Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1431: Archive again (6 more)

Border wars.

Thousands of people watched the game manager's staff emit purple light, and then a huge square purple box-like special effect fell into the position where Su Mu was standing.

At this time Su Muangtian smiled, God's Domain refused to obey the sky!

As the system's prompt sound kept coming, the purple box slowly fell to Su Mu's position. Following that, the team that protected Su Mu from God's Domain separated instantly, and then was separated by the purple box.

Xia Feng and others all watched helplessly as the skills of the game manager fell and there was nothing to do.


At this time, Su Mu slowly looked at all the people in the Hall of Gods. He looked around and looked at Xia Feng, Dragon, King Kong, tomorrow, tears and flowers and other members of the Hall of Gods who were close to a hundred people.

"Brothers! Today, Ah San must be taken!!"

boom! ! !

A purple box enveloped Su Mu's body, and then everyone saw that the purple box exuded some granular things slowly shattering from Su Mu's feet and gradually disappearing... This indicates that Su Mu may be sealed again. Up...

"Brother! I promise Xia Feng! Even if God's Domain is dead today, it will not shame Huaxia!!!"

"Don't die, don't return home!!"

"Don't die, don't return home!!"


There was a huge roar, and there were only one hundred thousand people in God's Domain yelling at Su Mu. All of them were helpless and unwilling. Seeing their boss slowly sealed by the game manager, there was nothing. At this moment, the people of God's Domain were furious, and all the anger rushed to the team of Yin San and Han Fei.

With a bang, Zimang disappeared and Su Mu disappeared.

The game manager in the sky slowly looked at the surrounding players at this time and said: "This person is seriously disrupting the balance of the game. This is the way of the sky. Coming today, reincarnation management will not prevent any war."


All disappeared in the air, and the game manager disappeared.

At this time, thousands of onlookers were still immersed in the arrogant and domineering scene of Su Mu before. All the people stood in place like aftertastes. Whether they admit it or not, the Muying and God's Domain just now are indeed very domineering and very domineering. Infect people.

However, some of them smiled happily.

For example, Mi Gil Khan of Yin San, Cai Zhongcheng of Han Fei and others, at this time, their goals have to be achieved.

At the same time, the Chinese players who are watching the game at this time also have joys and sorrows. Most people still feel sorry. After all, the person who disrupted the balance of the game is a person from his own country. A good thing, a good thing worth celebrating...



Austrian University, Su Mu's room.

Su Mu was sitting on the edge of the bed while Wenren Zihan stood at the door looking at her.

This national war can be said to have attracted the attention of the world, so even Wenren Zihan was particularly concerned. Naturally, she got news about Su Mu's being sealed.

Slowly walked into the room, Wenren Zihan sat directly beside Su Mu, and then took Su Mu's hand and said, "You have done well..."

"Yes, I have done a good job, but I want to do better..." It is surprising and proud that Su Mu led God's Domain to where it is today. However, the national war has just begun. The game The General Administration suddenly sent a game manager, which Su Mu never expected.

In fact, Su Mu had already thought about it when he made the decision to destroy Han Feijia’s Jinzhou District. This matter was too shocking for reincarnation, so the General Administration of Games couldn’t turn a blind eye to it. It’s just that Su Mu had always thought that the General Administration of Games took itself. There is no way, and I didn't expect to have this kind of authority suddenly.

"Su Mu."


"Really done well, we are all proud of you." Wenren Zihan slowly leaned on Su Mu's shoulders, this cold beauty is a rare compliment, but at this moment she has to admit Regardless of whether Su Mu was the shadow of God or not, just her performance in the reincarnation in the past few months was enough to make her admire her, and even if he was not the shadow of God, it couldn't change Su Mu's position in her heart.

Su Mu could feel Wenren Zihan's mood, so there was not much sadness at this moment.

They sat in the room for a long time and heard Zihan before being called away by Elizabeth.

It was still early at this time, and Su Mu directly summoned the little Lori Wood Spirit Goddess.

Melaleuca, mainly green, more than one hundred levels of little wood spirit is still as naughty and cute as before.

"Brother Su...You were kicked out of the game by the system just now, Ling'er felt like..." Xiao Ling'er stood in front of Su Mu with a grievance on his face.

In fact, since the last time Su Mu was sealed, he no longer used the game warehouse to log in to the game. However, this time he was kicked out of Xiao Mu Ling’s reincarnation gate. So Su Mu also wanted to ask Xiao Ling'er. Can I enter the game?

Ling'er raised her head and glanced at Su Mu and said, "Brother Su...The gate of life has already been opened today, so if you want to experiment, you have to wait until tomorrow. If you are only deleted by the General Administration of Games, they can't do it. The last thing has been done. It proves that they can’t delete all your data, such as the God’s Domain suit, such as all the tasks bound to you, these are things beyond the control of the General Directorate of the game, so... even if they have the authority of the main brain, they cannot completely delete you. Even the mastermind cannot be deleted..."

"Can't the reincarnation master mind delete me?" Su Mu was stunned. This was the first time Su Mu heard this statement.

The whole system of games has been around for so many years. The main brain of the game has the greatest authority, which is to control the core of the entire game. The reason why Samsara has become like this is because humans can no longer control the main brain of Samsara, but the main brain definitely has all the rights of Samsara. Xiao Mu Ling actually told herself that the reincarnation master could not delete herself, which made Su Mu a little bit weird.

"Yes, there are more than 100 people in Samsara now beyond the control of the reincarnation master. You are one of the more than 100 people who bear the brunt, so you can't delete it!" Xiaomu Ling said with a smile.

Su Mu also hung up a smile. If this is the case, it would be fun. Although I don’t know if I can enter the game yet, Su Mu wants to know if he appears in Samsara tomorrow, what will the players look like? What kind of expression, where does the game directorate go?


Su Mu was chatting with Xiao Mu Ling about some information about reincarnation in the reality of Austrian University, but at this time the border battlefield was heated up again.

Xia Feng's eyes were bloodshot, and an unquenchable anger rose to the sky.

With the long knife in his hand gripped tightly, he stood in front of the team and shouted: "There is no boss! What's the point of the existence of God's Domain? Brothers! Just treat it as the last battle!"


"Ho **** ho ho!!"

(Ps: A lot of book friends came to complain, and it is time to Fengying Brother again, Sang Xin, I just want to say, is it sealed? →, →! Haha, manual owe beat!)

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