Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1135: Welcome back

Huangtianzhou District, D area mountains.

He has white hair and guts on his body, with one leg curled up and kicking on the stone on which he is sitting, and the other leg is placed underneath casually, playing with two daggers in his hands, and there is no one beside him.

At this time, countless players on the road are rushing to the No. 8 Resident City in Area C to watch the battle, so players passing by see the crazy ID of the ring.

"Isn't she from God's Domain? Why is she still sitting here? I don't know if we are going to fight today?"

"Who knows, it's probably the people in God's Domain that are scared, right? It's not surprising that there are one or two deserters..."

Kuang Lan raised his head and glanced at those players, deserters? Have you ever seen deserters sit here and play comfortably?

This is an entrance canyon in the mountains of Huangtianzhou District outside the connection area D. Kuanglan has been sitting here for nearly half an hour. She raised her head and watched the three players coming out of the grassland canyon, and then walked slowly. Her location.

The person who took the lead, ID Soul Eater, was tall and thin, had a standard Chinese face, and was about 30 years old. A man and a woman walked to the opposite side of the storm behind him.

The two people behind Soul Eater looked at Kuanglan with excitement and inexplicable excitement, but under the calm expression of Soul Eater there were uncontrollable excited eyes.

"Sister Lan, Lan." Soul Eater stood for a while before yelling out two words with difficulty.

Although this soul eater is bigger than the storm, almost everyone in Zeus will call this woman a sister. The reason is that those who don't shout are beaten and shouted...

Kuanglan stood up, her short white hair was very eye-catching, she smiled and said, "Welcome back to the team."

The three Soul Eater said in unison: "I would rather die than give up!"

boom! boom! boom!

There was a huge sound of footsteps, and some scattered players around were startled and looked sideways. At this time, at the exit of the plain canyon, the square team came out from the front, with a thousand people horizontally and endless vertically!

The team quickly approached Soul Eater and Rage, and then stopped in place.

Soul Eater turned around and yelled: "The team is moving backwards and standing by!"

boom! boom! boom!

The team moved quickly, and then stood on the prairie and stood there on standby. No one was lazy. All of them stood upright on the spot, like an army. This is very rare in the game.

Soul Eater turned around and looked at Kuang Lan and said: "Received the secret words from the shadows, we came from the Forbidden Continent area non-stop, so we could only bring the elite members to Huangtianzhou area yesterday, the total number is 120,000 people."

At this moment, Kuang Lan saw another person walking out from the exit.

Still the same as Soul Eater, after coming to Kuanglan, he couldn't help but smile, and then haha, ID King Kong, Berserker, watching Kuanglan and Soul Eater laughed and said: "I **** knew the movie would recall us. Damn, I finally waited for this day! I have been waiting for months!"

"King Kong!"

"Soul Eater! Haha!"

The two embraced a big bear.

However, at this time, a woman in her thirties suddenly disappeared from the exit, and then reappeared, slapped King Kong's back, disappeared again, and appeared beside Kuanglan.



"Fuck, Chris, have you come to China too?" King Kong was shocked when he was kicked, Nima, is this woman not from China, OK?

And the blonde Chrissy smiled and said, "What? Aunty isn't here for you, is Ying recalling us?"

"You mean you will stay in China if you don't recall us?"

"Kage will definitely recall us!" Chrissy said with a smile.


"Hahaha! Brothers! I want to die! I want to die!!!"

Suddenly, a sturdy guy rushed over, with a round face and a beard, a fat body, a Berserker profession, and an ID shield king.

These IDs have some changes, but if their original IDs are released, it can scare people to death. Almost everyone is a celebrity in the world. Although they don’t often appear on the world rankings, those so-called rankings Players may remember them in a game, but these people, in the game industry, you will always remember their ID.


Everyone laughed wildly.

At the exit, a large number of members began to walk out. All teams started to stand according to their boss's arrangement. The players at the mountain exit of the entire D area were shocked at this time, because just this meeting was close to the gathering of 700,000 people. The huge grassland was full of players. What shocked them most was that these players were generally above level 65, which is very rare.

After waiting for the time for half an hour, the raging waves with short white hair slowly stood up.

The heads of Soul Eater, King Kong, Shield Emperor, Chrissy and others also slowly surrounded the storm, with excited smiles on everyone's faces.

"Now! Follow me! Together with the film master!!!" Kuang Lan laughed proudly.


boom! boom! boom!

The team began to move, the target, the No. 8 Resident City in Area C, Qin State Resident!

Not only that, at the other end of the Huangtianzhou area, the man in black was holding a Tang Sword and leaning against a big tree, and there were four or five people standing beside him, all of whom looked at zero with excitement. , Although there is no expression on the face of Ling, people like him can't help being excited and excited!

Ling raised his head and glanced at Time, and said, "Go, meet up."

"Go! Haha!"


"I haven't seen a movie in half a year!"

"Who the **** is not!"




Except for Zero, Wu Wushuang is the same as Tomorrow. He has received four or five people and led hundreds of thousands of people to join God's Domain.

The lunatic brothers, Hawk, Tom and all of them are almost the same, and they have received the people they want to pick up in all the large areas such as the mountains, rivers and grasslands in Huangtianzhou District.

Meeting the Divine Realm, people from all directions began to converge on the resident city of Area C.

The news quickly reached Poppy.

Somnus smiled and said, "How is it? Does Qin State know the news?"

The tall man shook his head: "The sudden appearance of these people gives people the feeling that they came to Huangtianzhou District to develop, so no one suspects that it is related to God's Domain."

"This is an inevitable result. If it is the migration of one or two guilds, it will attract attention, but the migration of nearly forty guilds together will make people think of a coincidence of the development of guilds. After all, this number of guilds will migrate. Even the Mythical Empire can't do it, but one person can do it, so no guild in Qin State or Huangtianzhou District would think of this."

The tall man sighed helplessly: "If it weren't because we knew he was the shadow of God, maybe even we wouldn't know that these dozens of guilds came to meet with God's Domain, right?"

"That's natural."

God's Domain, it's terrible!

wrong! It should be said that the shadow of God is terrible!

It took only seven days to convene close to forty guilds to come to meet the teachers. At this time, the tall man finally understood how much influence the shadow of God has in the game world. This is only seven days, which means that those who have not been fully recalled. There are still many people, because they can’t keep up with time!

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