Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1503: Goodbye

Forbidden Island area.



The members of God's Domain raised their heads and shouted, and the Yinsan team fled.

God's Domain, together with the support team of Huangtianzhou District, totaled more than five million people, and coupled with the team of the Mythical Empire, the entire scene has a team of nearly tens of millions of people from China, and Yin San wants to break through the border? What to charge? Kneeling and charging?

The players in the Forbidden Continent were full of enthusiasm, and the audience began to cheer after seeing Yin San fleeing.

"God's Domain God's Domain!"

"God's Domain God's Domain!"

"God's domain first! God's domain first!"

All the scenes are calling the name of God's Domain, Mythical Empire? It has long been left behind.

Now players have the same mind!

What was the mythical empire doing when God's Domain was defending Yinsan in the Forbidden Island? He stabbed a knife in the back, and today, God's Domain almost took the resident city of the Mythical Empire just two hours ago, but what did God's Domain do when it heard the border invasion?

They instantly gave up attacking the mythical empire, and then rushed directly to the border to resist India!

The most important thing is that for the honor of the country, God's Domain is directly defended in the Forbidden Continent. This is the territory of the mythical empire!

But the players all know that the Mythic Empire that has gone through such a big battle can't stop the tens of millions of people from Yin San's charge, so at this time, God's Domain is obliged to stay in the Forbidden Continent instead of the Mythical Empire to defend.

What kind of boldness is this? What kind of national justice is it?

Therefore, at this time, the word of mouth of the mythical empire and the word of God's domain are instantly one in the sky and one underground. The entire Forbidden Continent was originally the popularity of the mythical empire, and it was the home field!

But now, all the scenes are calling the name of God's Domain, and they are the first in God's Domain!

So, mythical empire, what are you?

First in China? Shame! !

All the people roared with passion, although the two-hour battle caused nearly two-thirds of the people in God's Domain to be killed or injured, but at this time the entire God's Domain was enjoying the cheers of Chinese players.

The people of the mythical empire returned to their resident city in despair.

When Xia Feng walked back with the team, he watched the Mythic Empire's resident city stop.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Nima, still can't fight?

Luo Li smiled slightly: "After Xia Feng, Brother Su told us to go back."

Chen Xiaoruan also said with a smile: "The purpose of fighting the Mythical Empire is not for their resident city, do you understand Big Brother Xia Feng?"

Xia Feng snorted: "Anyway, I just see them uncomfortable!"

Fighting the Mythical Empire is for morale, for that tone, for fame. Now the entire China is slandering the Mythical Empire and elevating the Divine Realm, so the goal of the Divine Realm has been achieved. What if the Mythical Empire is now won? Without any egg use, God's Domain does not even bother to occupy this resident city in area C. Lao Tzu's area B can't be used up yet.

God’s Domain team walked from the edge of the mythical empire’s resident city mightily. None of the people of the mythical empire came out, and even the members of the mythical empire could not be seen on the walls. At this time, the mythical empire seemed to be stinking. It's the same...

at the same time.

When walking back in God's Domain, inside the Imperial City in the Forbidden Continent.

A figure slowly stopped in front of a shop called "Bairou Wenxiang".

"Shenyu Wanjian!"

boom! ! ! ! !


"The safe zone kills!"

Jian Qi directly killed several guards at the gate, Su Mu's figure slowly walked in, and the players began to flee. At this time, no one knew who Su Mu was, let alone why Su Mu came here to make trouble.

But there is one point that players know very well. If you make trouble in the safe area, you will be chased by the system guards, and this is Bairou Wenxiang, this is Bairou Wenxiang! !

All the players started to run out, but none of them left the street. They all stopped and watched Su Mu's figure slowly walking in.

It seems that in the hall decorated in the ancient Qinglou building, in addition to the girls, there are some male players rushing out of the room.

"Who the **** is this? Dare to make trouble here? Don't want to mess with it?"

"Fuck, do you know who is covering this place?"

Some male players must pretend to play here, especially in front of girls, so countless people began to take responsibility for Su Mu.

Su Mu directly sat on the edge of the middle table in the hall, and poured himself a cup of tea.

In an instant, countless male players who had just finished their work from the room or interrupted their work rushed out.

For a while, Su Mu was surrounded by people, and some people even wanted to do it.

"Grass, how come I haven't seen you? Don't know what is good or bad, hurry up and let me get rid of things, I will kill you!"

"If you don't leave Lao Tzu, you won't be able to mix in the Forbidden Continent, get out!"

Su Mu sat and did not speak.

At this time, there was a sudden shout of surprise from the second floor: "Shut up all!"

These people turned around one after another, and then saw the blond Asia slowly walking down the stairs.

"Haha, the boss, this person is not good or bad, let the brothers clean it out for you?"

"That is, dare to make trouble with Aisha, is this person stupid?"

A group of people began to laugh flatteringly. Of course, Aisha's reputation in the Forbidden Continent area needless to say, even people from the Mythical Empire must be polite to come here, so maybe these male players who come to prostitute may not flatter?

The character of Aisha had a cold look on her cheeks, which made them think that Aisha was angry and that this person must be hunted down to level zero.

"Fuck me!" Aisha sneered coldly.

The audience was quiet, and even the girls here looked at Aisha unexpectedly.

The person didn't react, Aisha stared at the people around again and shouted: "Didn't you hear? Get out of here! Right now!"


In an instant, countless assassins jumped out of the building, and then began to clean up the players in this hall.

The girls looked at Su Mu sitting in the hall in shock at this time. Who is this person? Why is Asia so angry?

However, what made them even more shocked was that Aisha suddenly smiled and looked at Su Mu and said, "It's been a long time since I saw you. Come to me and destroy my things?"

Su Mu suddenly raised his head and looked at Aisha with a sneer: "It's been a long time."

Aisha quickly hung up the sign-like smile and said: "Go, I'll take you to the private room for a while..."

Snapped! With a single hand wave, Su Mu landed on Aisha's face with a slap, and the slap caused the woman to lower her head directly...



The horror instantly spread to all the girls here, she is Aisha! Not only the Aisha in the game, she is the Aisha of the American Empire!

This person doesn't want to live anymore? Don't want to live in reality?


All the assassins rushed up to surround Su Mu in an instant, and their skills were released in an instant.

"Stop it all!"


Aisha waved her long sleeves, and a burst of gas instantly knocked over a dozen assassins around to the ground.

Hula la fell to the ground!

The atmosphere on the scene became even more frightening! ! !

Aisha...what's wrong? !

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