Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1507: Su Tian asked again (6 more)

Su Mu walked slowly behind Aisha's buttocks. There were a lot of players in the whole town, but not many people spoke. The atmosphere was very strange, and Su Mu also learned about it through Aisha.

This Scarlet Fortress is a kind of copy type. It is an ancient ruined battlefield in the fairy world. There are a large number of bosses and a large number of treasure chests in it. When Su Mu walked in the small town, he took a look around, and he suddenly discovered that here It was the place where the goddess of the water and the blue goddess walked out of the cave, and it was the **** fortress that the goddess of the blue water said at the beginning.

This coincidence made Su Mu a little speechless.

A group of people stopped at the entrance of a cave.

Standing in front of the crowd, Zhu Xue said: "It's still the old rule, because there are many friends who are here for the first time, so I'll just say it briefly."

"This Scarlet Fortress is level 150, and there are no mobs in it. When the first monster you encounter is the boss, don't panic. Follow my instructions and move forward slowly. Whoever finds what you hit will go to whom, but The stage boss must be divided equally by origin, and the ownership of the equipment is judged according to the market price. This can be entered if there is no opinion."

Still no one speaks, it seems that everyone knows this rule.

Su Mu couldn't deny it. Whoever picked up the things that the little boss came up with. Although this kind of thing would cause disputes, it was also the best way to distribute it. After all, the people here were all from different guild masters.

And the stage boss should be worthy of some big bosses of this dungeon, and the equipment divided by the blood phagocytosis is his advantage in leading the team.

The group walked directly into Scarlet Fortress.

The outside is white snow, but the inside of the cave is blood red, looking like blood stains.

Su Mu and Aisha are in the middle of the crowd, so there is no need to worry about monster attacks before and after.

"Why did you bring me here?" Su Mu suddenly started the voice transmission.

Aisha was stunned, and then smiled: "The two times I came in, through chatting with Bleeding Blood, I learned that this **** color will be the deepest and they will make it to the second stage, and they can't enter the third stage, so... "

"You asked me a Rank 5 person to play a copy of Rank 7? Are you crazy?"

"Hehe, if you say you dare not let us go now."

"What are you calling kidnapping!" Su Mu rolled his eyes.

Aisha smiled: "Actually, it's completely unexpected that there are people in your God's Domain."

"Accidental Nima, one hundred thousand people turned against the water, dare you say that it was an accident? It would be understandable if one or two regiment leaders turned against the water, but now there are one hundred thousand people, how do you explain it?" He finally said it was on time, Su Mulai Aisha was sought to resolve this matter.

In fact, Su Mu also knew that Aisha was definitely not going to be an enemy with Su Mu deliberately, she didn't dare, and wouldn't, so there must be other reasons for this.

As she walked, Aisha said, "Some of these people were controlled by us when they did not join God's Domain. Later, we also controlled a few of the leaders in God's Domain. Anyway, we must survive. , So I can’t keep buying news from Poppy."

"I don't listen to your nonsense, tell me who hired you."

"Su Tian asked."

Su Mu's eyes widened when he heard this.

Su Tian asked again?

How could this person follow his own life as if he were not scattered?

In Austrian University, I only missed Wenren Zihan, but Su Tianwen was involved, Su Mu's life experience suddenly became confusing, and now God's Domain and the Myth Empire's trade union battle, Su Tianwen intervened?

"How come Su Tian asked? Su Tian asked about the Mythical Empire? Since he is fighting against God's Domain, he cannot turn your people back against the water at this time. Isn't this discrediting the Mythical Empire? People should also do it before the start of the war rather than let you do it during the fierce battle."

"Right." Aisha said: "I couldn't figure this out when I started, so the only explanation is that Su Tian asked deliberately?"

"What do you mean?" Su Mu became more and more confused, Su Tian asked deliberately discredit the Mythical Empire? Didn't he do this to discredit his face? Can't figure it out.


The bombing of the skills ahead began, and Su Mu and Aisha stood where they were. Aisha watched Su Mu and continued to speak: "The boss behind the mythical empire is Su Tian asked, so why does he discredit his guild? Su Tianwen is neither stupid nor lunatic. It must be a fine city to sit in his position, so I thought that Su Tianwen did this deliberately, and then made the popularity of the mythical empire down..."

Speaking of this, Aisha smiled mysteriously, then stared at Su Mu and stopped talking.

Su Mu snorted, "Just say what you want."

"Hehe, let me just say it? You must not be angry."


"Your life experience should be clear soon, right? So Su Tian asked the only explanation for this is to destroy the mythical empire, and then let you annex the gods!"

Su Mu was not surprised, because Su Mu thought about what Aisha said, but Su Mu didn't want to believe it, and didn't want to have anything to do with Su Tianwen, or that he didn't want any help from Su Tianwen.

After all, Su Mu's mother jumped off the building and died, no matter how Zhang Minshu and Su Mu's aunt explained, this matter still has nothing to do with Su Tianwen.

Therefore, the sole purpose of the Mythical Empire itself is to mess with Su Mu, because God's Domain has risen this year and has a certain strength and foundation in China, so Su Tianwen wants to give the entire Mythical Empire to himself!

This is currently the only reason why Su Tianwen did so.

Is it just that Su Mu wants a mythical empire? May accept Su Tian asked this gift in disguised form, or his compensation?


Su Mu wouldn't say that because he was going to forgive him for ignoring his mother's things that year, there would be a battle with Su Tianwen sooner or later.

Aisha smiled at this moment and said, "Also, Su Tianwen wants me to assist you."


"Look down on others?"

"It's kind of."

"Ying, you are not kind, so today you slapped people twice in vain?"

"But you are still joking with me flatteringly."

"Are you talking about people being thick-skinned."

"A bit self-aware."

"Haha, forget it, sooner or later you will agree, not in a hurry." Aisha stood up and continued on the road.

The team had hit a boss since they came in, and no one was lost. This surprised Su Mu a little bit.

After waiting to clean up to the first stage of the cave, the entire team walked up, only Aisha and Su Mu stood behind.

"The Paladin attracts hatred, so you must not let the boss attack the anemia class. I'll go to blame."

Speaking of Bleeding Blood, he walked forward for a certain distance, and immediately after hearing a loud roar, the whole cave trembled instantly.

A rumbling voice came, and Su Mu couldn't help widening his eyes when he saw the boss.

Aisha chuckled, "Now you know why I brought you here, right?"

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