Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1156: A Qimei


Su Mu lightly got out of the taxi, then raised his head and looked at the five-star hotel in front of him, and then walked in.

After a brief chat with the lady at the front desk, I got the room card that Mei left at the front desk, and then took the elevator.

Coming all the way to the corridor on the 25th floor, Su Mu stood at the door of room 2508, then smiled and pushed in directly.

Su Mu looked at the decoration in the room while changing shoes at the entrance.

There is a crystal lamp hanging in the living room, drinks and fruits are placed on the coffee table, but two black hollow T-shirts are randomly dropped on the sofa, and even a set of black underwear is seen. Su Mu smiles. Then he walked to the side of the sofa, picked up the passport placed on the coffee table and glanced at it.

At this moment, a fragrant wind came, and the passport instantly disappeared from Su Mu's hands, and then a woman's jade foot appeared on the carpet beside the sofa.

The red nails, the little feet are very white, and the thin calves have been attached to her. After that, the white bath towel wrapped her thighs, and the white skin on the chest. ~ Exposed the plump and smooth gully, She was holding the bath towel on her chest in one hand and her passport in the other hand. The collarbone was very conspicuous, until the woman's neck was covered with bare skin without any blemishes.

With blazing red lips, she was smiling and showing two rows of white teeth, her small and delicate nose was still covered with moist water stains, and her long hair was wrapped in a towel on her head.

"It's immoral to look at people's privacy when I first arrived." Mei Na's unique voice came, and then slowly put her passport on the coffee table, and then sorted out her unfixed bath towel on her chest.

Su Mu held back his smile, then picked up his passport again and said, "I saw it all."

"Don't laugh."

"Well, don't laugh..." Su Mu muttered while looking through his passport again: " wonder you are called Mei...haha..."

"Shadow!!" When Mei heard Su Mu's words, she couldn't help but grabbed her passport again, and then sat directly in Su Mu's arms, with both hands directly around Su Mu's neck, and then smiled: "If you dare to tell Others, I will secretly squeeze you out!"

The snow-white lotus root arm exudes a faint fragrance, Su Mu put his face on Mei's arm, then put his arms around her bee waist and asked: "Why don't you notify me in the first place."

Originally, Su Mu had already had Chengruo about this matter, and she would find her brother Su Mu to accompany her, but if it were not zero, Su Mu might not know it yet.

It's not that Su Mu was afraid that Mei could not handle it alone. The power of the remnant soul spread all over the world, and it also had its own branch in South Korea and Africa. Although it was not as strong as the US Empire and Eastern Europe, it was still possible to do something here.

And Mei didn't inform herself, it was obviously a bit tricky.

"I've got in touch with the people here, so what if you come? I see you, are you here to get me to get the sheets?"

The enchanting smile makes people addicted, especially the flaming red lips, it is impossible to look away, and the white, almost jade-like teeth set off an irresistible feeling of intoxication.

"Since you have seen it through, then I won't hide it...haha..." Su Mu directly hugged Mei's body, then held his hot lips and walked directly to the bedroom.

The two are lingering, dry wood and hot, charming and hot, and the involuntary joyfulness makes Su Mu fascinated. From the big bed to the carpet, from the carpet to the door, and then to the bathroom, the whole room is filled with two people. Traces of people.

After entangled for a long time, Su Mu and Mei reached the climax one after another, and then fell to the ground panting.

Mei sat up slowly, then wrapped a bath towel to clean up Su Mu's body little by little, and even cleaned Su Mu's whole body with those red lips, making Su Mu crazy for the second time. This woman is simply a man killer. , So you can't stop until you die.



Coming out of the bathroom, Su Mu was wiping her hair while watching that Mei was installing the game warehouse, and there were still two. It seemed that she knew that Su Mu would be the same.

Walking behind Mei's, Su Mu hugged her directly, then put her nose in Mei's long hair and took a deep breath, then whispered, "Is there a problem?"

Mei was stunned and shook her head: "It's nothing, no matter if any orphan suddenly knows that he still has a sister, I'm afraid it will not be acceptable."

Su Mu knew that he had personally experienced this kind of thing. He was originally an orphan, but suddenly someone told you that you still have relatives. You can't accept the reason they abandoned you at the beginning. So Mei's younger brother might imagine with Su Mu now. China also refuses to recognize her.

"His name is Park Jiejun and he lives in a place not far from this hotel. The ID in the game is the same as his real name. He is a leader of the Jin Guo Tianxia Guild. The day before yesterday I tried to contact him and ask him to come out, but he refused. "Mei murmured while sitting on the ground, leaning her head on Su Mu's shoulder.

Su Mu hugged her and said, "It's okay, I'm not here, even if I tie Laozi, I will tie him to Huaxia."

In fact, Su Mu also knows that Mei can solve this matter by herself, but this does not mean that Su Mu can just let it go. Anyway, Su Mu has promised this matter, and now Mei is his Su Mu’s woman, from any angle Said that Su Mu couldn't even remotely command the remnant soul in the country to help her fulfill this wish without knowing it?

Therefore, even if God's Domain is now at a critical moment, Su Mu must come to Seoul to face and bear this matter with Mei. This matter cannot be settled by force and money, so Su Mu will come personally.

Because it is very likely that Mei will take some damage, and Su Mu can't stop the damage, after all, it is her own brother.

"God's Domain is now at a critical time, don't they object to your coming to Seoul?" Mei's slender fingers slowly slid on Su Mu's shoulders.

"No one opposes except Lan."

"Hey, I know this wave of hoofs won't let you over easily." Mei said, sitting upright and continuing to install the game compartment.

Su Mu said while helping, "I don't need a game warehouse to log in to the game now. You prepare two for nothing."

"Oh, by the way, Heyang's business..."

"I already know."

Mei's fingers suddenly paused, and then asked: "Then what are you going to do? Make a noise in Kyoto?"

"It's not impossible when necessary."


About two hours later, the first game warehouse was installed, and then Mei stood up and looked at Su Mu and said, "Okay, enter the game."

"Mei." Suddenly she grabbed Mei's hands, as if he wanted to talk but stopped.

"Yes, I know."

Mei knew what Su Mu wanted to say.

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