Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1168: Do you love Zhiyan


The fire phoenix flew down from a high altitude, and the entire volcano became a sea of ​​fiery flames. Although Su Mu was surrounded by the defensive skills of the goddesses, he could still feel the surrounding heat waves hitting one after another, just like It was the same as when fighting with the Empress.

Not only that, the fire phoenix instantly entered the crater, and the scene instantly became quiet again.

Angel Zhixin looked at Su Mu and the others at this time and said: "The Supreme Gods, it's time for you to take action."

The three goddesses nodded, and then flew directly to the sky above the crater. Each goddess instantly condensed offensive skills, and then went directly into the crater.



The crater was almost blown up by the three goddesses, followed by a flame of fire.

With the rapid departure of the three goddesses, a magma flame burst out of the entire volcano!



A huge flame rushed straight into the sky, and then instantly formed countless magma debris falling around.

The figure of the fire phoenix appeared again.

"Ice thorn!"

"Earth Dragon Technique!"

"War God Fist!"

Hum! boom! ! !




Three ineffective attacks appeared on the fire phoenix. The three goddesses and the angel couldn't help being sluggish. After that, she quickly flew up to the fire phoenix and raised her long sword.

"Fallen Excalibur!"


Zimang appeared on the long sword in Zhixin's hand, and then split it instantly.


+1 million!

Everyone was shocked.




The angel Zhixin was knocked into the air, and the fallen angels around him couldn't help being surprised, and then raised their swords and cut them down.



Countless skills have fallen, but they have added blood to the Fire Phoenix, and the entire battle has become an unbreakable situation.

Su Mu doesn't need to say at all now, he came here like soy sauce, at this time there is no fighting power at all, although... there are some enchanting skills...

But this amount of energy was as high as hundreds of millions, Su Mu had no ability to kill, that point of damage was not as good as the fire Phoenix himself recovered.

The most important thing is that Su Mu can be sure that more than 90% of his skills are unbreakable.

Suddenly fell into a deadlock.

Tweeted! !

With a huff, the wings of the fire phoenix flicked several times in an instant, and in an instant, countless flames burned in the entire defensive gas shield.

"God's domain bursts with blood!"




With the defensive skills turned on, although Su Mu was not killed, all of the goddesses had a damage value of up to one million, including the angel Zhixin at this time.

At this moment, the fire phoenix couldn't help looking at the angel Burning Flame, with a warning expression in his eyes, and then Fengming fell into the crater again with a sound.

The scene fell silent.

Su Mu and the others couldn't help but looked at each other.

At this time, the angel Zhixin slowly returned to Su Mu's position, and then stretched his shoulders and said: "Over the years, I have beaten her countless times, but none of them can be successful. I thought you had the Supreme God to be able to restrain, but never thought. Still so helpless."

Su Mu said: "So you can't kill you?"


"How to say?"

"Do you love Zhiyan?"


Su Mu's head was down because of this suddenly nonsensical sentence.

This is negotiating to fight the boss, why is it suddenly involved in children's personal affairs?

Moreover, do you need to ask such questions? If Su Mu has no feelings for Zhiyan, why go to the underworld and desperately find the Supreme God of Time and Space?

If it weren't for wanting to revive Burning Flame, I'm afraid Su Mu wouldn't come here to fight this ancient fire phoenix.

The Supreme God's rank is still Su Mu's current inviolable boss rank.

Angel Zhixin knew that he was an idiot. Zhiyanduo had already become Su Mu's guardian angel. If he didn't love Zhixin, who else would love Zhixin?

A beautiful angel will go through countless emotional tests to become the guardian angel of any man, but fallen angels will not become the guardian angel of men. So I often wonder, what will it be like to become a guardian angel of men?

She smiled and said: "The combination of the blood of pure angels and the blood of fallen angels is the greatest fighting gene of angels, but it is a pity that even angels with space-time magic have many irresistible things. If you promise me three conditions, I Then use the blood of my fallen angels and the blood of the heartbreaking heart to help you defeat the Nirvana fallen."

Su Mu stared at the angel Zhixin, and then asked, "What conditions?"

"First, if you successfully resurrect Zhiyan, you promise me to help Zhiyan become the queen of angels!"

"Second, if Zhiyan becomes the queen of angels, you must help me wash away the image of fallen angels in humans and in everyone's eyes, and distinguish us from demon angels."

"Third, to subdue the Supreme God of Time and Space, I need to be resurrected physically. If you agree to the three conditions, you will help you!"

Su Mu was stunned.

Because the three conditions of Angel Zhixin are almost not conditions, if Zhiyan can be resurrected and help her become the queen of angels, this is almost something Su Mu would do without thinking about it.

Washing off the image of fallen angels in people's hearts is not a matter of overnight, and it is just a promise that Zhixin will do it. As for when it can be done, she knows that it is not a short time.

And to resurrect her physical body...If you can subdue the Supreme God of Time and Space, this is almost a matter of effort.

So Su Mu looked at the angel Zhixin a little unclear.

Her pretty face was now smiling.

"I was wrong... The position of the king of angels should have been burning tens of thousands of years ago. Now, she has become the guardian angel of mankind. This proves that she has never competed with me for rights. I am not obsessed with the need to have the right not to let the fallen angels fall into the fallen city...or that I shouldn’t have started a war in the city of angels back, Zhixin...she is right..."

She slowly turned around, then hovered in the sky, and continued: "Boy, remember what I said, never let down the angel's tears..."

"Ding! Angel's blood merger application, do you agree?"

Su Mu slowly chose to confirm, and then he saw the burning blood in his backpack hovering in the air. Then he came to the angel Zhixin's face, and immediately saw Zhixin swallowing the angel's blood with a smile. Drop...

Zi Zi Zi...



There was a scream, Angel Zhixin's whole person began to change, starting from her long hair...

Originally, she had long purple hair and slowly turned half purple and one side golden...

What was originally a purple leather armor, she has now become half silver armor and half purple leather armor, and wings... one has purple feathers, the other has white feathers.

Now she has directly become a combination of two races of angels.

And when Su Mu saw Zhixin's attributes again, he couldn't help but grow his mouth...

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