Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1410: There is no kindness in the last days

in the afternoon.

Jiumei’s emotions were basically controlled. The three of them sat on the chairs in the room while drinking water and chatting about charm.

"Su Mu! You must save sister!" A Jiumei glared at Su Mu.



Chen Xiaoruan relentedly said, "Don't molest Jiumei. What do you think Jiumei is crying for?"

Su Mu stood up and said, "Wow, Xiaoruan, didn't you see her posture just now? You are going to kill me. Also, don't be fooled by her, okay, she is better than you It's so much better, I almost said."

Su Mu was in a good mood, so he couldn't help adjusting the atmosphere.

A Jiumei stood up and stared at Su Mu and said, "Who knows that you are so stupid? My sister said that there are no rare things in the sky. Who knows that you can't even make my origami, a fool!"

"I am stupid?"

"Who are you stupid?"

"I'm stupid, can your sister fall in love with me?"


Chen Xiaoruan also stood up and quarreled with Su Mu? Don't want to win unless you talk about the woman next to him.

"Okay, let's go after we eat."

Su Mu snorted, and sister Ajiu also snorted. The two ignored each other, and the three went straight to the south after leaving the building.

Although Wenren Zihan and the others are in Kyoto, Su Mu knows which one is more important. If the person arrested in the last days was killed, he would have already been killed. So at this time, it is Su Mu's need to save the charm first, and the whole China There are four consoles, one next to each other in Chuanhai City.

The most important thing is that both Chen Xiaoruan and Wen Ren Xiangdong said that Wen Ren Zihan and the others are still alive, but they don’t know what to do now, so Su Mu decided to go south to save Mei, and Su Mu was helpless. This kind of thing can only be done. First save the dangerous ones and slow down Zi Han and Zhou Wenling, who are currently safe and have nothing to do.

On the way, Su Mu found a jeep that could still be started, and then took the two girls straight to the south.

Many roads have been damaged. Fortunately, Su Mu and the others drove a jeep, so some fields could also take a detour.

After leaving the city, Su Mu discovered that the entire world was in ruins in the last days, and the fields had no grass. It seemed that they were also affected by toxins. The entire field was barren and white. You can even see countless human bones, animal bones and various Kind of big pits and cracks.

It seems...the entire world of human beings has disappeared, and I have not seen any living person even after driving for four or five hours...This is the most irritating.

In the evening, Su Mu drove into a county town. The ruins of the county town did not lack gas stations. Su Mu refueled, Chen Xiaoruan and A Jiumei searched for food and drinking water from a nearby supermarket. Zombies only appeared at night. So it is impossible for Su Mu to get mineral water and bread during the day.

The three of them then settled in the gas station. Su Mu simply closed the door and the windows, and then lit the wooden planks and other furniture that had been split with oil.

This time point does not conflict with Samsara, because Su Mu entered when Samsara was open, so this time he can stay in the end times for a day and night without any problems, as long as he goes back tomorrow before Samsara opens.

The fire and the smell of humans quickly attracted the zombies at night. Su Mu stood up and walked outside, then directly lit the diesel-filled rag around the house and other things.

The fire blazed into the sky, and the zombies were stopped outside and screamed but couldn't fill it. Chen Xiaoruan walked over at this time and said, "There is an underground oil tank."

"It's out of oil. I've watched it before and can't explode."

"Oh." Chen Xiaoruan said and took Su Mu's arm, then leaned on his shoulder and watched the zombies outside constantly roaring...



In an instant, two gunshots came, Su Mu and Chen Xiaoruan were both startled, and then they saw a group of people running towards Su Mu while shooting at the zombies beside them...

"Friends! We are humans! Please let us in..." The man taking the lead has a big scar on his face, holding a pistol in his hand and shooting the surrounding zombies continuously. There are four or five men behind him and a girl. .

Su Mu frowned slightly, but Chen Xiaoruan said softly: "Let them come in, with the female relatives..."

Chen Xiaoruan is telling Su Mu that this group has at least one more person who can be trusted...

Picking up the tarpaulin with a wooden board, the group of six directly rushed in, and then helped to plug the tarpaulin, and the zombies were stopped outside in an instant.

The Scar Man smiled and said, "Thank you brother, the zombies this night are too **** difficult, he almost didn't turn Lao Tzu into a zombie."

The other few people came to the room to tidy up their clothes and find food and other supplies. A group of people directly sat down around the fire.

A Jiumei stood up and slowly came to Su Mu and Chen Xiaoruan.

Su Mu took a helpless look at this group of unceremonious people, and then slid his shoulders toward Chen Xiaoruan. This is someone you can trust.

Chen Xiaoruan put out his tongue and smiled mischievously.

"Are you locals?"

At this moment, a thin man sitting next to the fire said: "We are all in Linhai City, walking all the way from there, damn, I also saw someone using the skill of reincarnation, and I seem to have seen that person before. It's from Huangtianzhou District..."

"Skinny!" The scarred man yelled to silence the skinny man, and then smiled brilliantly.

Su Mu was shocked. According to the analysis of the thin man, what he was about to say should be a famous person in Huangtianzhou District, but what does this scar man mean by not letting him say it?

"Hey, brother Yanfu is not bad, and two beautiful girls are with you." The scar man stared at Chen Xiaoruan and A Jiumei's saliva.

At this time, Su Mu looked around the group of people.

These men are all dirt on their faces, and there are some injuries on their bodies. As for the girl, she is very cold and arrogant. She is sitting next to the fire and constantly wipes the dagger in her hand. The eyes of the three Su Mu made Su Mu feel unfriendly.

Chen Xiaoruan regrets it now, it feels a little bit of a wolves into the room... I thought they were kind human beings with women, but now it seems that there is no kindness in the last days, there is only survival in the last days!

"Tsk tsk, beauty, can he alone withstand the needs of the two of you? Or, go to Kyoto with your brother? Hey." Scar man said, he reached out to touch Chen Xiaoruan's chin.

Chen Xiaoruan missed his body and hid behind Su Mu. At this time, the person beside the fire slowly stood up, the gun in his hand was obviously filled with ammunition.

Su Mu looked at Chen Xiaoruan sideways and said, "Xiaoruan, you must have never left Haitian City in these years, right?"

"Huh? No."

A Jiumei suddenly said: "In the last days, no one can be trusted! They are a team that specializes in robbing!!"

"Hahaha! This little sister seems to know a lot? Does she often do this kind of thing?" The scared man laughed loudly, because he was in a good mood, and he ran into two **** and beautiful beauties. It's worth it without supplies.

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