Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1448: Panic Lie Yu



The God’s Domain Scourge fell, but Su Mu did not receive the system's downgrade penalty. This is quite unexpected. Su Mu only knew that his level was sealed and that he could not be upgraded. This level of storage is a blessing or a curse.

However, as Goddess Lieyu said, the attack at this time had no effect on her.

Su Mu even suspected that Goddess Lieyu would just retreat for a second after taking her own damage, and then get rid of the damage value. This formed the purpose that Su Mu could not attack her.

But even like this, Su Mu has nothing to do. He can control time and space. The only thing Su Mu can think of is that the goddess Fengxi and the angel Zhiyan can have a chance to win, but in this world Su Mu cannot summon the goddess Fengxi and the angel Zhiyan. , The backpack can’t be opened, so why use angel’s blood to summon Zhiyan.

So at this time, Su Mu had a feeling of poor skills, and there was no way to use this goddess Lieyu.

The light in the temple dimmed again, and Goddess Lieyu looked at Su Mu with a charming smile: "Nowadays, you can't enter the cycle of reincarnation, oh, it should have appeared to enter the cooling. In fact, these punishments are for the Supreme Elemental God. It’s not a difficult task. If Xiaomu Ling is in his heyday, let alone the cooling down of reincarnation, even the game manager cannot prevent you from entering reincarnation, but enters reincarnation at any time. You can also enter when others are resting... …"

Su Mu frowned again.

If Ling'er returns to its heyday, can Su Mu enter even when Samsara is not open during the day? This is equivalent to the four-dimensional space of the goddess of water and blue, because the reincarnation is not open during the day and there will be no players...

"Sunder Armor!"


The sword qi swung directly to split the figure of the goddess Lieyu, but she was just like a projection, so no matter how Su Mu attacked, she couldn't attack her.

Su Mu had other thoughts at this time. He simply put away the sword of God's Domain and asked: "Are you now appearing in the real world?"

Goddess Lieyu was startled, her pupils contracted slightly, and then she smiled again.

"This is the world of the earth in the next five years, that is to say, this is not reincarnation, and your appearance in the real world is equivalent to being summoned by me. Therefore, the current you may be the existence of the body, just the water blue. They are restricted, so they can't use their abilities at all, but you are not controlled by the Gods Domain Tower, so you can fully use your abilities, right?"

Su Mu suddenly thought of this question, and if this is the case, the matter would be simpler.

And looking at the expression of Goddess Lie Yu, Su Mu knew that he was right.

"But, what can I do if I think of this, my lord? You still can't kill me." Goddess Lieyu laughed.

Su Mu nodded: "I really can't kill you, but in the real world, the tower of the gods can be held in the hands of anyone, and I can summon it back at any time. This has been proved by the original Prince Building, so ,If I……"

With a snap, Su Mu directly dragged the God's Domain Tower down, and put it in his hand to face Goddess Lieyu.

The latter's face changed slightly, and said: "You can think about it. Destroying the God's Domain Tower here means that the goddess of water will also be free."

"But they have the memory, even if they don’t have the constraints of the God’s Domain Tower, they will obey me, but you are different. Once the God’s Domain Tower is destroyed, you will disappear! Because you have not yet merged with the God’s Domain Tower, this is the ultimate form of the God’s Domain Tower. Isn't it the attribute of ?"

The face of Goddess Lieyu was hard to look, because Su Mu was right.

Shui Lan and the others have merged with the Tower of the Gods. Even if the Tower of the Gods is destroyed, it is just freedom for them. There is no need to stay in the Tower of the Gods. For Lie Yu who has not been subdued by Su Mu, she may become'lonely. Soul, wild and ghost' the same existence.

So Su Mu wanted to use this method to subdue the goddess Lieyu.

However, at this moment, Su Mu is still uncertain about one thing, that is, what will happen to the ninth element that Goddess Lieyu said after destroying the tower of the gods? Is it the same as Lieyu, or never even think about seeing the ninth element?

"Hehe, Lord God, even now your IQ is still so worrying. The disappearance of the God's Domain Tower means that your God's Domain physique will disappear. Have you ever thought about this?"

"Oh, do you still want to talk nonsense with me?"


Su Mu didn't hesitate to throw the Tower of the Gods in the air. Su Mu didn't want to talk nonsense with this woman. Any more nonsense would only make things more complicated. Therefore, if I didn't accept Laozi, he would directly destroy the Tower of the Gods!

The God’s Domain Tower in the sky slowly rotated. Goddess Lieyu didn’t even want to seize the God’s Domain Tower. Su Mu was not afraid of her taking it. Because Su Mu could recall it instantly, Goddess Lieyu seemed to understand this problem, so she stood in the original position. Surprisedly watched Su Mu waved between the gods, and then slashed towards the gods tower.

At this moment, the goddess Lieyu's eyes widened: "You are a lunatic!!"


Behind Goddess Lieyu, there was a wave of space fluctuations, and then Su Mu saw her front body disappear directly into the void. It was obvious that she also had a way to deal with Su Mu, so Su Mu smiled slightly at this time. It is true that I will be stupid. Destroy the tower of the gods?



Su Mu rushed in the direction of Goddess Lieyu, and then directly grabbed Goddess Lieyu’s skirt. This grabbed Su Mu and laughed, because Goddess Lieyu’s body was physical, and it was no longer the state of projection. , This proves that Goddess Lieyu wants to escape, so she must use entities to shuttle...

Su Mu pulled the skirt of the goddess Lieyu, and was directly led into the void.

There was a whirring voice, Su Mu's whole person was like entering the future world from the earth, surrounded by void-like space-time tunnels, and the goddess Lieyu disappeared in this space, Su Mu could not see anything...

Time passed slowly, and I didn't know that after a few minutes, Su Mu saw a white spot in front of him, like the exit of this tunnel.

Su Mu took out the sword of God's Domain and made preparations, because Su Mu didn't know where the end of the tunnel was, maybe it was the alien planet of Goddess Lieyu's hometown?

There are too many unknowns in reincarnation, and Su Mu is not sure at this time that everything will develop according to his own ideas.

So after Su Mu passed through this white spot, he directly opened the God Realm barrier!


The enchantment expands, but...

After Su Mu left the time tunnel, he was stunned.

"Fuck your mother!!"

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