Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1485: Break the agreement

The players who watched the game looked curiously behind the team of God's Domain.

At this time in God's Domain, the members of the rear suddenly started fighting, and some people began to retreat, and some people began to withdraw from the meeting. Although this phenomenon was not a lot, it suddenly affected the current atmosphere and momentum of God's Domain.

The others in the Hall of the Gods were constantly directing the battle. Xia Feng and Long rushed back to look at the scene and shouted, "Fuck me, stop!"

The chaotic scene is only in the range of a hundred thousand people, and almost all of them are gathered together, so instead of Xia Feng and the dragon running back and forth.

At this time, the members of the Gods' Domain in the back row surrounded these hundreds of thousands of people with swords.

Xia Feng looked at one of the berserkers in the crowd with ID called Zui Xiao Meng Hong Lou and cursed: "You **** want to rebel?!"

Luo Li also came behind Xia Feng. She stared at the tens of thousands of people surrounded and frowned. Then she opened the sound transmission to Xia Feng and said: "These people should be bought, Xia Feng, don't get angry. They are expelled from the guild, and don’t kill them."

Xia Feng suddenly turned his head and stared at Luo Li and asked, "Don't kill them?"

Luo Li frowned upon hearing this. This Xia Feng was still too impulsive. She continued to use voice transmission and said: "Look at the male to female ratio of this team."

Xia Feng just noticed that at least one third of the 100,000 people surrounded were female players. This is very rare in the battle team of God's Domain. Female players are generally from the logistics department. Although the members also have female players, these tens of thousands of female players are a bit scary.

"What do you mean?" Xia Feng asked questioningly.

Long said faintly at this time: "It should be Bairou Wenxiang, right?"

Luo Li nodded heavily: "You should have seen this guild when you went to the Forbidden Continent with Big Brother Su last time?"

Xia Feng gave a thump in her heart. When Xia Feng and Su Mu met a group of women at the exit of the Redstone Grand Canyon, Su Mu said that these people were Bairou Wenxiang, and Xia Feng knew this Bairou Wenxiang, but Xia Feng didn’t. Thought of actually infiltrating the Hall of Gods!

This Drunken Dream Red Mansion is the No. 95 member of the Hall of the Gods!

Xia Feng walked a few steps forward, Luo Li wanted to stop him, but there was no way. Xia Feng stared at the person and said, "I will ask your boss, why can't you please?"

Zui Xiaomeng Honglou lowered his head a little when he heard the words, and then stared at Xia Feng: "I know this is our fault, but there is always a decision between brothers and women, Xia Feng, no matter what is happening today. , I must take these 100,000 brothers away, and I must kill me after the war to find the boss!"

"Fuck you paralyzed! Can the boss still play the game? The boss has been blocked for national warfare. Are you **** giving up the entire God Realm for a woman at this time?"

Drunk, laughing and dreaming of the Red Mansions is silent, everyone has their own ambitions.

Xia Feng stared at him with a sneer, and Long suddenly asked at this moment: "In fact, it is difficult to make a decision between a brother and a woman. I just want to ask, in this kind of thing, is his own woman? Should you support your own man? Instead of instigating your own man and your brother to turn against each other, right? Then such a woman is really worth doing this for you?"

One hundred thousand brothers suddenly.

Long was right. In this period, whether it is a wife or a girlfriend, shouldn't they support themselves to help their brothers? At this time, the woman next to her let herself stab her brothers in the back. This kind of thing is really worth thinking about.

However, at this time, Drunken Smile and Dream of Red Mansions smiled helplessly: "Standing and talking will not hurt back! What if your woman still has a contract in the hands of others? How would you choose? Or give you the only choice, choose a woman or Choose this teamfight? I can't stab my brother in the back, but I definitely can't participate in this teamfight, Xia Feng, Long, no matter what you think of me, there is no room for negotiation on this matter."

At this moment, Luo Li fully understood this person's mood, so she continued to transmit to Xia Feng: "Let them go."

Xia Feng was startled, and Long nodded.

Xia Feng was angry and couldn't restrain himself and shouted: "Just take care of it! I want to fight!!!"

Seeing Xia Feng running away, Long sighed helplessly. Sometimes things were so uncontrollable, and he had no choice. This Bairou Wenxiang was already small in China, but Long still did not think of Aisha. Actually dared to plant spies under Su Mu's nose.

"Let's go." Long said lightly.

Zui Xiaomeng Red Mansion was startled, he didn't expect that what the dragon said would actually be you go instead of killing them.

This makes Zui Xiao Meng Hong Lou sluggish.

At this time, the dragon suddenly shouted, "Isn't going away? Waiting for God's Domain to send you off?"

Zui Xiaomeng Honglou gritted his teeth, then turned and shouted: "Brothers! Withdraw!"


The members of God's Domain surrounded the 100,000 people in the Red Chamber of Drunken Smile and Dream.

"Boss Long! Just let them go? I don't accept it! The brothers are fighting fiercely! This group of people stabbed a knife in the back, let them go now?"

"Can't let them go!"

"Never let them go!"

"Fuck! Exterminate this group of spoils!"

"I don't care about anything for the sake of money for women? What is there to protect this kind of woman? Lao Tzu knows that these people are controlled by the **** of Bairou Wenxiang! Brothers wake up!

"Fuck Nima! Can you forget how the boss was sealed?"

The members of God's Domain are all angry and hard to bear!

Why did you apply to attack the Mythical Empire seven days ago? Isn’t it because the Mythical Empire didn’t fight the country seven days ago? The final result was that Su Mu was sealed and God's Domain was destroyed!

That's why today's war has come. Even if they know that today's war cannot be won, this is not the reason they betrayed their brothers, right?

Long frowned, and the anger in his heart was not a monstrous flame? However, in this period of conflict? Originally it was not an opponent of the Mythical Empire, and if the brothers were allowed to civil war at this time, then this war would not be necessary.

Moreover, the dragon also knew that this time it must be a trick used by the top of the Mythical Empire, so all the hatred should be avenged on the Mythical Empire.

"Keep off all! Let them go! Obey orders!!!"

The members of God's Domain could not help but startled, the people in the front row slowly stepped aside, and soon a passageway on the scene stepped away, but all the members of God's Domain had their eyes full of anger and staring at the 100,000 people who were watching the Drunken Dreams Go forward slowly.

Can you imagine the mood of Zuixiaomeng Honglou and others at this time? The choice between the brother and the woman, coupled with the words of Long and Xia Feng, made them have to think about it... But what can be done now? Now even if they turn around and join God's Domain, they have no chance...

Watching these 100,000 people leave, the dragon's face was flushed and shouted: "Brothers! The dignified mythical empire! Even with the absolute advantage of the number of people, you must use this shameless trick! Follow me! Kill this group Rubbish!!"


"Kill kill kill!"

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