Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1461: Baby's news (6 more)

With a thud, Su Mu jumped directly into the small lake.

At this moment, the woman in the lake turned her head slightly with a smile, as if she had known it when Su Mu came here, so the woman didn't wear any clothes from beginning to end.

When Su Mu wandered behind this woman, he hugged her with both hands, and then pressed tightly together before smiling, "Long time no see."

Mei's attractive red lips are adorned with a charming smile, and her peach eyes make people confused. At this time, Mei's charm is more attractive to men than before, and it has an irresistible taste.

The two barely said anything, rolling in the lake, smiling continuously.

The sky cleared completely, and the sun shining in this small valley was as beautiful as golden rays. At this time, on a white stone by the small lake, Su Mu and Mei put on their dried clothes, and then faced each other again. Took a look.

"See Jiumei?" Mei raised her head and glanced at Su Mu while tying her buttons.

The charm at this time is still the same as before, and her skin and appearance are almost unchanged. It seems that her age will not get old at all.

"Well, I saw it."

"how about it?"

Su Mu was startled, what about what? How do you feel so dirty?

Can't laugh or cry Su Mu stood up and said, "They are still waiting for us, let's leave together."

Mei nodded. Since Su Mu is here, the black building blocking the exit should have been resolved, so Mei walked towards the exit with Su Mu after she got dressed.

Lu Mei didn't hold Su Mu's arm like a little woman. She followed Su Mu's side and said as she walked: "Ying is in Kyoto. I saw her once five years ago."

"Has her strength fully recovered?"

"Well, it's the heyday of the year, how about you? Why are the toxins left on your body?"

Because Mei’s body is peculiar, I have felt that there are still toxins in Su Mu’s body before combining with Su Mu. This is not supposed to be because Su Mu had already subdued all the Supreme Gods and eliminated all the toxins five years ago. Mei knows this very well, so she questioned it.

If it weren't that the world had changed so much, one would doubt whether the Su Mu in front of him was the Su Mu he knew. After all, the toxins on the body disappeared and suddenly appeared again.

Su Mu shook his head: "I can't explain it clearly, so let's talk about her."

Mei smiled, and then continued to walk down the stream. A pair of snow-white jade feet stepped on the stream to make Su Mu beautiful.

"The Ying is in Kyoto. It should be done for the power of Samsara, and Ying's resurrection is also because of XX, so now it seems that Samsara is indeed just a bridge, which is the kind of result we discussed at the beginning."

"What's the result?"

"What's wrong with you?" Mei turned her head and looked at Su Mu and asked.

There is no memory of Su Mu in the past five years, so chatting with people he knows in the future world will have some questions that Su Mu cannot answer.

Moreover, Su Mu couldn't say that he came from the past, so he could only use amnesia as a prevarication, and one better thing was that he had disappeared five years ago, so he didn't need to explain what happened in the past five years.

Mei was also the last time she saw herself five years ago. There is no doubt about it. Su Mu must figure out where she went in the past five years. Otherwise, Su Mu feels that the thing that he disappeared will soon come to the same.

The time for the development of the earth and the change of the end of the world are less than three months away. If Su Mu does not find out where he has disappeared in the past five years within three months, it will be impossible to prevent this incident from coming. The accident in the reincarnation also confirmed that this event is likely to happen on the earth, but the reincarnation players on the underworld did not have an accident and Su Mu felt confused.

In short, this is a brain-burning thing. What Su Mu needs to do most is to save Wenren Zihan and the others, and return to the earth to solve the mystery of his own life experience, because Chen Xiaoruan said that he came back from Kyoto. Later, I saw the baby, and then summoned the goddess of water blue and disappeared in this world, and suddenly appeared in this world two years ago and disappeared...

Meidao: "Ying's resurrection has always been a mystery. She herself doesn't know how XX resurrected her. She just said that she had seen her body intact after her resurrection. The most surprising thing is that she's The body is still the original body."

"The original body?" Su Mu was a little confused. Before Lu Chenxi (Zhou Wenling's master, Kunlunshan teacher too) said that the resurrection was because of the change of the brain, but now Mei said that the baby's body is still the original body, which is a bit inlaid. Not up.

"Yes, you also saw the baby's body at that time. Although the scar on the chest is almost gone, you can still see that you stabbed it with a dagger. The wound and shape are the same as the drill dagger." Mei said.

Su Mu was a little at a loss.

But now I finally know the location of the baby, and Su Mu must go to Kyoto to rescue Wenren Zihan and the others, so when you see the baby, you can know the ins and outs.

According to Mei, the infant should have let go of the grudges and grievances of the year long ago, the entire earth has fallen into crisis, and mankind should give up a lot of hatred.

He Mei returned to the exit position, and the black temple really disappeared completely. After the two reached the magma position, Su Mu protected Mei slowly and walked forward. Su Mu suffered more burns on his body, and Mei kept hanging. Smiling and watching Su Mu protecting himself...

After reaching the position where Su Mu jumped, the two men grabbed the rope and rushed up.

However, when Su Mu and Mei walked to the cliff of Luozhai Ghost Gate, they were a little surprised.

Su Mu has only about five hours to enter this Luozhai ghost gate. The time of reincarnation should not conflict with this place, so according to the normal situation, Chen Xiaoruan and A Jiumei should wait for themselves here, and now Both girls are gone.

Mei stood up from a squatting position, and then said with a strand of long hair: "This is not Jiumei's."

Su Mu grabbed it and looked at the yellowish long hair: "It's Xiaoruan, something happened to Luozhai!"

Speaking of Su Mu and Mei, they rushed forward quickly, and directly activated their ancient martial abilities.

Speeding through Luozhai, Su Mu and Mei's mood became more and more uncomfortable, because many people from Luozhai fell to the ground along the way, and all of them were wiped to death from their throats.

The two quickly came to the gate of Luozhai's stockade and then slowly stopped.

Many people in Luozhai were holding weapons around the gate of the village, and the arrival of Su Mu and Mei directly caused the crowd to surge.

"Holy Woman!"


"Saint, you are finally here..."

The people of Luozhai gave way after seeing Mei. Su Mu had already seen a group of people at the gate of Luozhai, and he had also seen the person who was just talking about...the infant of the remnant soul! !

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