Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1539: Water and blue help


The baby stood up immediately when he saw this scene.

Then he saw that Dead Snow was about to hit Su Mu's chest and suddenly stopped in place.

Wang Xue stared at a piece of ice on the soles of her feet, and then looked at the girl in a blue dress on the opposite side with a shock...

At this time, all the men in black directly pointed their submachine guns at the goddess of water blue.

At this time, Su Mu shouted: "Go and save Xiaoruan! Hurry!"

The water blue goddess was startled and waved slightly with one hand.

Chang Ling flew up instantly, grabbing Chen Xiaoruan's waist in an instant, and then an ice thorn directly cut the rope.

The infant on the second floor waved his hand to signal everyone not to shoot.

Hula la...


Whoosh~ whoo~

The two daggers instantly attacked the Goddess of Aqua in the air, and Aqua only slightly waved with one hand, a snow-like ice blocking the daggers, but the figure of the Gods of Aqua fell directly and stood beside Su Mu again.

At this time, Su Mu bounced vigorously, and then a leap rushed towards the repulsed Dead Snow. At this moment, Dead Snow almost subconsciously raised his hands to block Su Mu's knee attack!


Su Mu was shot off instantly, and the dead snow possessing Guwu was not something Su Mu could restrain now...

"Su Su..." The water blue goddess directly caught Su Mu in the air.

"Why did you come out?" Su Mu frowned. Last time in reality, it was because of the Goddess Aqua that led to the incident of Wang Zidong. Now the Goddess of Aqua has walked out of the Tower of the Gods by herself, although the goddess of Aqua has already existed in reality. Ability, but her abilities are still very limited, the only thing she can do is to mobilize the water element aggregation skills in the air.

"Hehe, it is so... it is so..." Ying smiled on the second floor.


boom! boom!

Countless braziers were lit instantly, and the entire factory building became a scene of blazing fire...

The moisture in the air slowly burned, but the goddess of water blue said with a smile: "If there is a fire, the female emperor sister is very happy..."

Su Mu smiled slightly. Both the Water Blue Goddess and the Empress Fire God have merged elemental crystals. At this time, the only two of the seven goddesses are capable in reality. Although their abilities are limited, they are not comparable to ordinary people.



All the submachine guns were aimed at Chen Xiaoruan in the air, Su Mu frowned slightly.

"Shadow, take your goddess back."

At this time, Ying suddenly changed her name to Su Muying instead of Su Mu. This change in detail shows that this woman has begun to take her seriously...

So at this time Su Mu had to choose this way, and directly took back the goddess of water blue.

And doing this can be regarded as a sigh of relief. After all, the goddesses appear in the real world and there is a certain wind direction themselves. Su Mu does not want to put the goddesses in any danger because of saving Chen Xiaoruan, Su Mu can solve the small soft matter by himself!

"Very well, I've had enough time for my old lady, so take action." The smile on Ying's face has disappeared, replaced by a cold expression.

At this time, Wangxue walked up directly, and then smiled at Su Mu and said, "The shadow of the remnant soul, it’s not too embarrassing to die in my hands, isn’t it? I hope Qing and Yue won’t know you are dead in my hands. It will be so sad...hehe..."





The sound of a chest fracture came from Su Mu's body, and Dead Snow jumped directly in the air, and then his knees went straight to Su Mu's throat.


At this moment, Su Mu suddenly lay back, and immediately saw Wang Xue with a disdainful smile, as if it was too late to resist now?


Su Mu’s knees lifted up and collided with Yexue’s knees. Immediately afterwards, he saw Su Mu’s figure lying directly on the ground and quickly moved back a distance of one meter. Then he saw that Su Mu was like a piece of paper. Burst into laughter.

call! ! !


"go to hell!"

Click! ! ! ! !

With his knees bent, Su Mu directly hit the back of Dead Xue with his knee at a height of two meters in the air. With a click, the pupils of Dead Xue's whole body instantly enlarged. Following that, he saw that his eyes were congested and his body was lying on the back. On the ground...

Spine fracture, bone marrow, nerve break.


All the ropes on his body were broken, and Su Mu stood there and looked at the infant on the second floor: "Do you really think that what kind of pill you have can control my ability? You still underestimate the ability of reincarnation, otherwise how did you resurrect? Isn't it the ability that reincarnation gives you?"

May Ling’s treatment is as simple as detoxification in reality? Ying's pill was just a stomachache for Su Mu...

"You, what, know?!" Ying completely ignored the death of Dead Xue.

Because what Su Mu said shocked her too much.

Only a few people, or only her, knew about her resurrection, but now Su Mu had directly said the point, which completely lost her squareness.

But how did she know that Su Mu had already met her in the future world, so Su Mu naturally knew that the infant was resurrected by a certain ability.

"Not only do I know this, I also know that your body's ability is regeneration, right?" Su Mu slowly dropped the rope on his body.


With a bang, the dagger directly cut the rope on Chen Xiaoruan, then hugged Chen Xiaoruan and fell to the ground.

Su Mu slowly untied the ropes on Chen Xiaoruan's body, Ying and the big men in black stood there watching, as if they didn't mean to stop Su Mu.

However, when Ying looked at the people in black around him, he suddenly shouted, "Shoot!"

But as she had expected, all the people in black at this time stood still and stopped moving.

Ying quickly walked to the person in black who was closest to her. When she looked at these people up close, she discovered that frost had appeared on the faces of these people, and they were even melting...but these people's consciousness was early There is no more...

"Where are they... when... was it when your goddess appeared?" Ying suddenly widened his eyes.

Slowly put Chen Xiaoruan in the corner, and Su Mu smiled and said, "You guessed it, why do you think the goddess appears and disappear after a while? Just to show you the face of the goddess? Haha."

Ying looked at Su Mu incredulously.

But at this time, Su Mu stood up and looked at her and said, "May I tell you, even if 20% of the toxins in my body have not been removed, but with the abilities of my two goddesses in the real world, you still do not have it. Any way to survive, baby, what you have prepared today is still insufficient..."


The blue light appeared, and the water blue goddess stood on the left side of Su Mu again.


A red light appeared, and the Empress Vulcan appeared in Su Mu's Youze, with a charming smile.

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