Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1446: Goodbye Lie Yu

At the end of the temple, Su Mu did see his statue.

【Godland Su Mu】

[Introduction: Su Mu, a native of Earth China, Kyoto, the owner of the Gods Domain suit, and before the reincarnation crisis came, he unblocked the three Gods domains, successfully advanced to the Samsara Gods domain, and set a world record of nine events, eight championships, twelve The top equipment record, the carrier of God's Domain, and successfully unlocked the five worlds of reincarnation, and successfully sniped the future world XX. It is one of the few gods of the earth in reincarnation. 】

The introduction didn't make Su Mu feel anything, but what made Su Mu more shocked.

If this temple is calculated according to the ranking, then the statue of Su Mu is ranked fifth!

There is a statue in front of Su Mu's statue, and there are two headless statues on the right, as well as a huge statue at the head of the hall.

Inferring from this logic, there are at least four people on top of Su Mu who have the same fame as him. If the position of this statue is calculated according to the ranking, then there are at least four to five people in Samsara who can stand alongside Su Mu’s strength. , There is even one person who can completely explode Su Mu, that is this first statue!

This made Su Mu horrified.

The God Realm outfit already made Su Mu the strongest equipment in Samsara, and the current ranking of statues in this temple suddenly revealed that Su Mu's strength was not the strongest in Samsara.

Su Mu stood there for a while, and then stared at his profile for a while. During this period of time, Su Mu also saw that he wanted to get drunk tonight, even Cen from Wadao Island, Jess from the US Empire, etc. People you know.

So Su Mu can be sure that the ranking person of this statue will have a head as long as he knows it, and those who don't have a head and have a profile are people they don't know.

And most of the masters of reincarnation are here, so who are these nearly 1,000 statues? Are there so many masters in Samsara?

Or is it that the statues in this temple are not entirely masters of the reincarnation of the earth at all, maybe there are people who reincarnate in a hundred years or a negative year?

Thinking of the horror that Su Mu couldn't help but once again, if this is the case, then what is the purpose of the disaster of reincarnation that caused the earth to become the end of the world? Besides, Su Mu didn't see the statue of the flying meteor. That is to say, if there is a person who reincarnated for a hundred years, Su Mu would definitely be able to see the flying meteor.

In addition to these, Su Mu's introduction also shocked him a bit.

What the **** are the people of Earth China and Kyoto?

Su Mu grew up in Haitian City, but this profile says he is from Kyoto? Kyoto, your sister, Kyoto!

Su Mu still didn't want to have anything to do with the Su family in Kyoto. Su Mu didn't want to and disdain to have a relationship with the Su family in Kyoto, the kind of being abandoned since childhood, and now suddenly found out that his life experience is probably related to a super family, this sense of rejection No one can understand.

So this introduction said that Su Mu was from Kyoto, which caused him to be extremely disgusted.

But anyway, the introduction can't be wrong, whether it is Wenren Zihan, Chen Xiaoruan, or even Mei and Ling, their introductions are correct. This is what makes Su Mu helpless the most.

He now has to admit one thing, he is indeed a Chinese Kyoto native.

This time coming to the future itself was looking for the mystery of his life experience. Chen Xiaoruan didn't know Su Mu's life experience, but now it has appeared here.

"This should not be a temple." Su Mu murmured.

Because the temple is a place for players to evolve to a higher level, rather than a place where various masters are recorded in the secret hall of the underworld, this should be China, or a place on the earth to record various masters.

" are right...this is indeed not a temple."

Suddenly, there was a very nice voice that made Su Mu's creeps instantly.

After all, it was in a sealed state, and how could Su Mu's voice suddenly sounded so that Su Mu would not be frightened?

Su Mu turned around and watched a white light slowly appear at the end of the main hall, and then a woman with white hair appeared behind the biggest statue...

The mark on the forehead is round, glowing with white light, long white hair, white eyebrows, white dress, and even the white pupils!

"Lie Yu!" Su Mu immediately recognized this goddess.

She is the supreme **** of time and space, Lie Yu!

When entering the future, the goddess Feng Xi said that she might encounter Lie Yu's true body in the future world. Su Mu has been looking for Lie Yu, but she didn't expect to meet him here.

There are too many secrets of God's Domain suits and reincarnation in the body of Goddess Lieyu, countless tasks, countless mysteries are inextricably related to her, so in this period Su Mu was already deliberately looking for her.

Goddess Lieyu slowly came to Su Mu's, and stood in front of Su Mu very close.

This is the first time that Su Mu has observed the Supreme God of Time and Space from such a close distance.

She has long, pure hair, pure white, without the slightest variegation, and a round mark on the fair forehead is flowing white light. The white eyebrows make people feel amazing. The original white pupils should be shocking. That's right, but her eyes are so bright, it's as if she is used to seeing a Chinese beauty and suddenly there is a western beauty that relieves the aesthetic fatigue.

Needless to say, the figures of the goddesses are naturally flawless. Their mark is flawless, but the fiery goddess wears a ring on her green index finger, and the ring is connected to her sleeves, which is very beautiful.

A wavy long skirt fell on her, and the waisted long skirt fully showed her figure.

"Are you a clone or a body?" Su Mu's sword of God's Domain is already in his hand. As long as the Temporal Supreme God can conquer it, many current mysteries will be solved.

However, the goddess Lieyu smiled slightly, and Su Mu was also taken aback by the two rows of porcelain-like teeth. She smiled and said, "Should you not ask me about the secrets of this apocalypse now? Do I have my own body for you What's the point? In the last days, what can you do even if you are a clone of this seat?"

Su Mu was startled. Indeed, as she said, she could not summon any goddess in the apocalyptic world. It was just a wishful thinking to subdue Goddess Lieyu with the God Realm suit, but Su Mu was not reconciled. If the body of the Supreme God of Time and Space is the one in front of him, So after Su Mu missed today, he didn't know when he would wait until next time.


With a sword swung, Su Mu didn't intend to hurt her, however, the long sword slashed down the head of Goddess Lieyu, like a 3D projection, which was nothing.

Su Mu couldn't help frowning: "Knowing that I am not your opponent but dare not treat each other in the true form, there is time for the Supreme God of Time and Space to be counseled?"


Goddess Lieyu disappeared in place, and Su Mu appeared suddenly surprised at the next moment.

Goddess Lieyu's breath hit his ears, and Su Mu clearly felt Goddess Lieyu's fingers resting on his shoulders.

"You said, am I the main body or the clone now?"

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