the matter of the gods attacking the Qin Kingdom tomorrow.

The two events made the players in the entire continent enthusiastic, and countless people were thinking about the results of Muying and Dragon's PK and tomorrow's resident battle.



At this time, in the resident of God's Domain.

Su Mu stood in the resident hall looking at the excited expressions of Xia Feng and others and couldn't help but smiled: "What are you laughing at? Tomorrow is going to fight Qin, China's third-place Qin!"

Xia Feng laughed and said, "It's because I'm so excited about fighting Qin!"


Everyone laughed. At this time, the members of the Hall of Gods gathered in the continent area with only more than 50 people, so Su Mu thought that this shadow killing order was almost issued, and the rest will be the recalled original people. Members of the God Pavilion!

Su Mu looked at everyone, and then said: "Xia Feng, Gao Liansong, one thought becomes a demon, Haitian Dragon Lord, falling away, tears falling and blooming, drunk dreams, Qi Yun, Qi Yun, you lead 200,000 people to fortify around the city of Qin. Once everything is laid out, the original underground line will go online on time tomorrow."



"Tomorrow, Shuangshuang, Lan, Hawke, Tom, lunatic brothers, etc., take you to the border of the imperial city such as the rivers and mountains outside the Huangtianzhou area."

After Su Mu said these words, everyone was excited.

Xia Feng and the others were not members of the original pavilion of the gods, so they went to arm the defense, and the names Su Mu later called were all members of the original pavilion of the gods, and Su Mu asked them to go to a border location outside the imperial city. The purpose was obvious. Greet the old members of the Pavilion of Gods! !

So, it also means...

After going online tomorrow, 80% of the brothers in God's Domain and Hall of Gods will return to the team!

When Su Mu returned to the country, the pavilions of the gods were not allowed to terminate the contract with Zeus without authorization. But now, most people have terminated the contract. Due to Su Mu’s order, they dare not contact Su Mu without authorization. It will develop guilds and even fight for world hegemony, because this is Su Mu and this is the shadow of God.

It was as if it was a storm of them. Although they did not dare to contact Su Mu, they secretly developed their own strength, waiting for tomorrow's moment, waiting for the moment when the shadow of God is recalled!

Although all the people in the Gods Pavilion will not return to China, they understand that 80% of the people will return to the country, and although they will not all return to their places tomorrow, after tomorrow, the Gods’ Domain and the Gods’ Hall will have a percentage of them. Fifty people are the original members of the Pavilion of the Gods who led the team, and led them to develop elite members in small towns, cities or continents to merge into the domain of God!

Everyone looked at Su Mu with excited expressions.

But Su Mu was looking at the resident square outside the hall gate, and muttered: "Zhou District, there should be a **** storm."

Everyone is excited!

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