Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1137: Hit you

Su Mu looked at the dozen or so Shadow Killing Orders left in his backpack, and he knew that the age of God's Domain was coming in the China Region. He even knew that when the Shadow Killing Order was completely issued, then this reincarnation would be the age of God's Domain!

Turning around, Su Mu walked forward slowly, followed by violent storms, Xia Feng, one thought becomes a demon, Wu Wushuang, tomorrow, Haitian Longye, drunken dreams of red dust, tears falling and blooming flowers, Qi Yun, Ye Changfeng, Xuan Rufeng , Hawke, Tom, Chrissy, King Kong, Gao Liansong, Soul Eater, Shield Emperor, Chen Xiaoruan, Luo Li, etc. are famous towns and city leaders.

Maybe not many people in the continent know about them, but in the city and town where they are located, which of these names is not the overlord? Which one is not the arrogant war madman?

Not many people in Huangtianzhou District know them today, but Su Mu knows that after today, the most famous people in Huangtianzhou District will be in God's Domain!

at this time……

Zero, disappeared.

No one knows where he went.

But someone came.

Open the ID, stride forward.


Dragon of China.

After that, he followed Su Mu and proudly walked towards the south gate of Qin State.

All spectators were shocked and surprised! Dragon has joined God's Domain?

Dragon has joined the realm of God!

This picture makes the players even more crazy.

Long has not been added to any guild in the game industry these years, and now he has joined God's Domain?

How can this be? !

Who is the president of God's Domain? How can it be possible to invite dragons to join God's Domain? !

God's Domain, which was sprayed into **** head before, is now...

The guild IDs of the two million people behind them suddenly by one.

Instead, they all became God's Domain Guilds, and everyone was shocked again!

these people! All members of God's Domain!

Damn, the onlookers are going crazy, no one exclaimed or screamed, because in their consciousness, experience, there has never been such a situation, dozens of guilds merged into one guild instantly, this How much face does God's Domain need? How much money? Or how much power?

But they will never know that they don't need any money, no rights, and no face!

This is needed!

Just brotherhood!

Follow to the death! Rather than give up eight characters!

boom! boom! boom!

The crowd moved. At this time, the people of Qin State also saw that the guild ID of the two million people suddenly became God's Domain. Only then did they understand what God's Domain relied on and what it relied on. It turned out that God's Domain simply had a back hand. of.

At this time, Dong Mingkun was stunned. God's Domain suddenly increased to 3 million people. There were only one million defenders in Qin State's resident. Although he could immediately mobilize manpower to return to the team, Dong Mingkun's sudden move from God's Domain surprised Dong Mingkun.

There are too many examples of God's Domain playing more with less, and Dong Mingkun can't guarantee that Qin can beat the God's Domain like a madman with equal numbers of people, so he just remembered the eight characters of poppy at this time.

After seven days, fully defend!

These eight characters are not groundless, they are a warning to Qin!

Hum! boom!

Onlookers players fry the pan instantly!

The buzzing discussion instantly filled the entire sky, all the voices concealed the footsteps of God's Domain, and the whole scene was messy, making people feel the heartbeat speeding up!



The team stopped in place, Su Mu looked up at Dong Mingkun on the wall.

With a hula, the blade wings spread out again, floating at a height of fifty meters in the air.

Su Mu stared at Dong Mingkun and said, "Didn't you ask God's Domain to win by what? Now I will tell you, God's Domain wins by brothers! Dissatisfied! You will fight Qin Guofu!

Xia Feng raised his steel knife and shouted, "Qin Guo, kneel down and sing to conquer!!!"



There was a huge roar, and the introduction disappeared again. Su Mu and Xia Feng's words made everyone speechless in shock, but the people in God's Domain flushed with excitement!

People who know that Su Mu is the shadow of God are excited, but 99% of the people in God's Domain don't know that Su Mu is the shadow of God. Therefore, hearing Su Mu's words, everyone feels that blood is boiling!

In China, who the **** would dare to say that the first three guilds in China were convinced by hitting you? Not satisfied! Take it for you! !

Cool! awesome! It's not good to be unexciting!

Moreover, for now, there are more people in God's Domain than Qin's defenders!

So, it depends on you!

Dong Mingkun's face was pale, and the order was issued to recall the members of the Zhou District back to the city for defense!

Because of the resurrection point, people near the continent can teleport into the resident city through the jump point. Therefore, Qin's recall is also beginning.

Su Mu did not attack immediately. It took time to create an atmosphere, and Su Mu wanted to give Qin time to recall!

Holy area! Never fight a war of more bullying!

Holy area! The goal has always been to win more with less!

This is God's Domain! This is the Hall of the Gods!



"Damn! That's how it is!"

"I have known that God's Domain has a back hand..."

"I don't know who sprayed so badly just now, after a while!"

"Fuck, are you dissatisfied?"

"Why don't you accept it?"


Long Hen was stunned, and his innocence was also surprised. Long Shisan could only frown at this time, and the people of the alliance and Zhongxia were also shocked and speechless.

"The three bosses... this God's Domain... is too mysterious... There are at least forty guilds in these guilds, but they are all merged into the God's Domain? Just ask, can Yanhuang even do it?" Long Hen looked at the scene strangely. .

Long Shisan shook his head, let alone Yanhuang, even the Mythical Empire couldn't do it!

This is unquestionable. A super guild can merge one or two guilds with you, but it is difficult to get dozens of them. Although many of these guilds are tens of thousands of people, there are only a few hundred thousand and twenty thousand. Ten thousand people, but this is also led by every guild leader's hard work, and being merged into a guild at once is equivalent to nothing.

but now……

"Shenyu Muying, who are you!" Long Shisan's sense of crisis instantly penetrated his whole body.

The God Realm that Qin State faces today is likely to be the God Realm that Yan Huang will face in the future, so Long Shisan had to make early plans!

Standing next to Dream Life at this time, Destiny smiled helplessly: "It turns out that people didn't use all their strength when fighting us. It's ridiculous. People didn't treat us as real opponents at all."

The feelings of Dream Life are similar, God Realm, Mu Ying, and Su Mu, he did not regard the eight alliances as opponents at all. This kind of irony makes people face hot, and the eight alliances combined with tens of thousands of people have not been regarded as opponents. What is the origin of this God Realm?

It is incredible that forty guilds from all continents of China can be merged into their gods!

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