Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1166: Nirvana

The fallen city.

At this time, the goddess Su Mu and Jin Ning followed the angel Zhixin to walk in a huge palace, but Zhixin did not take Su Mu to the middle carpet, but walked along the edge of the palace.

"These murals are the grievances between the fallen angels and the pure angels at the beginning of their formation." Angel Zhixin walked forward and introduced various plots on the murals.

"Back then, Zhiyan and I were both the guards of the Holy Angel Queen, the two with the oldest age and combat experience among the angels. However, ten thousand years before the battle between Gods and Demons, the Holy Angel Queen fell, and the City of Angels had nothing. The king began to quarrel. Zhiyan and I were the biggest competitors, so the battle began."

"After that is the endless war, the war between angels and angels. After the city of angels is destroyed more than half, we understand that there will be no results if we continue, so we negotiate, whoever can destroy the demon tribe becomes the king!"

Su Mu suddenly asked: "So, your fallen angels are not the most evil tribe dominating the angels?"

Angel Zhixin's **** figure slowly turned around, and then smiled at Su Mu: "Who told you that fallen angels are bad?"


"It must be you humans who made up and acted by yourself? Humph! The angel race, whether it is a combat race, a medical race, a fallen race, etc., are all angels with pure blood. They are just different in appearance due to genetic differences, but they are actually angels. The queen's men, do you understand this?"

"A bit confused."

The angel Zhixin touched his forehead helplessly, and continued to walk to another mural: "Look here, in order to resolve the conflict in the city of angels, we are holding back the demon angel clan, but what is surprising is that the demon angel clan has already Knowing that the Queen of Angels has fallen, and that I have a dispute with Burning Flame, I have been prepared to attack the City of Angels before that, which led to the tragic ending of the Angels."

"Later the battle between gods and demons started, and the angel race was on the front line. Devil angels became a branch of the demons, and finally occupied the city of angels. Then it was the end of the war between gods and demons. Zhiyan and I dropped in ability and entered separately. Fallen City and Angel Palace."

Su Mu nodded, the history of this angel is really tortuous, and what surprised Su Mu is that this fallen angel has become a good person here...

Walking all the way to the forefront of the mural, Zhixin stood in place. Su Mu and Jin Ning discovered at this time that the last mural was actually a bird...a bird like a phoenix, but with black eyes. , The flame on his body was also red and black, with a feeling of a fallen phoenix.

"This is the Nirvana Fallen." Angel Zhixin said, looking at the last mural.

Goddess Jin Ning said suddenly: "It turns out that this is the case. Your fallen angels were formed because of the appearance of the Nirvana Phoenix, right?"

"Yes, after the Nirvana Fallen appeared, the genetic attributes of our branch were changed, causing our wings to turn purple, but we are angels, so the change in appearance does not affect our nature, but it is seen. The mortals who arrived were rejected by some ordinary pure angels, saying that we are fallen..."

At this time, the angel Zhixin turned around again and looked at Su Mu earnestly: "So what I want to tell you is that Phoenix Nirvana is rebirth, and the heart of the Nirvana Fallen can bring Zhiyan back to life!"

"What?" Su Mu was taken aback.

Zhiyan's resurrection has always been judged by the Supreme God of Time and Space, and the goddesses have said that even if the Supreme God of Time and Space is subdued, it may not be able to resurrect Angel Zhiyan, and now this Zhixin actually tells herself there are other ways. Revive Sunburn? This story mission is a bit exaggerated, right?

After all, Zhiyan is a dead NPC.

"Although the power of the Supreme God of Time and Space is to control time, it cannot resurrect other people after time returns to the past. Otherwise, do you think there is still a need for this world?"

Goddess Jin Ning nodded and said, "If we can change some history by going back to the past, then the battle between gods and demons will be replicated, and the ten great demons at the beginning of reincarnation will be resurrected. Therefore, the supreme **** of time and space cannot resurrect Burning Flame. "

Su Mu's eyes widened and asked, "So Shui Lan and the others lied?"

"No, Shuilan and the others have a lack of memory, which makes them unable to be sure of the cause and effect of the whole thing. If the Supreme God of Time and Space controls time and space until the boss you conquer Tu Li, then Jin Ning and Tu Li will disappear, that At that time, what choice will you make?"

"Do you mean that even if the Supreme God of Time and Space returns time to the past, it just sends me back to the past instead of the time node of the entire world?"


Su Mu understood.

Even if the supreme **** of time and space can control time and time, it cannot violate the law of the sky, or the law of reincarnation, if it is to control the depth of the entire cycle of time back to the time when the goddess Tu Li was hit, then it represents the entire cycle of reincarnation. How terrible is it to be back in files for a few months?

Therefore, the time and space supreme **** can only send himself back to that point in time, and his own data will be backed up, so Goddess Tu Li and Goddess Jin Ning will disappear in Su Mu’s God Realm Tower, because the time node is basically at that time. There is no Tu Li and Jin Ning.

Goddess Jin Ning said: "Of course, if it's a boss, you have opened God's Domain. It's a different matter, but whether you can conquer time and space is one thing, so don't try to perfect the entire state of the God's Domain tower in a short time."

Angel Zhixin looked at Su Mu and said: "Since Zhiyan is your guardian angel, then, this Nirvana Fallen..."

"Kill it!" Su Mu said firmly.

Now that we have found a way to save Sunburn, why wait to subdue the Supreme God of Time and Space?

Zhixin hung a smile, and then took Su Mu and Jin Ning goddess directly to leave the fallen city and fly into the sea of ​​clouds.

There was a whirring wind, Su Mu was pulled by the goddess Jin Ning, the angels in front of him, and a dozen fallen angels swiftly moved forward.

After more than three hours, the sea of ​​clouds in front of him slowly disappeared, and immediately afterwards a huge volcano appeared in Su Mu's sight.

What shocked Su Mu was that the volcano was in the air. The bottom of the volcano was supported by a mountain peak. The overall shape was as if two wine bottles were standing on the ground from the bottom to the bottom.



The volcanic crater continuously emits fiery red magma, which slowly spirals around the volcano, and then maintains the current shape of the volcano.

"Nirvana Volcano." Zhi Xin muttered in front of him.

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