Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1495: The Seven Gods Gather (6 more)

Cai Zhongcheng doesn't believe that God's Domain Muying can go online now. After all, it was directly sealed by the game manager. Wouldn't it be contrary to you if you go online again?

Han Fei's people didn't dare to rush forward.

Jin Minhao stood up and shouted: "Brothers, don't be afraid. Even if he is the replacement of God's Domain Muying, he is not a God's Domain Muying. Today, if we destroy this person, he must be famous in the world. What are you afraid of? Enough for him to chop for a few days, all to cheer me up and charge!!"


The blade wing waved again, and Su Mu couldn't help but sneered in the air: "Slash? I still need to slash one by one to kill you? If you don't accept it, you can rush forward. If I use the second skill to destroy you, it is not the shadow of God!"

At this time, Su Mu still dare not use the real ID. After all, he can’t add chaos to the Huaxia executives at the Game General Administration. The Game General Administration cannot control and investigate Su Mu’s data. This has been proven, so as long as he doesn’t use it. How did the General Administration of Muying, an ID game, seal itself again? Just because the equipment is the same?

Just ask, how much equipment is the same in reincarnation?

So Su Mu also thought of this, just don’t use the ID of Muying, the high-level Hua Xia of the Game General Administration can play tricks with them, isn’t that Muying of God’s Domain, you seal your ass? If you can prove that he is God's Domain Muying, you can block him, but the game's general bureau cannot check Su Mu's data and information at all, so how do you prove it?

Han Fei’s people stood in place and did not dare to move forward. This kind of scene made Huaxia’s players very happy. Millions of people came to attack the border, and have been intercepted by one person outside the border?

"Haha, Han Feibang, go home and eat kimchi!"

"Stupid! What's awesome? A Muying in China can block the people of your country! Get out!"

"Haha! Get out of here!"

The curses and cheers of the audience made Cai Zhongcheng and the other commanders frown.

Seeing the worries of the players around him, Cai Zhongcheng couldn't help but shouted: "Brothers! You are all Han Fei's elites, you are Han Fei's outstanding ones. Are you going to be scared by one person at this time? Does it look like a mess? After returning to China, what face do you have to face your relatives and friends? What if he is Muying? What if he is dead? Give me the morale of Han Fei!"

Jin Minhao took advantage of this moment and shouted loudly: "Everyone! Ready to charge! Rush into the Huangtianzhou area!"



Fear is very easy to eliminate. After all, this is reincarnation and not the real world, so at this time Han Fei's team began to roar, and everyone screamed like cheering themselves.

Morale was restored, and the Huaxia players on the scene calmed down, because they were really afraid that Han Fei would rush over, and even the Shadow of Gods Domain might not be able to control the charge of millions of people...

At this time, at the moment when Han Fei's people surged.

In the air.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

The seven colors of blue, red, green, yellow, gold, thunder and lightning, and hurricane appeared directly on both sides of Su Mu.

The Shuilan Goddess and the Empress clung to both sides of Su Mu, and then other women hovered in the air.

Yingying Yanyan, the arrogant laughter of the empress!

His eyes widened instantly at the scene!

"He is really the Shepherd Shadow of God's Domain!"

"Fuck! Really not blocked?!"

"It must be, seven goddesses? Fuck?!"

"It's too late, it turns out there are seven, isn't it just three or four?"

"I'm going~~"

The Huaxia player was stunned at this time, and at the same time surprised, because this person is really the Shepherd Shadow of God's Domain, and he is actually the Shepherd Shadow.

Nima was almost misled by Han Fei's stick just now and thought that this person was really holding the equipment of God's Domain Muying, and now it seems that this is really God's Muying!

Not blocked!

That's the game manager!

Fuck it!

The Chinese players in the audience talked a lot.

At this time, Han Fei's Cai Zhongcheng and Jin Minhao were directly staring at Su Mu and the seven outstanding goddesses with their eyes widened.

They couldn't believe that this was actually true, and the Muying of Gods Domain, which was blocked by the game manager, went online again? How can this be? Does Nima also have an inside story?

But over the years, the General Administration of Games has not been able to have an internal game. After all, this is the era of the entire system of hundreds of millions of players.

The shock of the audience can be imagined, not only because of this favorite, but the most important thing is because the shadow of the gods has been sealed long ago.

Su Mu disregarded Han Fei’s three million team and shouted: "I am God’s Muying! Han Fei’s stick! Give you another chance and don’t retreat! I will destroy your entire continent! Do what you say! Do it if you don’t accept it!! "



The blue dress was fluttering, and the long silk in the hands of the water blue goddess instantly braved two water columns. The stunning and moving cheeks directly forced Han Fei to retreat.

The female emperor madly summoned a huge fire dragon in the air. With the appearance of the dragon, the female emperor directly let the fire dragon stay in the air in a semi-circular manner, and the enchanting figure of the female emperor sat directly on the fire dragon, showing its big length. His legs and a charming smile stared at Han Fei's team.

Each goddess summoned its own elemental special effects. Jin Ning's golden dragon, Fengxi goddess's wind dragon, wood dragon, earth dragon, thunder and lightning intertwined thunder dragon, etc. all appeared in the air.

What scene did the seven dragons with different attributes form on both sides of Su Mu?

Not to mention the players of Huaxia and the people of Han Fei, even Su Mu felt the visual shock when seeing this scene.

The water blue goddess was promoted to the highest **** of the gods. At this time, she and the female emperor shouted in surprise at the front of the air: "Fault my Huaxia! Even if it is far away, you will be punishable!!"

"Gluck..." The mad female emperor was led by the fire dragon to spin a few times in the air, and shouted: "The one who violated my Susu! What can I do with this reincarnation law? It's a big deal a few months later, the old lady will be the highest **** of the gods! Han Fei? What are you guys? Not convinced to play with my old lady~~"

Although the rest of the goddesses did not speak, the skills in their hands were already in the state of being released.

At this time, after Shui Lan and the Empress flew a few meters forward, Han Fei's team couldn't help but retreat, and even Cai Zhongcheng and Jin Minhao retreated.

They had to retreat. He knew the power of these goddesses very well. If the three million people of Han Fei would not be completely wiped out if they really fought, who knew what Muying had left behind?

So Jin Minhao and Cai Zhongcheng couldn't help frowning.

"Fast, what the **** are you waiting for?!" Cai Zhongcheng suddenly shouted to the rear of the team.


A long white shirt rushed out of the crowd in an instant, and then went straight to the height of fifty meters in the sky and was level with Su Mu...

The Chinese players in the audience were startled.

Speeding the world? Han Fei who was the first individual MVP last year?

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