Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1404: Loss of humanity

future world.

The sun is shining, the air in the future world will be much better, and the deserted streets are full of abandoned cars.

Su Mu and Chen Xiaoruan walked in this city but looked a little lonely.

"Su Mu, did you mean your life experience just now?" Chen Xiaoruan took Su Mu's arm and walked slowly while enjoying the sun.

At this time, the end of the world is straight and late autumn, and the sun is not only not hot but warm, and Chen Xiaoruan's expression of satisfaction pulls Su Mu on the street, which is a very beautiful scenery.

"Well, I don't remember some memories. Can't you remember about my life experience?" Su Mu couldn't tell Chen Xiaoruan that he came from the past, so he could only ask in disguise.

"Well, I heard a few words from you. Five years ago, you seemed to be investigating a woman in Haitian City. At that time, I made fun of you for liking older women. In the end, I was murdered by you once. Humph, I remember clearly. Now." Chen Xiaoruan smiled warmly.

Su Mu also laughed dumbfounded, and of course he will be violent. The woman under investigation is likely to be her own mother.

"and after?"

"Later, I didn’t know. I didn’t know if you found this woman. But you went to Kyoto and felt very angry when you came back. Later, the Mythical Empire XXX, you never mentioned this one again. Sister Han should know exactly what the matter is. It was Kyoto where she went with you."

Su Mu is speechless. Every time he talks about key things, he always has to be shielded. Su Mu doubts whether this is the earth. The real world can be shielded by the system from what a person says, and he can’t even tell the shape of his mouth. Is this future world a world of reincarnation?

Going to Kyoto by yourself, what happened to the Mythical Empire? This is a keyword.

Seeing Su Mu not speaking, Chen Xiaoruan said: "We will know when we find Sister Han. Your past has a direct relationship with us, but sometimes I am not by your side, and sometimes Sister Han is not by your side. I can't explain the matter clearly, so just find Sister Han and them."

Su Mu nodded, and it can only do so now.

Looking at the barren world around him, Su Mu had a rare sense of purity.

"Zombies won't appear during the day, and monsters?"

"Monsters rarely appear during the day. It seems to be the same as the node of reincarnation. Because reincarnation opens on the earth at night, the monsters disappear completely during the day, and they will appear as a whole at night. Not absolutely, I have seen reincarnation monsters in the daytime in Haitian City for the past two years, so I still have to be careful..."

Su Mu smiled, now that he is by her side, why be careful? In the reincarnation, as long as the monster Su Mu is not too abnormal, he can easily solve it.

At this moment Su Mu suddenly stopped in place.

Chen Xiaoruan couldn't help but looked around and asked: "What's the matter?"

"Follow me." Su Mu took Chen Xiaoruan directly into the ruined building on the side of the road, and then started climbing up the stairs.

It stopped until it came to the hut on the roof.

At this time Chen Xiaoruan also calmed down, because she had heard the movement, there were people on the roof, and there was more than one.

Through the door of the cabin on the roof stairs, Su Mu and Chen Xiaoruan saw that there were three men and a **** the roof...

The girl’s upper body is a camisole like Chen Xiaoruan, but there are already many holes in it, so you can clearly see the white skin on the girl’s chest, and the lower body is also a pair of jeans, but there are many holes. The skin on the thigh is also exposed from the hole, giving a mysterious beauty...

In the last days, jeans seem to have become the exclusive pants for girls, because in the last days you not only need to worry about zombies, but also living people, skirts, shorts and other clothes that can stimulate men’s desires are afraid to wear, because This is the end of the world, even if it is murder, there will be no police, let alone rape?

So Su Mu discovered that all of Chen Xiaoruan's clothes were jeans, or trousers such as pencil pants, shorts and skirts had disappeared.

"Please let me go... I really don't have anything... I don't have anything... Please..." The girl stepped back and stared at the three men in horror.

The three men are of different ages, one looks only seventeen or eighteen, one is twenty-five and sixteen, and the other is a middle-aged uncle in his forties. The clothes of these three are already in tatters. Blocking the girl’s way, the oldest man smiled and said, "Take us to where you live..."

"I...I don't have a fixed residence. I escaped from Yunhai City... Please..." The girl has some dirt on her face, but it can be seen that she is very beautiful, so the three men surrounded her Gazed at each other.

"Hey, you don't need to take us there. Then you can wait on your brothers, who will reward you with a piece of bread in the future, how about? Hey..."

With suspenders, big breasts, slender waist, long legs, and holes in the jeans on the thighs, it is strange that a girl in such a dress walks alone in the last days and is not targeted by anyone.

Human nature has long been obliterated in this era. I am used to seeing zombies and cannibalism, and I am used to fighting between people, and I am used to seeing all kinds of rapes and all kinds of men's abuse of women. Men will have some psychological abnormalities. This is inevitable. No matter how normal you were before, there will be some spiritual distortions when facing this era. This is the end-time mental illness!

"Ah! Go away!"

The girl was forced directly under the small house on another staircase on the top of the building, and three men surrounded her...

At this time, Chen Xiaoruan glanced at Su Mu and said, "Su Mu..."

Su Mu looked back at Chen Xiaoruan, but she said: "You know what, I have encountered this kind of thing in the past two years, but fortunately, I have the pistol you gave me, but she didn't... you know this. Is it desperate when planting?"

Su Mu smiled slightly and said, "Do you want me to save this girl?"

"Although the scene in front of you is being staged everywhere in this world, how can we sit back and ignore it if we hit it?"

"You say save us." Su Mu put his arms around the back of Chen Xiaoruan's head, and then kissed her on the forehead.

Because Su Mu could not imagine Chen Xiaoruan being persecuted by men in the last days, women at this time are the most desperate and need to be strong, because women who are not strong will take turns in front of the scene and betrayed for a piece of bread and a bottle of water. His own bodies are everywhere, and Su Mu can think of what the world is like now without having to look.

A strong woman is like Chen Xiaoruan, who lives independently, looking for food, relatives, and friends independently, struggling and surviving in the last days.

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