Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1439: Hundred years of reincarnation


Elizabeth looked at Wenren Zihan's blushing cheeks with a smile on her face, Su Mu looked at the two with a smile while eating.

However, Su Mu realized a problem last night. Well, Wenren Zihan and Zhou Wenling originally had ‘prior conviction’ by lace. They actually slept together last night, cough cough, this problem...

"That, Elizabeth, have you always slept in the same room with Zihan?" Su Mu coughed dryly.

At this time, the quack doctor opposite almost didn't catch his breath. He quickly finished eating the egg in his hand and stood up and said, "I'll go around."

Elizabeth was startled when Wenren Zihan's face suddenly turned red. She put a fork directly onto an egg next to Su Mu and said, "Eat your meal."

"Huh? I don't mean anything else, I don't mind anymore."

"Su Mu!" Wenren Zihan glared at Su Mu.

The latter waved his hand and said, "Haha, I won't ask, I won't ask."

Elizabeth snorted and said: "You have come to Su, don't think I don't know what you mean, purple cold body is cold, so the doctor suggested that I sleep with her, what do you want? Lace edge? Oh, you Huaxia Said Lily?"

"Can we be more reserved?" Su Mu had a black line on his face.

"What if we have? I'm a woman anyway."

"Yes, yes, you are women, you are the biggest."

"If you don't agree, find a man."

"Puff! Too much, too much."

"No, it's not too much. If you find a man, we won't say anything, Miss Bold?"




Su Mu left the dining table like escape, Nima, this Elizabethan cliff is possessed by Zhou Wenling, Nima is too hot, let me find a man? Find your sister!

After returning to the room, Su Mu directly summoned the goddess of water blue.

Looking at the sweet smile of the goddess of water, Su Mu still found that normal women are more cute.

"Go to four-dimensional space."

Su Mu didn't know if there was any conflict between the four-dimensional space and reincarnation, so before the reincarnation was not open, Su Mu wanted to go to the four-dimensional space to have a look, and take a look at Feihuo Meteor and Yi Nian Hongchen.

The four-dimensional space was still the same, with only Su Mu and the Goddess Shuilan, who came directly to Zhongzhou City and entered the Centennial Samsara directly from Tianhu.

The reason why Su Mu did not go to the negative cycle is because he wanted to prove his idea that the cycle of a hundred years is three months faster than the cycle of the earth, so if there is a problem with the earth, the cycle of a hundred years should also have an early warning, so you may find some clue.

However, after letting Su Mu enter a hundred years of reincarnation, he suddenly saw...

The entire Zhongzhou City is as quiet as a family.

There is no one, there are monsters wandering everywhere, and no player has seen it.

The goddess of water blue was also surprised to see the silence of the Centennial Cycle. She glanced around and said: "Su Su, it seems that there is no player around here..."

Su Mu nodded and said, "Is this a hundred-year reincarnation? How does it feel like in a four-dimensional space?"

The four-dimensional space is empty, but there are monsters, and the same is true in a hundred years of reincarnation, except for monsters and NPCs, no player can be seen.

Su Mu felt that this century of reincarnation was a little frightening.

"That’s not right. The Hundred Years Reincarnation and the Negative Annual Reincarnation and the Earth’s Reincarnation are the opposite landing times. When Susu’s Earth Reincarnation is not open, these two spaces are open. After they are closed, the Earth’s Reincarnation opens simultaneously... It should be the time when the Centennial Samsara just landed, how come there is no one?" The Shuilan Goddess flew directly into the sky after saying these few words.

A few minutes later, the goddess of water blue fell and looked at Su Mu in surprise: "No one..."

"Go, go to Huangtianzhou District."

The goddess of water blue nodded, and then pulled Su Mu to fly into the air. Because I wanted to see the environment here, the teleportation array ignored it, and the two people looked at each map below in the air.

What surprised Su Mu is that the map is full of monsters. It can be seen that it has not been cleaned up by the player for a while, so there was no one in this century of reincarnation yesterday?

Coming all the way to the edge of the Huangtianzhou area, the goddess of water blue and Su Mu fell down, and there was no player in the entire continent, except for the monsters, which were monsters. There was no one in the entire hundred years of reincarnation...

A feeling of horror came, Su Mu and the goddess Shuilan looked at each other, and he said: "Could it be...did it really happened?"

"What happened to Su Su?" The long hair of the water blue goddess was fluttering with the wind, but she frowned and thought about something.

Su Mu shook his head. The goddess of water blue did not know that the future of reincarnation would happen in the future five years from now, so Su Mu had never told her about it, but according to the current urine, the real world of reincarnation took place suddenly. Otherwise, there will be no player going online in the Centennial Cycle.

Inferring from this logic, the end of the world has appeared in the real world of a century of reincarnation?

Only this kind of explanation can infer that there is not a single player in the Centennial Cycle!

Just like five years later on Earth, Su Mu will never find a game warehouse in the future world...So there should be no one in the reincarnation world five years later...

However, thinking of this Su Mu suddenly became horrified, because in the future world Su Mu has not entered the cycle of reincarnation.

At that time, the gate of reincarnation could not be opened because it was unable to summon any goddesses, and Su Mu had always entered reincarnation through the ability of the wood spirit, but is there still a game warehouse in the end times? If there is still a game warehouse, can it enter the reincarnation in the end times?

This kind of thing is too brain consuming, but Su Mu felt that this idea was feasible.

Su Mu said as he walked: "Shuilan, you said, through a century of reincarnation, can we enter their face of the earth?"

The water blue goddess looked at Su Mu in surprise: "Susu, why do you have such an idea? If you do this, you need Sister Lieyu's ability to do it..."

It’s not that Su Mu suddenly had this idea, but Su Mu had thought about it before, since everyone is in the game of reincarnation, then whether it is the earth’s reincarnation or the players in the 100-year reincarnation, there is a real world, so the real world of the 100-year reincarnation Is it the earth?

Now that all the players in the Centennial Samsara have disappeared, it is likely that the outbreak of the Resident Evil, or the outbreak of the problem of Samsara controlling the real world...

"Su Su, did you have anything else you haven't told Shui Lan?" The goddess Shui Lan suddenly looked at Su Mu.

However, Su Mu suddenly thought of a question at this time: "If Samsara controls the real world of a hundred years of Samsara, then the current Samsara should not let me in, so how did we get in?"

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