Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1402: Message 2

Bill Villa, inner courtyard living room.

Su Mu and Wenren Zihan sat on the sofa, but Elizabeth looked at the surrounding arrangements in surprise.

This is the real residence of Old Bill, and...what is the identity of Su in front of him?

This is the Austrian Empire, not China, even if this Su is the second generation of the rich, even the second generation of officials, it is impossible to dominate in Duolun City, after all, it is not a matter between countries.

So the identity of Sue made Elizabeth even more curious.

Old Bill walked in slowly at this time, still holding a bottle of red wine with no sign in his hand, but Elizabeth stared at the bottle of red wine in her hand in astonishment. The brand was gone, but the bottle could not be changed...

Wenren Zihan was also a little surprised at this time and glanced at Elizabeth. Wenren Zihan has no entertainment in Austria, so he followed Elizabeth to study red wine. Many famous brands and red wines of various vintages have been tried. However, the old This bottle in Bill's hand is the collection in the collection...

Elizabeth nodded to indicate that Wenren Zihan had guessed right. This bottle of wine was what they had discussed at the beginning. The Hufeier red wine produced in 1975, the red wine that has disappeared in the whole world, can be said that the whole world can produce this bottle of wine There are only a handful of people.

"Mr. Su, you really should greet the old man in advance when you come to the University of Austria. The old man can also arrange for someone to pick you up and arrange your daily life. Your sudden appearance like this really shocked the old man..." Old Bill was sitting in a wheelchair. , And then asked the girl beside him to open the red wine, and then pour it into the decanter.

"I didn't have a mission when I came to Austrian University. Don't worry. I just heard that Zihan was soaked by some second-generation soft and hard so I came to see it myself." Su Mu smiled.

After hearing this, old Bill looked at Wenren Zihan and apologized again and again: "It really shocked you. I will apologize for you instead of Bill Joe. Please forgive me."

Wenren Zihan was a little overwhelmed. Su Mu laughed at this moment and said, "Old Bill, your Chinese is still so bad, okay, I'm here to ask you one more thing besides this."

Old Bill smiled awkwardly, and then said, "You are here for Mr. Two, right?"


Old Bill smiled and stretched out his hand to signal the girl to pour red wine into the glass, and then poured another glass for Wenren Zihan and Elizabeth.

"Mr. Two did stay in Austrian University for a while, but he is no longer there. Bill's news network received the news that Mr. Two went to the U.S. Empire after leaving the U.S. Empire, and went to India from the U.S. Empire. After that, there is no trace. You also know that who can track the Bill family in this world, only a few people in your line can't track it to the end."

In addition to the underworld business, the Bill family is the news network, which is exactly the same as Poppy. However, the main force of Poppy has been pulled to Asia in recent years, so Su Mu did not learn about him from Somnus.

At this moment, he heard the news of old Bill and frowned slightly.

He learned about it from the Remnant Soul News Network at Olympic University, and now he has left Olympic University? And also went to the US Empire? Then why not go directly to the Remnant Soul headquarters? And Mei Zeng also said that he has been in Austrian University, and even evaded Mei's tracking. What is he going to do?

During the conversation with old Bill, Su Mu also learned about the whitewashing process of the Bill family over the years, but when it comes to the quack doctor old Bill, he has a look of iron and green, Su Mu laughed and told him that the quack doctor was also coming to Austria, and look for a chance. Help him restore the toxins on his body.

Dinner was also eaten at Old Bill's.

Bill Joe and Old Bill's son also attended the dinner, and asked Bill Joe to apologize to Wenren Zihan himself. Wenren Zihan was nothing, but Elizabeth satirized a few words. After all, she had witnessed these two months. Wenren Zihan's life course, this Bill Joe's harassment is not frequent and annoying!

Where can Billjo dare to say more now? He has always been trembling all this meal, and he has been waiting for the three of Su Mu to leave before he squatted on the table like collapsed.


On the way, Su Mu walked forward while making a call, while Elizabeth took Wenren Zihan’s hand while walking and said, “Han, who is your husband? Why does old Bill respect him so much? Also, he is Not a soldier? I saw a lot of scars on his body when I came here..."

Wenren Zihan and Elizabeth have also been friends with the boss and friends for the past two months, so they are like best friends holding hands.

"I don't know who he is. I just know that he is very...well, very strong." Wenren Zihan did not ask anything about Su Mu's past, because in her eyes, she loves Su Mu, regardless of the past. What is it, that is Su Mu's whole body.

Elizabeth continued to tsk and chat with Wenren Zihan about Su Mu.

At this time, Su Mu frowned, and the clue to Number Two was broken.

At this moment, Wenren Zihan suddenly received a call from home, and then hurriedly caught up with Su Mu and said, "Su Mu, my mother is awake..."

Su Mu was startled.

"My mother said I want to see you."

"right now?"

"Well, let's go back now..." Wenren Zihan also looked strange. In the afternoon, his mother suddenly fainted with excitement. It was because she saw Su Mu, and the first thing she woke up at night was unexpectedly. See Su Mu? This gave Wenren Zihan a slightly bad premonition.

It was only nine o'clock in the evening when the three of them returned to the villa. At this time, the quack doctor in the living room looked at Su Mu with a smile on his face and said, "Does old Bill miss me?"

Su Mu laughed: "Find some time to detoxify him."

"Well, this time coming to Austrian University is also an opportunity, so hurry up." The quack doctor left the living room after speaking.



At this time, in the ward on the second floor.

Su Mu and Wenren Zihan pushed in.

"Mom." Wenren Zihan walked to the side of the bed and took the hand of the middle-aged woman, and then sat on the side of the bed.

The doctor and Elizabeth in the room looked at each other, and they left the room one after another and closed the door.

At this time, the middle-aged woman patted Wenren Zihan's hand to signal that she was okay, and then she looked at Su Mu who was standing in the room and said, "Come here, come closer..."

Wenren Zihan looked back at Su Mu. Su Mu also looked at the middle-aged woman strangely. A strange feeling came from his heart. In his subconscious, Su Mu felt that his life experience was about to be revealed...

Walking to the bed, Wenren Zihan's mother looked at Su Mu with a kind face: "It's really like... it's just a mold carved out... You are Zihan's boyfriend Su Mu, right?"

"Yes, Auntie."

"Then do you remember your parents' names?"

"Remember, my father's name is Su Tong, and my mother's name is Xie Jinlan."

The woman shook her head and said, "I'm talking about the names of your biological parents."

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