Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1174: Waiting for you to gather (10 more)

"Empress, drag the person named Pu Jiejun into the air to trap him, don't let him move." Su Mu stared at Pu Jiejun indifferently.

Ignorance, arrogance, and conceit, this kind of personality makes Su Mu very upset, especially this guy’s attitude towards charm. Even if he didn’t know him before, he still treated charm like this after the inspection report came out, and even slandered Huaxia, stupid丨Force the same to think that what you know is right.

Sister can bear it! Brother-in-law can't bear it!





The people below suddenly screamed, the fiery red female player suddenly stretched out her hand, and then a huge flame arm directly grabbed Pu Jiejun, and instantly flew up, until she reached the height of Su Mu's side. under.

The people in the Golden Kingdom are all shocked, what skill is this? Also, what are these two people going to do?

Jin Minhao already didn't know what to do, so his only idea was to kill this person. Originally, he moved this mind when he returned to the villa, but he has never had a chance. Now he blatantly provokes Jin Guotian. majesty? court death!

"Assemble! All those who can come gather at the North Gate! Pull this person down for me!"

Jin Minhao yelled.

The clattering crowd began to surging, and countless long-range and melee combat began to gather, but because of the fact that Park Jiejun was in the air, he had not released his skills. After all, Park Jiejun was the head of their Golden Kingdom.

At this time in the air, Su Mu did not continue to release his skills, but hovered in the air and stared at Park Jiejun.

"Why? I didn't want to go to China to threaten me with this method? Funny! Even if you kill me, I won't go to China with you!" Pu Jiejun stared at Su Mu.

Su Mu sneered and looked at Park Jiejun and said: "I feel good about being **** by myself. If someone like you can slap you to death under my hand, and let you go to China, I still look down on you. Anyone under Lao Tzu is ten times stronger than you, do you really think you are awesome?"

"Hehe, keep on blowing! Keep on blowing! Ten times stronger than me? There is a kind of you singled out with me! Don't **** do whatever you want with flying equipment."

Su Mu did not continue to talk to Park Jiejun, but stared at the members of the Kingdom of the Kingdom below and began to gather. In just a few minutes, the gathering of people had reached tens of thousands, but Su Mu still had no intention of doing it. This is too much. not enough.

After a few more minutes, the members of the north gate of Jin Guo Tianxia had gathered 30,000 people. The surrounding players watched and pointed, but Jin Minhao did not give orders to attack Su Mu, and Su Mu understood what Jin Minhao meant. , Don’t you just want to gather more people for yourself? Don’t you just want to pretend to be forceful in front of Mei, so that Mei can look at him with admiration...

Obviously, Jin Minhao Zhongmei was poisoned, so Jin Minhao didn't immediately attack Su Mu at this time.

Su Mu said faintly at this time: "Pu Jiejun, do you say that the shadow of God is from your country?"

"It was originally!" Pu Jiejun was trapped by the female emperor's big flame hands, because Su Mu didn't want others to contact the female emperor, so at this time the female emperor was controlling Pu Jiejun from a few hundred meters high in the sky.

"You said you want to fight a national war in the Golden Kingdom, right?"

"Yes! Not only to fight! But also to score!"

Su Mu nodded and asked, "If the Golden Kingdom can't even defend me alone, do you still think that Han Fei's Golden Kingdom can participate in the national war?"

"Haha! Are you alone? Just rely on your pair of wings? Ignorance! Don't you know that archers have an ability called connecting ropes?"

The rope arrows of the archer can instantly pull down the flying players, as long as there are enough people, you can even pull down a **** boss!

"Yes, the archer's formation is very awesome." Su Mu said with a smile.

And this time.

Jin Minhao stood on the spot looking at Su Mu and said: "Boy, I advise you to put Jiejun down, or I will definitely let you die. Look around, look around you, everything is My man, even if you have wings, you can't fly! I promise that as long as I give the order, you will die outside the north gate, and you can even block the resurrection point of the first city and clear your level! "

Su Mu did not pay attention to Jin Minhao, but watched indifferently as the members of the Kingdom of the Kingdom below were constantly gathering, from 30,000 to 40,000, and now it is almost 50,000...

However, at this time, Li Zhenmin walked up to Jin Minhao in a daze and said, "Old, boss..."

"What's the matter? Are everyone here? All the members who are nearby are recalled to me. I want these ignorant Chinese people to see our Han Fei's guild spirit!" In fact, Jin Minhao was still looking for it at this time. Mei's figure, even suspected that the fiery red female player who just appeared was Mei.

Regardless of whether this woman is Park Jiejun’s sister or not, he has to fight for it. Mei’s appearance and posture will make him unforgettable for a lifetime...

"Boss, I want to say...Don't fight with him, he...Boss..." Lin Zhenmin was still a little shocked at this time and didn't know how to ease his emotions.

I always think that the shadow of God is Han Fei, but yesterday I suddenly learned that this person is the shadow of God and is a Chinese. This kind of thing makes him unacceptable, as if you are thinking back to the embarrassing things you did when you were a child... …Not only embarrassing, but also how ignorant and ridiculous I feel.

"Huh? Li Zhenmin, what's wrong with you? I asked you to summon everyone back, so why are you standing here and making trouble?"

Li Zhenmin looked at Jin Minhao and said, "Boss! Chairman! If you believe me! Retreat everyone now! And negotiate with this person! Don't fight! Must not fight!"

Jin Minhao glared at Li Zhenmin with a sneer: "This person is really omnipotent to recognize relatives. How much did they give you?"

When Jin Minhao saw Li Zhenmin’s tone and tone, he immediately felt self-righteous that he was bought by Su Mu. Because Mei wanted to recognize her relatives, it was very likely that they would put their eyeliner inside the guild, but he didn’t expect it to be Li Zhenmin? This made Jin Minhao couldn't help but admire these Chinese people, isn't it just a confession? Actually need to put an undercover!

Li Zhenmin stayed, this guy thought he was the undercover of the shadow of God? He smiled bitterly, then turned around and left the north gate step by step and said: "President, don't say that I am not loyal, Li Zhenmin, I told you today...Don't offend this person...Since you go your own way, the consequences of that matter You need to bear it yourself...hahaha..."

Jin Minhao couldn't help but roared into the sky: "Li Zhenmin! You have been terminated! Get out of here! You scumbag! Spies!!"

"Haha! I am a spy! I am a spy! I see, you and I are the same if you can't terminate the contract...Anyway...haha..."

Anyway, after today, whether the Golden Kingdom can exist or not is another question, so, cancel the contract? Cancel the contract right?

Li Zhenmin felt very ridiculous, embarrassed, and helpless about his previous self-righteousness...Han Fei's people actually think that the shadow of God is Han Fei? Make people laugh out loud!

(Ps: Ten more broke out. It’s the first time to follow the book when it is said that the update is slow? In addition, do you want me to write and update how much every day, or do you mean to update and save a piece of paper every day? Book review area discussion Now, let me count the readers' wishes and decide to update it later.

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