Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1480: The secret of reincarnation

A hundred years of reincarnation.

Su Mu jumped directly from Zhongzhou to Huangtianzhou District.

The information had been passed to Feihuo Meteor, so Su Mu and the Goddess Shuilan flew directly to Luotian Resident City in Huangtianzhou District.

In the resident city square, Su Mu had already seen Feitian Yinghen and Feitian Meteor in the air looking up and waiting for Su Mu.

"Brother Su." After seeing Su Mu, Feihuo Meteor couldn't help but misted his eyes, and then hugged Su Mu the moment Su Mu landed.

Su Mu knows Feihuo Meteor’s mood. In any case, there has been a biochemical crisis in their world, and there has also been a reincarnation monster killing humans. This is the game’s reincarnation suddenly turned into a murderous thing, and no one can be in it. Accepted in a short time.

So even a flying meteor in his thirties will inevitably explode.

After a while, Feihuo Meteor released Su Mu and smiled awkwardly: "Brother Su laughed, and Feihuo never thought that one day I would cry with a man in my arms, haha."

Su Mu understands Feihuo Meteor’s mood, because there is no one he can trust in the entire world, because almost all of his relatives and friends are dead, even if he meets some surviving people in the real world, he will survive, for Food and cannibalism, and there are reincarnation monsters and zombies hunting humans at night, so at this time, the flying fire meteor saw Su Mu as if they had caught the straw.

The Hundred Years Reincarnation is connected to Su Mu’s Earth Reincarnation, and there must be information they don’t know. So when you find Su Mu, Feihuo Meteor will feel that the world is still saved. At least they can’t explain the Hundred Years Reincarnation and the Earth’s reincarnation, right?

Su Mu took the flying meteor and walked directly to the lobby of the resident city.

There were only four people in the huge resident city at this time, and this atmosphere really made Su Mu feel very depressed.

Su Mucai always came to the conference hall and asked: "Your world is basically the same as I expected, and I also encountered such a world..."

The flying fire meteor was startled, and Su Mu's earth also became like this?

Then Su Mu briefly talked about the gate of the future called by the goddess Feng Xi. Feitian Yinghen on the side was stunned, but Feihuo Meteor didn't have much surprise. The things that Su Mu and him could see were enough for people. It feels horrified. Now that the real world has become an apocalypse because of the game, what other weird things in this world can make flying meteors weird?

Therefore, it is almost numb.

Feihuo Meteor said helplessly: "I have been developing the game industry since the beginning of the whole series of games, and it has been twenty years now, but I never thought that one day games will swallow the real world. This is considered as in a novel. It’s hard to imagine in the movie... I can’t believe that the world will become like this..."

"Did any strange things happen before your world changed? For example, abnormal things in reincarnation?"

It has been a long time since Su Mu has entered the cycle of a hundred years, so Su Mu needs to understand what happened on the way.

"You have been here once in the past two months. Since you left last time, the national war has started, the border war, the map of the top of the world, the temple is opened, more than one hundred and two players have all entered the temple and been blocked. Titles, these titles will bless the combat power attributes, the level will still rise, and the high bottom of the title will gradually increase with the level... But I have always been surprised, since the temple excludes the level number to calculate the player's strength, why? Do you want to say that you can upgrade your title by upgrading? There is conflict in itself...

Su Mu frowned, does this have anything to do with world changes?

Feihuo Meteor glanced at Su Mu and continued: "What I want to say is that there are not only people in our world in the temple."

Su Mu was surprised when he heard this.

Not just people in their world in the temple?

Feihuo Meteor could understand Su Mu's mood, and he also had this expression when he entered the temple.

"Let's put a code on this parallel universe. For example, your world is called Earth One, and our world is called Earth Two. Then, in the temple, I saw the players of Earth Three and Earth Four!"


Su Mu was completely stunned.

According to the flying fire meteor, there are countless earths and countless humans and civilizations in this parallel universe, and this reincarnation is the bridge of these civilizations, a time tunnel that connects each civilization?

If this is the case, it is actually a good explanation for the existence of the Aquamarine Goddess. Since they are not data, they naturally come from a certain space or a certain planet. If the flying fire meteors say it is true, then the Aquamarine Goddess... …

Thinking of this, Su Mu looked at the goddess of water blue, and the latter pouted, "The world of water blue is called reincarnation."


Su Mu was surprised again.

The truth began to be revealed slowly. The water-blue world is called Reincarnation Star? So it exists just like the earth star? Also, why would the goddess of water and blue tell herself at this time?

The goddess Aquamarine seemed to have expected what Su Mu would think, so she directly wrapped her hands around the edge of her long skirt, and then said: "I'm sorry Susu, Aquamarine cannot be said before. I have been waiting for this secret slowly. You can only tell you when you untie the water blue...otherwise..."

Su Mu quickly grabbed Shui Lan's little hand and said, "It's okay, I don't blame you, I'm just a little surprised."

The water blue goddess glanced at Su Mu and Feihuo Meteor and said, "I'm sorry, it was our world that ruined yours. I'm really sorry Su Su..."

Feihuo Meteor looked at the goddess of water and blue in surprise, even Feitian Yinghen was completely sluggish, this truth was too surprising.

Therefore, reincarnation is not simply a product of the earth. The entire game of reincarnation is likely to be an alien product. This can also prove the main reason why the general game bureau of the earth cannot control reincarnation.

The water blue goddess murmured: "Susu, in fact, our sisters have been working hard to help you and help you reach the top of the world. As long as you reach the top of the world, you can control the future of the earth by defeating the master boss in Samsara. It develops. As long as the main brain cannot start the interstellar teleportation, then Susu’s earth will not be harmed..."

"The main brain boss?"

"Well, it is the ultimate **** of reincarnation, the main boss that controls the operation of reincarnation. Once the main brain is killed, reincarnation will return to your management, but the earth will be safe and sound, but this main brain boss is subject to conditions..."

Su Mu pulled the goddess of water blue, feeling the goddess of water blue apology, but a little tangled.

The goddess of water blue smiled innocently and said: "It's okay, Susu, as long as you win the first place in the national war, you can find the main brain boss when there are no opponents in the entire reincarnation."

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