Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1442: Doomsday crisis

A hundred years of earth.

In a basement, the reincarnation landing warehouse was shining brightly. At this time, the hatch slowly opened.

The dim basement was damp, and the light bulbs in the entire basement were extinguished at this time, and the battery in the game compartment was actually the battery.

Feitian Yinghen walked out of the game compartment slowly, and then found his mobile phone. After turning on the flashlight, he frowned. At this time, there was a lot of water in the basement, like a water pipe burst, and there was no electricity. What the **** is it?

Wading through the water, Feitian Yinghen walked out of the basement slowly.

At this time, the sky outside was at night, because it was the opening time of reincarnation, so naturally it was also at night, so Feitian Yinghen didn't find anything when she walked out of the basement...

He waited until he came to the first floor, and after the door from the first floor opened, he stood there in shock...

He looked at the dark world outside and his scalp felt numb.

The sound of snoring sounded, Feitian Yinghen saw that the outside of the building had become ruins, and in front of him, a dozen monsters with green eyes were screaming, and at the same time, the sound of screaming came. , Feitian Yinghen saw through the only light of the phone...

A group of ‘people’ with flesh and blood?


The zombies are running madly!


With a thud, Feitian Yinghen retreated directly to the door. At this time, the monster's claws stretched in. Feitian Yinghen didn't have time to make any thoughts and saw the zombie rushing in.

He ran back frantically, the water in the basement prevented his body from moving forward quickly, so in the next instant the zombies had already rushed in, and there were also the monsters with green eyes, and a group of things rushed in and sent disgusting people. Scream.





The zombie directly grabbed Feitian Yinghen's feet, and Feitian Yinghen waved his hands almost subconsciously at this moment.


There was a huge explosion, and the warm water pipe in the basement that was already leaking burst at this moment.

Hulala water flowed out, but Feitian Yinghen was surprised to see that the zombie that attacked him just now has been blown away...

And just now, I clearly saw the formation that I released...

this is……

The formation of reincarnation!

Although Feitian Yinghen was shocked, it was too late to think about it. He rushed to where he lived.

Opening the door to the basement, Feitian Yinghen directly used the formation to lock the door, and then returned to her small room. After the formation closed the whole room, she collapsed and sat on the bed...

A sweaty Feitian Yinghen sat sluggishly on the spot at this time, he could not imagine the world he had just seen.

It was originally a brightly lit city. At this time, it was pitch black, there were nearby ruins, the green light of monsters, and the roar of zombies. Everything was like the Resident Evil in the movie, but Feitian Yinghen never thought of one day. The real world will really turn out to be like this, it's silly...

Everyone knows that Resident Evil is a fiction, but when the real Resident Evil strikes, people can't believe it. What happened in this world?

Even if there is a Resident Evil, why are there monsters of reincarnation? He saw clearly just now that all the monsters with green foreheads were monsters in reincarnation.

Feitian Yinghen was completely sluggish at this time.



There was the sound of smashing the door, Feitian Yinghen stood up cleverly, but fortunately the formation played a role, he raised his hand and looked at it, this is the real world, how did he bring out the skills in samsara?

But when I thought of the monsters flying to the sky and Ying Hen just now, I realized that it is very likely that the reincarnation has changed.

"How could this be? How could it be like this?"

When people encounter this kind of change, not everyone will be as calm as Su Mu, even Su Mu was a little confused at the time.

So Feitian Yinghen completely forgot everything at this time, and everything in his mind was how the world became what it is now, this was his biggest shock!

However, after ten minutes, the sound of smashing the door disappeared. It was Feitian Yinghen who looked at the game warehouse.

"Yes! Go to Su Mu! Find Su Mu!"

Feitian Yinghen found out that the battery in the game compartment was not enough until he opened the game compartment. Even if he doesn't go offline today, he will definitely go offline tomorrow. So Feitian Yinghen can't help but talk about it at this time, let's talk about advanced games.



Zhongzhou City, the location of Tianhu.

Su Mu's side, white light flashed, Feitian Yinghen reappeared in the same place, Su Mu was finally relieved, but at this time Feitian Yinghen's expression was panicked and very dull, which also directly proved Su Mu's thoughts.

The end of the world has also erupted on the earth in a hundred years. It should be the same as the future world that I entered. Zombies and game monsters have appeared!

Su Mu didn't immediately ask Feitian Yinghen, but slowly said, "Don't be afraid, I already know about this, you can speak slowly."

Feitian Yinghen looked at Su Mu and the goddess Shuilan gasping for breath.

Su Mu nodded.

Feitian Yinghen said, "What the **** is going on? What is going on? Brother, what is going on?"

Su Mu looked at Feitian Yinghen’s state and didn’t want to tell him this cruel fact, but things were the same as Su Mu’s thoughts, one hundred years of reincarnation, one hundred years of earth, and the earth in another aspect is synchronized with the earth, and their world is faster than the earth. Reincarnation is opened for three months, then the outbreak will be three months faster than the earth.

Based on this logic, the earth will also explode in the future world situation after three months.

In other words, there is not much time left for Su Mu, the earth will soon erupt the end of the world?

However, Su Mu didn’t want to admit this. Because of the current situation, Samsara didn’t show any intention to break out and control the earth. At least the General Administration of Games had gained the right to manage it, and even forced itself to be sealed for seven days without going online. So, the current Samsara should It is controlled by the people of the earth.

One more thing Su Mu suddenly remembered.

Su Mu once went to the fairy world, where the player level is higher, and the reincarnation there should be earlier than the century-old reincarnation. So, how is the world over there?

Also, when I went to the underworld last time, I didn’t find the players there disappeared. So, Su Mu must go to the underworld again and see if the players there disappeared.

If the people in the underworld do not disappear, then it proves that the world and the earth are completely different factors, such as the 100-year reincarnation and negative annual rebirth. It is very likely that there will be a butterfly effect. However, the reincarnation players in the underworld are earlier than the Hundred Years Reincarnation. The last time they entered the underworld was only a few days ago, and the Hundred Years Reincarnation had already broken out seven days ago.

Therefore, it is very likely that the same thing will never happen in these reincarnation worlds!

"Shuilan, go to the underworld!"

"it is good."

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