Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1407: Blood Wolves (7th more)


Su Mu was shaken back, Chen Xiaoruan couldn't help frowning, why did he want to fight again?

"Xiaoruan, stand on the side..."

"Well, be careful..."

The sword of God's Domain appeared in her hand again, and the **** the opposite side realized that Su Mu was not an ordinary person. She was able to summon the long sword in the void in an instant, and she was also a mutant like herself.

So the girl stared at Su Mu and said, "Tell me, how do you know this thing?"

"Who are you?" How could Mei's dagger be on her? What happened to Mei? This is what Su Mu cares about.

However, seeing Su Mu answer her question, the girl stretched out her hands instantly, hula la...

Su Mu and Chen Xiaoruan were stunned for an instant. Behind the girl, hundreds of white A4 papers appeared... and in the next second they became more than a hundred blood wolves!



A group of blood wolves immediately surrounded Su Mu's group, but Su Mu was shocked at this time. This girl's ability was not fully demonstrated just now. Judging from her ability, as long as there is enough paper, can she change? A million blood wolves coming?

But it should be limited by ability, otherwise, she will rule alone in the last days.




The blood wolves attacked very quickly. Su Mu's long sword did not have any backhand ability at all, and after these blood wolves surrounded Su Mu, they had no power to parry.

Su Mu's passiveness cannot be triggered actively. Su Mu has also noticed this, so at this time he can only release his skills from his subconscious mind.


The blade spreads!

The huge blade wing is ten meters wide. In reality, this kind of sight is completely unexperienced in the game of reincarnation. Chen Xiaoruan and the girl opposite opened their mouths in surprise. This ability is too shocking, especially behind Su Mu His wings are still made up of blades, and the feathered wings are not of the same grade...

"God kills wildly!!"



Bang bang...

Countless gas blades radiated from Su Mu’s body instantly. Su Mu did not dare to use those devastating skills. Chen Xiaoruan was still on the roof. Once the skills that destroyed the terrain were used, the entire building would collapse. Su Mu’s The goal is not to kill this girl, he needs to know the whereabouts of Mei!

Mei's dagger has always been close to her body. If Su Mu didn't want to protect Wenren Zihan, he would not give her the diamond dagger, so the importance of this thing doesn't need to be said at all.

Su Mu's mood is very uncomfortable now. There are only one or two possibilities for Mei's dagger leaving the body...

One is that she was seriously injured, and all the valuable things on her body were taken away, or the girl killed Mei and took the diamond, which is just a diamond in the eyes of ordinary people...

Bang bang bang!


The blood wolf was instantly attacked and turned into debris, and the girl waved her arm, and the debris instantly turned into endless paper cranes. These paper cranes could fly in the air and then directly surrounded Su Mu.

Wanyu skills have been used, so Su Mu cannot summon Wanyu in a short time. At this time, thousands of paper cranes directly surrounded him and Su Mu had no time to defend...



"Su Mu~" Chen Xiaoruan exclaimed.

However, at this moment, the paper cranes in the air instantly turned into debris. The picture was very...beautiful... Numerous red debris fluttered in the air, slowly falling like a rain of petals...

The girl looked at Su Mu in the air in surprise at this time, and waved her hands again. At this moment, the debris waved again. Su Mu knew that this thing could not be completely destroyed unless it was a fire skill. However, there seemed to be no fire on Su Mu... It is a skill. Although Huo Jue Yi is in Su Mu’s backpack, Su Mu cannot summon the backpack and system panel in the real world...

So at this time, Su Mu's only way is... to capture this girl, as long as she controls her ability to move, it should be able to resolve these origami...

So next second...

"Ten shadows!"



The girl retreated humbly, but compared to Su Mu's speed, she wasn't enough to see her. It was almost like a snail, and Su Mu had already come behind her without any reaction time.


The long sword hit the girl's back, the girl's eyelids fainted, and the debris in the air instantly fell to the ground.

The world is quiet.

Chen Xiaoruan ran over, and then walked behind Su Mu looking at the clothes that had been pecked by the paper cranes and blood stains, frowning involuntarily, "This girl is so cruel..."

Su Mu turned around and smiled: "In the last days, if you don't be cruel, you will die. This is helpless. Before the last days, she should be a little girl who has nothing to do with the world. She has such a temperament when she was only a teenager. Know what happened to her before."

"You will pity and cherish jade..." Chen Xiaoruan took out the gauze and alcohol he had prepared long ago and stripped off Su Mu's clothes, and then slowly cleaned the wound.

Su Mu squatted on the ground and asked Chen Xiaoruan to bandage his wound, but his heart was always intricate.

Originally, Su Mu was equipped with systematic equipment, but now he was injured but bleeding, and there was no conflict with the real world.

However, Su Mu laughed at himself. This is the Earth five years from now, so if there is no system data, injuries will naturally bleed, and death... I am afraid it will be a permanent death...

So, no matter what, Su Mu must be very careful in the last days, absolutely not like being in reincarnation. Here, death does not mean resurrection.

"Su Mu..."

"Call me Big Brother Su, I like you to call me Big Brother Su..."

Chen Xiaoruan was startled and smiled: "It was you who asked me to call you by your name, but now people call you Brother Su... How awkward..."

Su Mu also smiled slightly. Indeed, it would be a bit awkward to call Big Brother if you are a husband and wife, but Su Mu doesn't want to face a stranger like Chen Xiaoruan after leaving the last days, so he still smiled and said, "Just call Big Brother Su. I’m more used to calling me like that."

"Okay! OK! Big Brother Su! Big Brother Su!"

Su Mu was so handsome, and Chen Xiaoruan dared to joke with himself. Five years is not long, but not short.

After bandaging the wound, Chen Xiaoruan looked at the girl lying on the ground and said: "What should she do?"

"Tie it up, I have something to ask her." Su Mu stood up, and then directly picked up the girl named Jiumei and walked towards the stairs.

No matter how Mei is going, Su Mu must know her news, and the things encountered in the last days can prevent it from happening after he goes back, so Su Mu must find the trace of Mei.

[PS: The update delay sometimes causes the six chapters to be updated at once and only the last two chapters are displayed, so the plot is broken and skipped. For this kind of thing, readers can clear the APP cache, if you can’t uninstall the APP and download it again. Recently, the entire network system has been upgraded. I am extremely sorry for the inconvenience caused to you. If you do not have this situation, please ignore this PS. Today, I will add a chapter as compensation. 】

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