Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1466: Su Mu's life experience

Su Mu couldn't help but startled when he heard the voice of the phone. This voice was him, Shadow Killing Order No. 2.

However, the other party only said one sentence and then hung up after reading the fax. Su Mu didn't call it, because he knew that even if it did, it would be useless. When this guy didn't want you to contact him, it would be useless for you to find it. Besides, he got it from Bill's house. The news of this guy is probably in Yinsan, as for what Su Mu does not know.

The quack doctor glanced at Su Mu and asked, "He?"

"Yeah." Su Mu nodded and said: "Pack your things and go home."

The quack doctor stood up and sorted out his things, then looked behind Su Mu.

Wenren Zihan walked over slowly at this time, and the quack doctor left the hall wittily, leaving Su Mu and Wenren Zihan in the room instantly.

Parting will come sooner or later, Su Mu turned around and stretched out his hand, Wen Ren Zihan slowly walked forward and put his little hand in Su Mu's hand, and then lay directly in his arms.

One hand was pulled by Su Mu and the other hand was placed on Su Mu's chest with his cheek, Wen Ren Zihan murmured: "I'm sorry...I can't go back to China with you..."

"It's okay, stay and take care of your mother. I let the Quaker Association communicate with your mother's doctor frequently, and I think you will fly over directly from China when you are." Su Mu hung a smile and stayed in Austria for a few days. It's time to return home, whether it's the matter of reincarnation or because of the Su family in Kyoto, Su Mu must go back.

Wenren Zihan is very sensible. She naturally knew that Su Mu was going back to the Su family in Kyoto to investigate her life experience, so she hugged Su Mu in the living room for a while and started to pack things for him.

She took Elizabeth and sent Su Mu to Duolun Airport and then turned and left after watching Su Mu board the plane.

Elizabeth looked at Wenren Zihan who was a little disappointed and couldn't help but smiled: "Why don't you bring your mother back to China? Then you can be with Su?"

Wenren Zihan smiled barely. How could Elizabeth understand those things in Kyoto? Wen Ren Zihan didn't want to return to China, let alone face Wen Ren's family before the matter between Wen Ren's family and Su Mu was clear.

So maybe it is the best place to hide in Austrian University, and Su Mu can fly over whenever he wants her, there is no need to be together often.



Huaxia, Haitian Airport.

Su Mu did not stay in the capital. He flew directly from the capital to Haitian City. After receiving Su Mu, Kongshan came to a community in the eastern district of Haitian City.

Thirty years ago, the building looked a bit dilapidated, similar to the scene when he went to Qi Yun's house. Kong Shan took Su Mu to the sixth floor and knocked on the door.

The one who opened the door was a middle-aged woman who looked like she was in her fifties.

The woman was stunned when she saw Su Mu, and then suddenly asked Su Mu to walk in.

This woman was the only one in the whole room. She asked Su Mu and Kong Shan to sit down and took out a photo album.

Su Mu took it and turned over a few pages. They were all pictures of another woman. There were photos of this woman and that person, and a photo of a man with her, etc...

"She's Zhou Qing, my sister. She died accidentally 25 years ago. She was only 23 years old. This man was Su Tianwen, the eldest son of the Su family in Kyoto. They were in love at the time and were already preparing for marriage. ......" The woman recalled what happened back then and was rather depressing.

Su Mu was surprised when he saw the photos of Su Tianwen when he was young. It is indeed very similar to himself or himself. Although there are some differences, Su Mu and his looks are like that at a glance. The look of father and son...

"Then, do they have children?" Su Mu asked.

The woman shook her head and said, "No."

Su Mu was surprised, didn't he? Why did Wenren Zihan's mother say that she is related to Su Tianwen?

According to this woman, Zhou Qing died 25 years ago, and Su Mu was exactly this age this year. If they were only in love and had no children at that time, what did it have to do with him?

The woman stood up, then picked up a bunch of yellow chrysanthemums, and said, "Let's go, today is her death day."

Su Mu and Kongshan stood up, and then left the house with the woman.


The Houshan Cemetery of the Funeral Home in Haitian City.

The woman took Su Mu and Kongshan through the rows of tombstones, and then stopped at a seemingly luxurious independent tomb.

The photos posted on the tombstone have been specially processed, so it still looks like Zhou Qing's grace at that time can still be seen.

The woman put the chrysanthemum in front of the tombstone, then sat on the spot and looked at the dim sum that had been worshipped in front of the tombstone and said: "He has been here this morning..."

"Su Tian asked?"

"Twenty-five years, he will come here every year. He hasn't remarried since his sister left, and he hasn't had a nice relationship with any other girl. No matter how his sister left, he is forgiven by this alone... "

Su Mu heard it in the clouds, but at this time the woman took out some items from the food box he brought, and then slowly handed them to Su Mu, "These are the things my sister left behind, maybe right. You are useful..."

Su Mu took it in a daze. This was something wrapped in a piece of red cloth. After opening it, Su Mu saw a pair of baby shoes. They were very small, as if they could only be worn by a newborn baby, and underneath these shoes. There was also an old envelope. Su Mu handed the baby shoes to Kong Shan, and then opened the envelope...

【Su Mu;

You may have grown up when you read this letter... Mom's name is Zhou Qing. I'm sorry that I can't grow up with you. I'm sorry that I can't give you a complete family. However, this is the fate of our mother and child. I don’t want to love someone, but my mother doesn’t regret having you. You must grow up happily, and be a good man... Be a man upright like your father.

If you find this letter, it is destined. Your father is called Su Tianwen. He is the eldest son of the Su family in Kyoto. Back then, the Su family wanted to marry the Zhang family, so the Su family strictly forbids your father and mother to be together. So my mother returned to Haitian City and severed contact with your father. In the next few months, you will come to this world. When you see you, your mother feels extremely happy. Thank God for letting your mother have you. So mom doesn’t regret...

Later, people from Kyoto found Haitian City, and my mother had to send you to the orphanage and gave this letter to your aunt for safekeeping. No matter when you read this letter, you must understand that your father is an upright man. The man, mom doesn’t blame him, let alone hate him, don’t hate him either...

When you grow up, if you want to find him in Kyoto with these baby shoes, he will know...

Love you forever and miss your mom-Zhou Qing.

July 18, 20XX. 】

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